《Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!》Chapter 24
“Two strawberry and two blueberry slushies please” Seth leans on the counter as he asks the girl behind the counter....who to be doesn’t even look much older than us.....
“Sure thing” she smiles at him before turning around half way to reach behind for the slushy machine...
I scrunch my nose up as I rest both arms on the low counter as it’s bloody obvious she’s trying to get Seth’s attention or something....which Seth being...well Seth...is oblivious to.
“Slut....” I mumble barely audible, but of course Seth hears....
He shakes his head at me a deep chuckle coming from him “You hate everyone” He says...well states really...
“I do not” I protest
Seth raises an eyebrow as if he doesn’t believe me “Really now? Like who?”
“I don’t hate you” I smirk
He rolls his eyes “Funny” He mutters sarcastically but with a small trace of a smile.
“I know right! I’m hilarious!” I chirp grinning
Seth shakes his head amused and shuffles his feet looking down “Whatever you say Lex, whatever you say” He muses
I gasp pretending to be offending “I am funny, and you know it” I make a ‘humph’ sound nodding and cross my arms over my chest turning away from him mockingly..
I hear his chuckle....which causes me to grin...a laugh of my own coming out at our weird behaviour...
“Two strawberry slushies” The girl’s chirpy voice cuts in as she comes back over placing the two cups on the counter “I’ll just do the other two now” She smiles, more directly at Seth and turns half back around again, i just look up at her boredly.....weirdo...
I pick up a straw and fiddle with it waiting for the bimbo to hurry up with the slushy...when I feel Tom start tugging on my still damp shirt...
“Lexwi...” He uses that whining/pouting voice that’s so adorable I just can’t help but smile as I glance down at him, he wanted to come with us along with Cory and Lee...but isn’t allowed a slushy according to mom for god knows what reason.....
“Yeah hun?” I look down at him....
He bits his lip frowning seeming to be deep in thought before glancing up at me...then to Seth....
Seth smiles “What’s up little man?” he asks before scooping Tom up in his arms....
Tom mumbles something to Seth, wrapping his small arms around his neck and I raise a questionable eyebrow at Seth...
Seth’s face turns to a slight look of horror, which causes me to stand up straighter....
“Urm...” Seth clears his throat looking from Tom to me kinda awkwardly “He needs to...erm...to...” Seth tries to find the words and I frown at him trying to understand....
Suddenly it clicks and I blink looking to Seth then Tom who’s frowning looking troubled....I smile lightly aww bless him...
I look back to Seth, lean against the counter “Take him then” I say coming to find this slightly amusing know as....Tom needs the loo...and Seth hates or actually I don’t think has taken him before...
Seth’s eyes widen slightly as he looks pleadingly at me “Leexiii....pleeasee...” He almost begs....
I hold back a laugh but can’t help but smirk at him, and shrug “He asked you....besides...I hardly a guy...am I?” I motion to myself before freezing and shoot a glare at Seth
“Wait! Don’t answer that!” I warn him with narrowed eyes as I can tell he would have had a witty comeback to that, and to prove my point a sly smirk comes to his face.....
I turn so my side is to him “You take him Seth....it’s not hard you just have to go in with him....” I say tilting my head as I glance over to him “He knows how to go....just makes sure he’s alright” I say with a sweet smile...that’s so close to a smirk...
Seth frowns shooting me a dirty look “Fine” He grumbles and I smirk as I won....
He turns and walks off towards the toilets and I laugh evilly in my head at him....ooh I wish you well my twin, taking Tom to the loo is not the easiest of jobs....
“Two Blueberry slushies” The girl comes back...finally! with the two blue coloured slushies for Lee and Cory...
I smile “thanks” I say passing over the money and picking up the two cups..
“Cory...?...Lee..? here you go” I smile as I lean down slightly and hand the two drinks to the two boys who grin eagerly....
I stand back up to take the two red ones for me and Seth when the girl speaks....
“Was he you’re brother?” She asks looking in the direction Seth went with Tom...
No shit Sherlock.....how did you know? I was really tempted to say...but figured it wasn’t the best to do..so instead just faked a smile “Yeah” I replied boredly grabbing the two cups...
“What’s his name?” She asks just as I was about to turn to leave and I internally groan....
“I dunno...why don’t you go ask him?” I give her a sarcastic look...
She obviously doesn’t catch onto my sarcasm as the corners of her lips curve up into a smile and she grabs a scrap of paper and scribbles something down on it...
“Here....” She says passing me the small piece of paper with numbers scribbled down on and I give her a weird look “Could you give this to him please....tell him to call me” She smiles....
I blink at her restraining myself from saying something bitchy or rude...and do the opposite...
“Sure!” I say with a big fake smile and fake enthusiasm as I grab the paper from her...
She grins “Thanks!”
I give her one last fake smile before turning around and rolling my eyes at how lame that is...does she really think I’ll give it to him?....pfft...
