《Contrasting Similarities》48. Jerk
We entered the school building. My hand was held in Josiah's while Jayden was holding Rose's hand. Somehow, Josiah managed to persuade me to walk us to classes. I don't know how. I just didn't have the mood to argue and fight my case again.
"Be good. Have fun. I love you." Josiah said the usual parting words and bent down to kiss Rose's forehead, then mine. Jayden stood beside him, looking around a little too awkwardly.
"Do you need kisses too, Jayden?" Rose asked. Her lips were formed into a slight smirk, which wasn't that noticeable.
"What? No! Who said that?" He said quickly.
"Aww. Little Jayden needs snuggles!" I exclaimed, maybe a little too loudly, because he reached forward and flicked my forehead.
"Stop embarrassing me, you little rat," He hissed, to which I responded with smirk that mocked him endlessly.
"Okay, Jayden," I said, a little too sweetly.
He rolled his eyes, stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked away from there. Again, walking like he was the king here.
Josiah chuckled while looking at Jayden's retreating back.
"He definitely wanted kisses."
"If he wasn't so annoying, maybe he would get some." I shrugged. Rose nodded in agreement.
"Goodbye, Josiah," Rose said again. She moved forward to hug him and Josiah pulled me in too.
"See you soon," he said, placing kisses on our heads again.
Rose finally had enough courage to part with him and we walked into class.
"Good morning everyone!" The cheerful teacher said.
I love cheerful teachers. But I hate those who have the first lecture and are cheerful. Who's so excited in the morning?
"I'm going to distribute these application forms for you to apply for clubs and join extra activities of your choice."
"Oh," I muttered, knowing what argument is going go start from my side.
"You should join," Rose said, turning to look at me.
"Nah. I don't want to stay here in this hellhole any longer," I muttered, waving that suggestion off.
Two papers reached our table and my eyes immediately stopped at that one option. Music.
"They're gonna teach how to play stuff," Rose said, nudging me to reconsider my decision.
"Josiah will teach me."
"But it will be more fun if you're in a club or something. Better than being the only student. What if Josiah doesn't know how to play? You haven't asked him."
"Why are you so persistent on getting me into a club?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows together.
"Because..." She trailed off.
"That's not an answer." I deadpanned.
"Just join, Levi. We'll give your application today itself," She declared. She clasped her hands together and put them under her chin. The bright smile and the batting of eyelashes, nearly made me fall off my chair.
So adorable!
"Stop that," I grumbled, turning to look away but I could see the brightness from the corner of my eyes. "Fine."
"Thank you. I love you so much!" She said, suppressing a squeal.
"I love you too," I said, quietly, checking the music checkbox on the form.
The day dragged on and finally we were standing in front of the door where this club hangs out, practices and where music classes are held. We still had to attend last class after this.
I raised my fist and knocked while holding Rose's hand in my other. Footsteps were heard before the door opened.
And oh my goodness! I scowled.
The same tall raven haired, brown almost black eyed idiot stood there. Holding the door with one hand while holding a guitar in the other.
His jaw dropped open when he saw me. His gaze moved to Rose, so I grabbed the form from her hand and pushed it into his face.
"We need to meet whoever is taking applications and I want to join this club," I said, annoyed that he was here.
He cleared his throat and stepped back.
"Yeah. Come in," he said, making way for us to enter.
I entered with Rose trudging behind me, eyeing the guy. He did act weird.
The room was cool. Like cool cool. A simple desk for the teacher maybe. Stools and instruments, of course.
There sat another guy on the desk. His dirty blonde hair shined and his pearly white teeth on display as he flashed us a smile.
"New applications, I see," he said, looking at the paper in my hand.
The idiot put the guitar on a stand and moved towards the table. Putting his hand flat against the desk, he leaned against it, looking at me and Rose.
I moved forward. Putting the paper on the desk, I slid it towards the other guy.
"Oh yeah. We'll take about a week to choose-"
He was cut off by the wizard.
"You can start today," he said. I swear I saw a small smile on his face.
I furrowed my eyebrows.
"No. I have to ask my brother about staying after school," I said, before turning to the boy he cut off. "Weren't you saying it takes a week?"
