《Fated to the Moon and You | TaeKook |》4: New Beginnings


Taehyung woke feeling like shit. His head pounding and his body still ache all over. He stirred and again, strangers standing at the corner of the room, eyeing him. He frowns and slowly get up.

"Taehyung, you alright?" Jimin sit by the bed and stroke his leg slowly. Taehyung nods and smile.

"I'm alright Jiminie....w-where am i? a-am i in trouble?" His voive starts to tremble, not wanting to meet the other eyes staring at him.

"You're in Jungkook's bedroom, they found you last night"

"t-they?" taehyung shot his head up, move his eyes to the corner but still not turning his head, feeling scared and afraid.

"Yeah, The man on the corner is our Head Alpha, the beautiful woman next to him is the Luna, and, that guy over there" Jimin points at Jungkook, who is intently staring at taehyung, but taehyung keep his head low, he seems scary. His red eyes feel like they want to attack taehyung right second there.

"Is Jungkook, the next heir of Bangtan Pack...and this man" Jimin points to the mint hair boy

"y-your mate" said taehyung. Jimin hums in acknowledgement.

"Taehyung, are you feeling alright? any dizziness?" a soft voice comes forward and comes two male, one is really handsome with broad shoulder, and one is more calm with purple hair and dimple.

"I-i'm okay..."

"Taehyung, are they always treat you like that?" Jimin gives him a squeeze on his right leg. Taehyung weakly nods and tears already start to fall on his eyes.

"a-am i in t-trouble? i-i swear Jiminie....i-i didn't steal anything....i-i-i was doing laungry o-on the r-river all d-day...b-but they said i-i steal a-again....i m-might don't have alot of money...but i never steal a-anything Jiminie...i swear...." taehyung broke down crying and Jimin move forward to hug him tight. Comforting him with sweet words and rubs his back slowly.


"Sshh....Taehyung we believe you, we believe you, you're okay taehyung"

"Taehyung, i am sorry for what happenned to you, we never use violence as punishment in this pack, the head of cleaners and servers have been put into detention and will be processed through legal charges by the the head of justice in this pack. We should've known better, we are really sorry Taehyung" The head Alpha stands forward and give him a smile. He is so handsome, taehyung thought. Taehyung bowed his head and nod.

"It's o-okay Alpha"

"How come we never see you in the pack?" The Luna comes forward too, voice in concern about the latter. Taehyung gulps and doesn't want to put Jimin into trouble.

"I-I found him 9 years ago...in the forest...he was all alone and wounded, a-also he was so malnourished he almost died..so i bring him to the pack and since i know he's an omega, i put him in the Omega's Den"

"I rarely visit him since i have work but he said the head of cleaners and servers won't let him to get out from the Den....so he always sneak out from the back if he wants to go to the river to do laundry"

"I-i'm sorry....p-please don't be mad at Jiminie...." Taehyung look at them with glassy pleading eyes, tears already formed and ready to burst.

"Oh honey.....we're not mad....we just sad that they treat you so badly in the Omega's Den...as the Luna of the pack, i feel like a failure of protecting my people. I will have to go through the rules and law again. Making sure things like this doesn't happen again. And i can ensure you Taehyung...you are welcome here, you're family now, so don't think otherwise, alright honey?" She kissed Taehyung's forehead and pat his back. Taehyung smiles at the affection.


"T-thank you Luna..."

"Jeongguk, don't you want to say something to Taehyung?" The head Alpha turns to Jeongguk who still eyeins taehyung. He just huffs and get out from the room, leaving the door shut with a loud bang sound.

"Jeongguk....he jsut...a bit difficult sometimes, but he'll come around Taehyung, please bear with him, alright?" The head of Alpha smiles and leave Taehyung to rest in the bedroom. Jimin and the other also bid their goodbyes. Taehyung frowns when they all leave him alone, in Jeongguk's bedroom.

"Taehyung! this room smells good! i really like it here!!" Moon starting to wake up and Taehyung snorted.

"Moon....please...don't get your hopes up...he doesn't seem to like us"

"But still!! we are destined to be together!! he should accept us!!"

"Moon...do you think you deserved to get such a perfect person like Jeongguk? the heir of the pack? you're too much sometimes. Quit dreaming....Jeongguk was like...up there on the 10th floor, and we...in fact...is on the ground along with the insects, so stop with your expectations"

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