《Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!》Chapter 20
New chapter! :)
Slideshow of the characters over there! Check it out! :) ------------>
* I did have a slideshow at the side...but for some reason it won't work :/ hmm so I'm wondering how to add another....and if any of you know I would be very grateful :)
Hope you enjoy! :)
“I’m hungry!” Evan whines pouting and rubbing his flat stomach..
“Yeah! Me too!” Tom mimics his older brother finding it amusing.
I roll my eyes but lightly smirk at Evan’s childish behaviour...
“Pleeassee can we stop somewhere...I’m dying of starvation here!” Evan whines again looking at Chris hopefully.
“Dude......it’s been like half an hour...can’t you just wait?” I shake my head kinda amused.
“Nooo...I Can’t!” Evan pouts frowning at me and I bit my lip to hold back a laugh...
“Cwris!....pwease can we stop!?” Tom pleads too, pouting just like Evan and Evan grins at Tom high-fiving him as he knows no one can say no to Tom’s adorable little face....
Chris sighs overdramatically “Alright” He says and Tom cheers making me chuckle..
Chris pulls up into a service station off the motorway; it’s kinda small with petrol pumps on the outside and a small rectangular building meters away from the car and from what I can see...only a few people in...
“Finally!” Evan says before jumping out the car leaving Tom to wiggle in his seat wanting to be released so I unbuckle him and he jumps out the car too running after Evan who stops allowing Tom to climb up onto his back and then takes off running again towards the store...
I laugh quietly at their behaviour and climb out also along with Chris and Seth and we make out way to the store in a more ‘normal’ fashion.
I notice once we enter, Tom and Evan are already down the sweets isle and Tom is grabbing basically anything he can reach.
I chuckle slightly under my breath shaking my head as I make my way towards him.
He grins up at me, shoving the sweet packets into my arms and I laugh lightly as he turns and runs off to find Evan.
I smile and place a few of the sweet packets back, only leaving two which I know tom will like and then go find the others....
“DUDE! You can’t do that!” I hear Evan’s voice before I see him.
“Urr I think you’ll find I just did!” Chris’s voice shouts back clearly amused...
Oh no.....
I walk around the corner of the isle to see Evan glaring up at Chris, only like an inch or so between them in height difference and Chris smirking...
“Guys! What the hell are you doing know!? Jeeze you act worse that Tom!” I come up behind them crossing my arms across my chest feeling like a flippin mother to these idiots....
Evan glance at me still with a scowl on his face “He took the last packet” He growls angrily pointing the now empty rack of sweets and I now see Chris holding the packet behind his back.
I roll my eyes “Gosh, just share them you losers....” I wave my hand and carry on walking to get Tom...who’s suddenly disappeared, leaving behind the two big kids who are squabbling over something as stupid as sweets?.....damn..they’ve got issues.....
“Tom?” I call out as I walk down another empty isle not seeing the 4 year old boy anywhere......
I frown slightly not wanting to get worried as I know he’s here somewhere....
“Tom?!” I call out a bit louder ignore looks I’m getting from other people in the store “Where are you, you little squirt” I mutter to myself rounding another corner
“Thomas!? Seriously!” I groan in frustration as he’s not down here......
I walk to the next one near the front where the check outs are and squint my eyes as I see a figure crouching down at the front where the stand of chocolate and sweets are....
I sigh walking over “Thomas?....come on hun” I mumble getting closer as he’s gazing over the candy with gleaming eyes....
I lift him to his feet “Tom come on....you’ve got what you wanted” I say and he whines pouting...
I lift him up of the floor, balancing him on my hip and seeing the middle aged man behind the check out eyeing us suspiciously...
I roll my eyes and I shift Tom in my arms, pfft...he thinks we’re gunna steal something?.....prick.....
Seth, who has been silently wondering the store comes up with bottles of soda, bag of crisps and smiles at Tom taking his sweets out his hand and places all the things on the counter to pay....
I smile at him in thanks as he just nods and hands over the cash to the guy behind it, who still has that suspicious look at us....
“Chris! We’re leaving!” I call out as we turn away to walk to the doors and still hearing their distance voices.....
Just as we reach the automatic doors a loud crash comes from one of the isle making us freeze and turn to see.....
“Ahh...shit! RUN!” Evan yells as he comes running around the corner of one of the isle’s, crashing into the stand at the end of it, which just happens to be a rack of skittles and they all collapse to the floor, some even coming out of the packets and rolling along the floor.....