"It normally does," he said, sending a glare towards Raven. "But in special cases, it can take a few minutes."
When he gritted the last part, the Raven turned to him with a pout.
"We can't keep the pretty girls waiting," he said, throwing a bright smile his way. "Right, Aaron?"
I turned to Rose with a scowl.
"Did he try something that day?" I gritted. It skipped my mind. I should've asked her. He must've made a move on her.
She knitted her eyebrows together, peeking behind me at him.
"Who?" She asked, looking confused.
"The wizard you met at the library," I muttered quietly, pointing behind me at the said wizard himself.
She looked at him again. I could see the wheels turning in her head, before a light bulb appeared above her head.
"Oh!" She exclaimed suddenly, like she was piecing it all together. "No no. He can't be that guy."
"What?" I asked, turning my head. I looked the guy up and down.
Tall. Raven hair. Brown almost black eyes.
"I don't know. I sound crazy. But he looks less taller," she said, looking at him closely.
I was completely lost as I looked at my sister in confusion. The trance I was in was put to an end when I felt a presence behind us. Immediately put to alert, my arm wrapped around my twin's shoulder, to pull her against me while I turned to face whoever it was.
Am I drunk?
There were two tall wizards now. Both having the same hair and eyes.
The guy who had just appeared behind us was slightly taller.
"That is the wizard?" I asked, looking at my twin while pointing my finger at the guy.
Oh my! What a voice!
I looked up at him to find him looking at me in confusion. I looked him up and down. When I looked at his face again, I saw he was looking at Rose.
His eyes seemed less darker now as he looked at Rose. His gaze held admiration in it, which wasn't hard to point out.
"Nice to meet you again, Aurora." He smiled sweetly which I never thought was possible on such a badass looking guy.
"Nice to meet you too," Rose said, softly, avoiding eye contact for some reason.
The corners of his eyes softened when he heard her voice. His ears turned red as he kept looking at her shy self for a few seconds.
I cleared my throat, snapping him out of his trance. A lover boy trance.
"So you were talking about him," I stated, looking him up and down again.
He looked cool. He had an eyebrow piercing and sharp features, much like the other jerk. What other thing that was different was the way they both acted.
While the jerk had a gaze that screamed 'oh! A pretty human? You're mine.', the wizard's gaze was much like 'my world revolves around you.'
Much like a pair of an idiotic jerk and a sweet yet hot boy. Both having a degree in flirting, it seemed.
"And how may this beautiful girl know my brother?" Said jerk came to stand beside his brother.
"And I was talking about this jerk," I said, pointing at the smug fool.
He was about to say something when the taller one beat him to it.
"Felix Petrov," he introduced, extending his hand forward. Shaking his hand firmly, I smiled. This guy is more polite too. "Nice to meet you, Miss..."
He trailed off. His tone was so respectful that I immediately screamed yes in my mind to this ship. Felix glanced at Rose then back at me. He gulped slightly and looked a little nervous.
"Amira Levi Verlice," I said, ignoring the jerk looking back and forth between us.
"That's a cool name," The jerk said, grabbing his brother's elbow and jerking his arm back causing his hand to slip out of mine.
"Jax Petrov," he said, extending his hand forward. "The younger twin. We've met before but seeing you up close is more preferable."
I rolled my eyes and took his hand in mine.
"The younger twin too."
"You're younger?" Felix said, looking at me in shock. "I assumed you'd be older."
His gaze flicked to Rose and she nodded, confirming the newfound information.
I can feel him. Rose is so sweet and looks childish. That's why people assume she must be younger. It happens all the time.
Then I remembered my hand was still engulfed in that big hand. I attempted to pull it out but this bitch smirked and didn't let me.
"Jerk," I muttered, stomping on his foot. By instinct, he let go of my hand.
"We should go now," I said, grabbing Rose's hand. The smirk on my face didn't hide as I watched Jax do the 'I just got my foot stomped' dance.
Felix cleared his throat and looked at Rose.
"I hope to see you at the library then?" He asked, like trying to know if she was coming.
"Yes. I hope to see you too," Rose replied softly. She matched the smile that appeared on his face, making me smile too.