“Come on boys...” I say to Cory and Lee and lead them over to one of the small metal picnic like tables that are surrounding the few stalls that our here selling food, and on my way scrunch up the piece of paper in my hand and drop it carelessly into a nearby bin....Seth would never want that anyway.....
“Sit here for a while...we need to wait for the other two” I tell Cory and Lee and plop down on the two metal seat happily sucking at their drinks.
I sit down on the opposite one and lean back lazily lifting my legs up and resting them on the table as I sip at the ice cold drink....
Lee and Cory muck around, flicking some ice from their drinks at each, which I don’t tell them any different cus there’s no point, they’re having fun....and I slowly rock back in the chair, balancing on the two back legs...
After a few minutes Tom comes running up to me grinning, placing his small hands on my thigh looking as if he’s got something to say...
I look down at him raising an questionable eyebrow “What’s up Tom?.....where’d Seth go..?” I ask realising Seth isn’t behind him....
Tom grins mischievously up at me and I give him a pointed look...
“What did you do Tom?” I ask in a lower more accusing voice as I sit up in my chair, dropping my legs from the table...
He still grins that cheeky grin and holds his hands behind his back, swaying side to side innocently “Nooothinngg!” He says in a sing song voice still grinning.....and nothing about that grin is innocent...he did something...
Just as I’m about to get out of my chair to go and look for my twin.....he comes storming towards us....not looking happy and a little more wetter than he was before...
I squint my eyes at him and look back to Tom who suddenly sees him and makes a ‘eek’ noise before darting behind my chair for cover and giggling....
“Tom...what did you do?” I ask turning in my chair and trying to hide a smile...
“Thomas...” I hear Seth hiss...uh oh...
Tom giggles again from behind my chair, peeking out to look at Seth who’s scowling at him....causing Tom to duck behind my chair again..giggling his adorable giggle...
I look to Seth raising an eyebrow...and frown confused as he is in fact wetter than he was when he went....
“What..” I start to say but he cuts me off...
“He bloody well pissed on me...” Seth hisses darting his eyes to a giggling Tom behind me...
My eyes widen in shock and amusement as I look him over....he got that wet just from Tom peeing...
As if reading my mind he adds “And splashed me with water....” Before dodging around my chair to try and grab Tom...
Tom yelps and runs out and behind Cory’s chair still giggling and Cory and Lee crack up laughing...
I can’t help it either, and I start laughing as Seth chases Tom around the sets of tables, and from hear I can still hear Tom’s shrill high pitched laughter as he finds it absolutely hilarious....
I wave for Cory and Lee to get up from the table and we walk out of the sheltered area away from the chairs still hearing Tom’s laughter and Seth’s shout towards him....
I sip my drink as I watch Seth grab Tom around his waist and throws him over his shoulder, while he squeals and kicks but is laughing...
“He’s such a little-“ Seth mutters as he comes back over to us, shaking his head to cut himself off so he doesn’t swear and I smirk at him, eyeing a thrashing and laughing Tom....
“Now, now Tom...that wasn’t a very nice thing to do...” I shake my head at him but can’t help the small smirk that’s on my face....
Tom just giggles over Seth’s shoulder and I find it hard to keep a straight face because I gotta admit...that was fricken hilarious! Points to Tom!
I hand Seth his drink still laughing and grab Cory’s hand as he’s reaching up for me and run down onto the sand, Lee running along beside and jumps down on it, still managing to not spill his drink...
We go back over to our place on the sand....and behind me I can hear Tom laughing as Seth tickles him over his should....aww I knew he wouldn’t stay mad at Tom for long....no one can.....
“Hey, hey! Lex let’s have some” Evan says coming up to me a sly smirk on his face...
I raise an eyebrow at him but before I can say anything he suddenly grabs my cup and takes a long sip from the slushy...
I gape at him before turning into a glare and he hands it back smiling innocently and I scrunch my nose up taking it as he just drank from it.....
“Cheers! That was good..” He smirks ruffling my hair and walking off...
I make a growling noise at him before holding my cup close to me so no one else gets causing Evan to laugh......
Evil child......I think to myself turning away....
“Lexi!” I suddenly hear Tom gasp and see him running towards me, somehow managing to get away from Seth...
I smile looking to him as he grins up to me “Can you bury me in the sand?!”
I give him a odd look before chuckling shaking my head at his randomness “Alright” I smile and he grins running over to a clear space of sand....
I smirk “SETH!” I call to him “Come help me bury Tom!” I smile thinking Seth would want to get payback on him....
And he does as he grins wickedly and jobs over to me....
I chuckle grabbing a plastic spade and go over to where Tom’s sitting on the sand waiting...
Me and Seth start digging a hole in the soft sand, going deeper so Tom can sit in it and then us cover him up with the sand...
“Come on then Tom..” I say standing up as we finish digging “Sit in there then we’ll bury you” I smile as he eagerly jumps into the hole sitting comfortably...
I laugh at his cuteness before shovelling sand on top of him with the help of Seth.
“Hey! Can you do that to us too?!” I turn my head to see a grinning Joe and Jack as they watch us bury Tom...
