《Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!》Sequel!?



This is just a quick message....as I've come to realise that many of you want a sequel to this story...

Now I love that many of you want to read more of this...but I'm sorry. I've made a decision.

There will NOT be a sequel.

I apologise if this isn't the news you want, but I do have my reasons for this and am happy to explain them to those who would have liked a sequel.

Reason 1 - I honestly have no idea what I would write about if I were to do a sequel. I have no plan on what the storyline could be.

Reason 2 - I have other stories that I want to work on and wouldn't have the time to think of a storyline for a sequel.

Reason 3 - I like the ending of this story, and don't think it needs to have a sequel

HOWEVER I might possibly think of doing some one shot POV (point of view) of some of the characters at different parts of the story. you like this idea? :)

if you do let me know on what characters you want to read the POV of and at what part of the story :)

ALSO I have another story that I'm working on, that could possibly be similiarish to this one. if you liked the fact that this story had loads of brothers ect, then you should like this new one :) (Go to my profile to check it out ---> two ends of the scale)

Soo yeah...sorry if your dissapointed, but I'm sure you could find a compromise between everything I've said above :)

if you have anything to ask me then send me message, I don't mind :)

Hope you take this news in, and I hope that you enjoy the new story that I'm starting to work on, a preview is already on my profile :)

I'll see you sooon! and once again Thank You for everything! I love you!

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