"And I hope to see you here tomorrow," Jax muttered.
"I'll be back next week." I smiled sarcastically. "Like everyone else."
"But as I said, pretty girls get to join within minutes. You can stay here now too," he said. One corner of his lips lifted into a smirk. "How about we get to know each other more?"
Why did God give such an irresistably pretty face to this jerk?
"Nah. I'm good. Let's go Rose," I said, tugging at her hand. She broke her eye contact with Felix hesitantly. From the looks of it and for obvious reasons, they didn't want to break eye contact with each other and were staring into each other's eyes for a long time now.
This is going to be interesting.
Rosie Posie has found a butterfly!
"A test!" I snapped. "It's my third day of school and there's going to be a test tomorrow."
"It's a quiz on what we did the last three lectures." Rose tried to reason, putting her hand on my shoulder to calm me down. I kept stomping towards the parking. A test is still a test.
I let out a groan just as we reached the parking area. School is so infuriating.
"Who messed with this little fireball?" Josiah said when I stomped over to the car.
"School," I answered. The person on the other side of the car scoffed.
"Of course," Jayden muttered, rolling his eyes.
Josiah chuckled and bent down to my level.
"You can survive through this."
When I didn't say anything except glaring at the ground, I found myself wrapped into his arms after a second.
"Cheer up, Bunny. It's no use stressing over it," he said, rubbing my back softly. I snuggled into the comforting embrace.
I hope tests and quizzes didn't exist. So there was no means of competition between us. I didn't want to be compared with anyone, much less my own twin.
"I'm not stressed," I said, taking a long breath in, feeling the comfort spread through me.
Comfort and friendliness.
After a long moment of snuggling into the warmth, I pulled away hesitantly. As soon as I did, Josiah bent down to place a kiss on my forehead.
"If y'all are done spreading love, the carriage is ready to leave," Jayden muttered sarcastically. I peeked from beside Josiah to see him rounding the car.
"Princess Rose didn't get her hug yet," Josiah said, raising his hands and inviting Rose for a hug. I stepped aside, so I stood before Jayden now.
She didn't need to be told twice. She threw herself in his arms as soon as she got the invitation.
"I missed you," She mumbled into his chest.
As much as I love this cute scene, now I want to rush home. I miss Asher too!
"I missed you too, Love," Josiah said, placing a kiss on her head.
"And I will miss you for the next two to three hours," He muttered, placing another kiss on her head. "Make sure you finish your food, alright?"
Rose nodded and pulled away slowly.
"Let's go." Jayden sang.
Bitch. Just say you want cuddles too.
"Actually he's jealous he's not getting any hugs and kisses," I said, stepping away from him. Jayden moved towards me but stopped when Josiah moved to stand in the way.
I smiled smugly which caused Jayden's glare to intensify.
"Now now, Jayden. Let's not waste any more time. Rose is getting late," he said. Jayden looked at me with a scowl.
"Josiah is right. Stop wasting time." I nodded in agreement. He rolled his eyes and turned to walk to the other side of the car. "You could've just asked for cuddles instead of being grumpy."
A giggle escaped my mouth when he suddenly sprinted towards me. I tried to run away but he caught me after two steps.
I broke into laughter when he started tickling me.
"You're getting too smart with me. One more snarky comment, I'll throw you into the pool as soon as we reach home."
"Asher won't let you." I laughed, trying to pry his fingers off of my tummy.
"He doesn't need to know," he said, smirking evilly.
He stopped finally when Josiah grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back.
With one warning look, Jayden moved towards the car. Getting over my laughing fit, I followed him.
The campus has different buildings inside the same four walls. The primary wing, middle school, high school and the Library. So we had yo drive Rose to the library which didn't take much time.
"Goodbye. I'll see you later," Josiah said, waving his hand. Jayden had put child lock on so Josiah doesn't get out and 'waste any more time'.
How cruel! He's stopping the exchange of love and cuddles.
I stretched while sitting and yawned, which caught the attention of the twins.
"That's a little baby tired after a day of being grumpy," Josiah commented like a wise person.
"Correction: sixteen years and some months of being grumpy." Jayden rolled his eyes.