I chuckle “If you want”
Soon enough they both sit on the sand and Seth starts to bury them as I finish of Tom.....
Now I’m not sure why...but Evan soon came over shouting that this hilarious...and demands to be buried too.....and soon after...pretty much everyone is over here wanting to either be buried or bury someone...I find it quite amusing at how child like we are all acting....
“Eww....don’t shove it in my face!” I glare at Chris as he sprays sand towards my mouth causing me to splutter it out...
Chris grins innocently and continues to shovel sand on top of me.....yep I decided to get buried too...and they all took advantage of that so now Seth, Evan, Chris and Blake all covering me in sand.....and it’s getting further and further up closer to my neck...man it’s scary....but it’s fun.
Gradually the sand does build up and covers my entire body up to my neck, so my head is only sticking out...and with the boys throwing sand on...it’s quite alot and the press it down to compact it so I literally can’t move at all under here...
I let out a laugh.... “Guuyys.....that’s not fair...” I whine trying to wiggle underneath he mound of sand on top of me.....
“Oh but it is!” Evan laughs evilly causing me to give him a mock scared look as he hardly ever does that...
I see Chris looking around for something and I eye him suspiciously as the others still press the sand down more on me....even Tom...who’s managed to wiggle his way out from the sand comes running over....
“Ah ha!” I hear Chris say and I look back to him getting slightly anxious at what they’re gunna do...
“You got one?” Evan asks without looking back at him and keeps his eyes on me smirking devishly....
I start to wiggle under the sand, not that I can anyway...but still try as I don’t trust them...they’re gunna do something...
“Say hello to my little friend!” Chris smirks coming over to me and places something on top of the sand-on top of me where my legs are- that looks suspiciously like some sort of shell.....
My eyes widen in fear as it starts to move, something alien starting to creep out from under it...
“AHH! OHMYGOD! What the hell is that?!” I Start to freak out and desperately trying to wiggle out from under the sand......
The boys laugh from above me “This is Fred” Chris says smirking
“NO!.....His name’s Terry!”
“NO! I know it’s Bob!”
“I don’t care what its fucking name is! Just get it the hell off me!” I shout cringing and whimpering in discomfort as it slowly crawls upwards...
My so called ‘brothers’ just piss themselves laughing at my distress and squealing as it gets further up...this sand ain’t budging!
“Chill Lex...it won’t hurt you” Evan gets out over his laughter...
I shoot him daggers “Are you kidding! That things got claws!” I shriek eyeing it and see little antenna...or whatever it’s called coming out aswell...
“Oh come on!.....get it off! Please...!” I yell out moving underneath the sand a little bit more now...
“No way!..this is priceless” Evan grins...
I growl at him “You are so dead when I get out! You hear that Evan! You are so DEAD!” I yell at him still furiously wiggling trying to loosen the sand...
“Whoo..hoo...someone’s feisty” I hear a new chuckle come and turn my eyes to no other than Noah...great...
I groan still wiggling “Get. It. Off!” I growl.....still only responded by laughing and teasing......who cares if they’re blood related...they are soo dead when I get them!
“Guys!....Come on get it off her...that’s not fair..” My eye brows shoot up in surprise as I hear April’s voice and see her sitting on a nearby rock looking over to us and frowning at the boys....
Whoo...since when was she on my side...
“Yes! Listen to her.....Get it off!” I snap wiggling underneath and finally releasing my hand slightly, not that I would ever listen to April...but if she’s on my side just this second...that will be great...seeing as the hideous creature is half way up my body now...
I’m only rewarded by laughing again...so I result to my last measure...
I look to Seth with pleading but also threatening eyes....mentally giving him the message if he gets this off me...I won’t hurt him.
He smirks at me shaking his head as he steps forward “Alright...alright..” He mutters quietly and I sigh with relief...
I can always count on my twin.....
Seth picks the horrible thing up by the shell, causing the creature to retreat back into it and I cringe at how it fits into something small....I don’t even know what it’s called!
Seth takes it off and walks away with it somewhere as the others moan at him for spoiling it...
I shiver feeling my skin crawl at how close that was to touching me.......and with all my strength I manage to roll over and breaking the mound of sand on top of me...
“Aww...no fair Lex...you ruined it” Evan complains pouting but smirking slightly at the destroyed mound and the print of where I was laying
I breath out and push myself up off the sand, my clothes and arms and legs covered in it anyway as I stand up...spinning around and turning a murderous glare to the two main culprits...why is it that it’s always them!
“You better run...” I say in a low threatening voice as I rub some sand off my arms...
Both Evan and Chris look to me with fake scared expressions, then look at eachother....before spinning around and taking off sprinting down the beach....
I chase after them “GET BACK HERE! You’re so dead guys! I’m not even joking!” I yell after them, running across the sand...and can’t help but have a sense of déjà vu....
COMMENT/VOTE? :) Pleaseee :)
I know it's not much happening...but ti should all lead up to things :)
soo thank you fo reading! :) and don't forget to check out my other story plleeeasee! :D :)
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