《H20 | Skimasktheslumpgod [COMPLETED][book 2 out now]》12.


8 months later and I'm living my best life. I graduated, moved out of my parents house, & best of all I've gotten over Stokeley. I now live with Dess and Devon.


I arose out of my California king bed and went to my bathroom. I stared at myself.

"You're beautiful." I say to myself in the the mirror.


Y'all niggas some hoes, no y'all don't want no smoke 💨



omfg a whole snack


I scrolled down my Instagram feed. I jumped at the sound of loud banging on my door. I pranced down the stairs and opened the door.

"Are you Chantell Maine." The man asked. He had on all black but I didn't question it.

"Yes. Who's aski-" I was interrupted by the man forcefully grabbing me and dragging me to a van. I kicked and screamed. I'm sure my neighbors heard me.

"GET OFF ME!" Screamed digging into his flesh with my acrylic nails. He just grunted and threw me in the back. With all my force I kicked the van window. It broke. The man socked me in my jaw. I instantly slumped.

"This her?" I woke up to a familiar voice. I sat up but hit my head on something.

"Whoever the fuck You are imma bust your ass when I get out this box!" I yelled trying to punch the cardboard box. The top of the box opened. It was Stokeley.

I jumped up in a pool a sweat. I've never had a dream about Stokeley. I brushed it off and went to my bathroom. I started the shower and went out the room to grab a towel. I opened the closet door and grabbed a big and little towel. I continued back to the bathroom. I hopped in the shower and began to wash. My music stopped and my ringtone began to ring.


"Stokeley." It read. I decided to answer. It's not like I still loved him or anything.

"Hey Chantell, uh, how you been." He said. It was almost like I couldn't reply. His voice. It brought back memories of the fair. It made me want to love him. But, I'm stronger than that.

"Good." I replied dryly.

"Aight look I'm having a party tonight if you wanna come" he said. I chuckled.

"You really think I'm finna come to my ex's party?" I replied. There was a moment of silence.

"Aight Damn you don't gotta be like that." He said before hanging up on me. All of a sudden Devon came running into my room.

"Bitch let's go to this party. I'm tryna get some dick tonight." Devon sang while twerking.

"That's Skis party & you know how I feel about him." I replied poking out my bottom lip.

"Bitch you coming with me and Dess wether you like it or not." He said before walking out of my room.

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