"If you weren't driving right now, I would've smashed your head in the window." I smiled sweetly, which was a heavy contrast to my words.
He snorted.
"I'd like to see you try."
"Challenge accepted," I said, scowling at him through the rearview.
The rest of the ride was silent because I was busy getting impatient. I need hugs!
"We're home!" I said, as I rushed in. Putting my bag on the bottom step, I rushed to the kitchen.
Asher must be there cooking something extra for lunch.
I rushed into the kitchen. Just as I put my foot inside, my nose got squished against a hard chest.
Oh God! Please don't be someone who is not Asher. I can't handle the embarrassment.
The chuckle that echoed in my ears told me that it was indeed Asher.
"I missed you too, Bunny," he said. A warm kiss was placed on my head and arms wrapped around me, entrapping me in a warm embrace.
I wrapped my arms around his middle and pouted.
I had so much to say but I feel like I'll be scolded if I said it.
Like not wanting to go to school. Or running away from tests.
We stood silent for a long moment which was broken by Asher.
"So, what has you so upset?" He asked, pulling away slightly to look at me. I looked up so my chin rested on his chest.
"Nothing. I just wanted a hug," I said.
'First ever good decision you made. Telling him will do you no good. He will force you to study and if you, by any chance score more than Rose, she will have to face consequences.'
Lucas isn't here.
'But Lucian is. Don't you remember what Damien said?'
'Worse than that slap.'
I blinked. I do remember that.
'Why do you think the 'consequences' are different here?
"Bunny?" Asher asked, snapping me out of it. Fuck. How do I lie my way out of this now?
"What did it say?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. The look on his face was enough to make me rethink about lying. He's lost his patience.
"It didn't say anything." I said, quickly. The drastic change in his facial expressions was enough to make me look down and gulp.
"Are you lying to me, Bunny?" He said, in a low tone.
I gulped again and stammered for an answer. I was but I couldn't say no. It would be lying again and disappointing him more.
"I'm sorry," I whispered, my eyes darting around nervously.
Lifting my face by my chin gently, he made me face his disappointed and stern look.
"What did it say, sweetie?" He repeated his question. Although there was that term of endearment in it, it still wasn't endearing in any way. If anything, it was stern and far from the loving tone he took last time.
"Please, Asher," I said, attempting to lower my gaze. But just when I tried looking down, he clicked his tongue making me look up again. "Can I not say it, please?"
He thought for a moment before his features softened. He released my chin and sighed, pulling away completely.
"I really hope you ignored whatever it said," he said, stepping back a little. Asher bent down to my level.
"And I do hope you will tell me, Bunny. I don't want you to believe that voice. I want to clear all the doubts it's creating," he said. Asher moved forward to kiss my forehead. I took a deep breath in when I felt the kiss being placed on my forehead. I'm happy he's back to his sweet self.
"Now go freshen up while I finish my work here." He ruffled my hair. I nodded and turned around to run to my room.
That's what I did. I speed walked out of there and towards the stairs.
But my peaceful journey was made less peaceful when I ran into something furry this time.
I stepped back to look at it properly.
A onesie hanging before me. I looked from the legs to the hood, to the tattooed hand that held the hood and to the always-scowling-now-smiling face.
"What, Damien?" I asked, looking from the white furry onesie to Damien in confusion.
If what I think he's going to ask me to do is what he's going to ask me to do, I'm not gonna do it.
"Go change into this," he said, not being able to keep the happy grin off his face.
"Nuh uh. No," I said, shaking my head and backing away. "Rose would like it more."
"But it's a bunny." He deadpanned, looking at me like I had lost my mind.
I shook my head, but before I could utter a word, he snapped his fingers.
"I knew you'd refuse." He rolled his eyes, while I looked at him cautiously.
No way am I going to wear that!
While I was planning my escape, someone creeped up from behind. Before I had the chance to back away from them too, I was caught.
"We've captured the accused, Captain. Let's get the work done," Jayden said, loudly.
"Let me go, you-" I cut myself off. I didn't want to curse and get in trouble with Lucian.
Damien smiled smugly and unzipped the zipper of the onesie.
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