《His Cheetah | Soulmate/Hybrid | Jimin x Reader✔》Chapter 22
It had been a couple weeks since your wound was fully healed and both you and Jimin were free to go back to work. You both were saddened in having to go back to work, but you both knew that it was going to happen at some point. You had moved out of Jimin's dorm, much to his dismay, but you knew that you already overstayed your welcome. Jimin felt better though when he found out that you'd be staying with Suho for a little while until you felt better about being by yourself again.
It was a normal boring Monday afternoon. You and Suho were completely exhausted from training a new employee, and were both aching to get away. The nineteen-year-old girl was annoying and was flirting with poor little Suho during the entire training, and honestly you both just wanted to ditch her. She had invited you both to lunch, but you quickly turned her down and made up an absurd excuse that no sane person would fall her.
She fell for it, of course.
So, the second she left the building to spend her hour lunch break, you and Suho darted to the back of the tech store and left using the exit.
"Y/N! Where are we going?" Suho calls.
"Let's go visit Jimin and the boys," you smile.
"Aren't they in the middle of practice?"
"Nope, their lunch break is the same as ours."
"You planned this, didn't you?" Suho smirks.
"What makes you think that?" You tilt your head to the side cutely.
"I mean by your shirt, you fool," Suho chuckles. You glance down and laugh out loud at the shirt that you're wearing's print.
'Jimin's Girl'.
"Hell yeah! I gotta keep those thirsty hoes away from my man." You put your fists on your hips and give your best Superman pose. Suho laughs again and carelessly throws an arm around your shoulders.
The two of you continue your journey to the BigHit building while making jokes and sharing stores.
"Excuse me? Hello?" a voice from behind you says. You and Suho turn around.
"Take off you shirt right now. It's rude to go around advertising untrue shit about somebody else's man," a girl rudely smacks her gum. You raise your eyebrow and look the girl up and down. She was maybe in her early twenties, short blue hair, and was extremely short. She'd fit right in with the Smurfs.
"Excuse me?" you question. Suho removes his arm from around your shoulders and crosses them.
"Jimin is mine, so stay the hell away from him and take off that damn shirt!" the Smurf shrieks.
"Who do you think you are? You can't force me to unclothe myself," you state.
"I'm Jimin's future wife!" the girl squeaks.
"Like hell you are! Jimin belongs to nobody except his soulmate. Which is me." You whisper the last sentence under your breath.
"I am his soulmate! I went to his fan meet and when he smiled at me, I felt fireworks going off in my brain," the girl says dreamily.
"Oh, so that's where your brain cells dusted off to," Suho smirks.
"How dare you!"
"I'm surprised she understood that Avengers joke," you laugh.
"Of course I did! I'm not a hermit!"
"Didn't say you were," you fake smile.
"UGH!" The girl throws her hands up into the air in defeat.
"Just stay away from my husbando." The girl does the classic mean girl hair-flip and marches away, purposely swaying her hips.
"What a bitch."
"Crazy sasaeng."
You and Suho glance at each other for a couple of seconds before bursting out in laughter and continuing on your merry way to the BigHit building.
Eventually, you and Suho reach your destination. You casually open the door and skip your way to the front desk.
"Hello, do you have an appointment?" asks the clerk lady.
"No, ma'am. I've come with my best friend Kim Suho to visit my soulmate, Park Jimin," you state proudly and respectfully.
"Oh, so you're another one of those fans. The sasaengs," the lady scoffs. You and Suho exchange confused glances with each other.
"What do you mean? I'm telling the truth."
"Please leave the building right now, or I'll be forced to call security," the woman rudely stated.
"I'm being honest! Call Mr. Bang, he'll tell you that it's true!" you exclaim.
"Security! Come collect these two sasaengs!"
Two big and burly security guards appear out of nowhere and harshly grab both yours and Suho's arms.
"Hey! Let me go!" you yell.
"What are you doing? How dare you handle a woman like that?!" Suho angrily says.
"Well, you should've left on my first warning," the front desk clerk says smugly.
"Minsoo! What do you think you're doing with my soulmate?!" came a voice from behind the both of you. The guards turn around, grip on you and Suho still firm, and stands tall. Jimin's gaze meets yours and you see his eyes visibly darken and his fangs elongate and sharpen.
"Soulmate? That's what this sasaeng right here was claiming to be. We're throwing them out right now," the clerk (Minsoo) smiles proudly.
"No! Unhand them!" Jimin stomps over to the guards and rips you out of their grasp, pulling you into a hug with his arms wrapped around your waist. The guard holding your best friend releases him and steps back.
"Did you not go to the meeting where PD-nim announced that I found my soulmate?" Jimin growls angrily.
"Y-Yes, I did--"
"Were you paying attention?"
"N-N-No. . ."
"I should have you three fired for touching what's mine," Jimin grumbles angrily. You shake your head frantically.
"D-Did you says something, sir?" Minsoo nervously asks.
"No," Jimin shakes his head. "Anyway, I'll let you off with a warning this time. The next time you see either of these two people, let them straight through, capiche?" The woman nods her head and bows multiple times in in apologies as your boyfriend leads both you and Suho to the elevator.
Once inside, Jimin presses the correct floor button and back hugs you. Giving Suho the classic "what's up" head nod, Jimin buries his face into the crook of your neck, immediately relaxing from your sweet scent.
"What brings you two here?" he asks.
"We were going to surprise you and the others, but then that pesky front desk clerk spoiled the surprise," Suho scoffs. Jimin chuckles and places a light kiss on the back of your neck.
"Today, we're doing a photo shoot with TXT. I guess you two can watch us."
"Isn't it your lunch break?"
"Yeah, in about ten more minutes," Jimin replies.
While Suho wasn't paying attention, Jimin leaned down and nibbled a little bit on your ear. You hold in a breathy moan and close your eyes.
"I like your shirt," he purrs. "You should wear it everywhere you go." You face flushed red and you lowered you head.
You soon reach your location and step inside of the door. The room where the photo shoot would take place was massive; the entire room was black. Staff lined up every corner and to your left lay the dressing rooms. Straight ahead was where they actually took the pictures. The set was in the process of being switched, so you didn't know what they had previously been doing.
Catching sight of Hitman Bang, you wave to him and sit down in a nearby couch. Both TXT and BTS rush pass you and give you a slight wave. You smile in return.
"I've got to go. I'll be back as soon as I can," says Jimin. He leans down and gives you a short and sweet kiss on the lips before scurrying off to the rest of his friends.
You and Suho mess around on the couch and chat in Hyrish while you wait for Jimin to reappear. The two of you gossip about the boys, sing out-of-tune songs, and sneak over to the snack table and eat to your heart's content.
"Boys! Lunch time!"
Oh no.
Twelve pairs of feet come rushing towards you and Suho, whom was still at the snack table. You and your best friend exchange scared glances and attempt to scramble away, but it was already too late. Twelve boys sprinted to the food and ran you and Suho over.
Like you both were pushed away and stepped on.
"Ow!" you and Suho yell in unison.
"Sorry, baby! You were in the way," Jimin laughs.
"Bitch! You could've just asked us to move!" you scowl.
"Tough luck," Yoongi snickers. While his back is turned, you give him the middle finger and stick your tongue out at him. Soobin and Hueing Kai, who had been waiting not-so-patiently, laugh breathlessly. You turn and give them the stank eye. They cower away. Suho chuckles.
Once all of the boys collected their meals, they skipped to the middle of the room and plopped themselves down on the floor in a circle with you sitting in between Jimin and Suho. You all begin conversing in meaningless conversation, getting to know each other better. Jimin introduced Suho to TXT and you were all getting along nicely.
And then she called.
The employee.
You eyes widened at the number on your phone screen and screamed loudly. All eyes turned to you as you chunked your phone into Suho's lap and jumped into Jimin's. Said man searches your eyes for fear, anger, or sadness.
"Who's that? What's wrong?"
"IT'S THE SHE-DEVIL!" you and Suho screech in unison.
"The who now?" Hoseok asks.
"It's a new employee at the tech store. She wouldn't stop flirting with me and wouldn't listen to us when we were trying to show her the ropes. Jaen also invited us to lunch but we made up a stupid excuse, which she stupidly fell for," Suho explains.
"Well, you have to answer the phone," prods Jin.
"But she wants to face time," you whine.
"Otherwise, she's going to get suspicious," says Jin. You groan and crawl out of Jimin's lap, snatching your phone out of Suho's grasp.
"You can do this, Y/N Noona! Fighting!" exclaims Yeonjun. You glare at him before finally answering the call.
"Hi, Jaen." You give the girl a fake smile.
"(Y/N Unnie! Where are you and Oppa? Are you done with your errands?)"
"Baby, do you want some popcorn? I'm going to get some."
"(Unnie? Who was that?)" You nervously laugh. "What do you mean? You must be hearing things. Jimin! Shut the fuck up!" You whisper the last part in Hyrish.
"Baby~! Cuddle with me. I'm needy."
"Jimin, what are you doing?! Shut up!" Suho whisper yells.
"(What is going on, Unnie? Are you with other people?)"
"W-Whaaat? Pshh, naw. I-It's just me and Suho. . ."
"(Oh, okay. Well, I'm already back at the store so--)"
"Y/N! Suho! Do you want to play hide and seek with me and Taehyun?" Taehyung asks innocently.
"No! She's going to stay and cuddle with me. I'm her soulmate and you're not!" Jimin pouts and pulls you onto his lap.
"(OMG! Is that Park Jimin from BTS?!)" Jaen shrieks.
"Who the hell says 'OMG' like that?" mumbles Yoongi.
You face palm yourself and flick Jimin on the forehead. He smiles sheepishly back at you.
"Hi, I'm Park Jimin, Y/N's soulmate," Jimin says politely.
"'Feeding your pet Komodo Dragons?' Is she stupid or something?" Yoongi snickers.
"(So instead of going out to lunch with me, you went to act as some prostitute for a famous idol?!)"
"Bitch, excuse me?" you question. Jimin's eyebrows furrow and his eyes darken.
"You actually think I or my soulmate would do something like that?" he growls. His fangs slowly start to grow.
"Bitch, I do not take this kind of disrespect in my store. Grab your things and GET OUT!" Suho yells sassily, the phone suddenly in his hands.
"(But you're not the manager--)"
"I SAID GET OUT!" The line cuts dead.
An awkward silence hung in the air for a couple moments.
"So. . ." Taehyung chuckles nervously and scratches the back of his head. "Are we still down for hide-and-go-seek?"
"Dude, come on."
"Taehyung, seriously?"
"Totally inappropriate."
Another silence.
"Hell yeah!"
"Let's go!"
"I'll grab the popcorn!"
"Yes, I have a job for you."
"(Okay, and what is it?)"
"I need you to follow Park Jimin everywhere he goes. I have reasons to believe that he may be a hybrid."
"(So what do you want me to do about it? And isn't he your friend or something?)"
"That's none of your concern. Take a picture of him in his hybrid form if it's actually true. I'll send the money to your bank account if you succeed."
"(And if I don't succeed?)"
"Then don't expect a pay check."
"(Alright, whatever. I'll get right with it.)"
Jungkook hung up the phone and sat down on his bed heavy-heartedly.
Sorry, Jimin, but I need to know if you've betrayed me.
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