I look up wide eyed at Evan who stares at the floor surrounded by skittles before Chris comes running around the corner laughing and pushes Evan forward “Run you idiot!” He shouts which causes Evan to snap out of it and run forward holding back laughter....
With nothing else to do, me and Seth leg it out of the store along with Chris and Evan who are cracking up behind us as we race across the parking lot towards the car, followed by a angry shout of one of the store workers....
We all jump back into the car and as quickly as possible Chris speeds away still laughing his head off...and I can’t help but join in at the stupidest of my brothers.....
“Ahaha......man that guy’s face was hilarious!” Evan smirks high fiving Chris as he reaches his hand back.
I shake my head in amusement and see Seth chuckle “you guys are weird” I mutter but smirk/smile at Evan who grins winking at me and grabs the bag of crisps and pop them open...
“Urrg...Evan!” I complain as bits of crisp go flying everywhere, but he only laughs as well as Tom who finds it hilarious...but I smile slightly at his cute childish laughter fills the car.
Chris slips a CD into the player and seconds later a song by Linkin Park comes blasting out the speakers....
I smirk slightly and shake my head slightly in amusement at how child like my brothers are....
But you know what?.......who cares, you gotta love them anyways.
And I do.
“Last person to say sea with you see it is a buttmoneky!!” Evan shouts out laughing-saying ‘buttmonkey’ instead of something that would burn the ears of the 4 year old in the car with us-as we near the beach now, only flats blocking the view....
Screams fill the car as the blue water comes into view from the top of the hill we’re driving down as no one wants to be a ‘failure’.
“Aha! Seth’s a failure!” Chris smirks nudging him teasingly, but Seth only rolls his eyes with a small smile on his face as he was the only one who didn’t shout ‘Sea’ when you saw it.
Tom’s grinning and bouncing up and down in his seat as we get nearer, it’s cute how he’s so excited for the beach.
“Ooh! Look the bweach! The swea!” Tom squeals excitedly clapping his hands and grinning out the window...
I chuckle slightly at him and smile...
“Hmm....yeah sun, sea and hot chicks eh Tom? What’s more to want?” Evan says nudging Tom and smirking
“Evan!” I glare at him “He’s only 4! Don’t plant things in his head this early” I shake my head in disapproval, only getting a chuckle from Evan.
Tom thou scrunches his face up in disgust “EW! Girls have cooties!” He shakes his head viciously frowning, I look at him before laughing as well as the others...
“Oh really now Tom?....what about Morgan hmm?” Evan says raising his eyebrow.
Tom shakes his head again looking disgusted “Still a girl” he shudders before beaming out of the window....
Me and Evan share a look before cracking up at the poor innocent boy, god bless him.
“Eeep! Mommy’s here!” Tom grins bouncing up and down again as we pull up into the parking lot next to mom’s and Charles’s car as they are already here.
As soon as I unbuckle Tom he crawls over my lap and jumps out the car, making a beeline towards mom and hugging her legs still grinning.
I smile slightly before climbing out myself along with the others.
The salty sea air hits my nostrils first and I breathe deeply smiling as I’ve missed that smell.
The beach is just down a small hill from the car park, and it looks amazing. The crystal blueish green sea sparkles under the bright sun.....and the golden sand that the waves lap up on....
I smile, it’s beautiful....
Suddenly some grabs me from behind making me yelp and jump like a mile in the air before spinning around and scowling at a laughing Chris.
I smack his arm “Jerk” I mutter before turning back around and going over to my mom to help...
“Aww come on Lex lighten up!” Chris laughs coming up behind me.
I just roll my eyes and give him a sarcastic smile before smirking....I’m not gunna be a downer today, we’re at the beach!.......I love the beach....
“Alright!...come on them kids!” Mom yells at us smiling and fixing her sunhat as she guides the younger ones towards the beach....
I smile and see Blake up ahead, so take a running start towards him and jump up on his back...
“Whooa....Oh...hey Lexi” He smiles realising it’s me and holds me up on his back.
I chuckle slightly and wrap my arms around his neck holding on to him as he walks towards the beach along with the others.....
There’s quite a few people here...actually...there’s loads of people come to think of it, but we walk further down the beach to where there’s less people.
As we reach the sand I smile and jump of Blake’s back and onto the warm golden sand, loving the feeling of it beneath my feet....
Tom and the twins are running around mom as we walk across the sand heading towards a group of rocks that go out into the sea acting as a groyne and that part of the beach is more sheltered and less busy.
Mom drops all the bags down on a spot before spreading out a blanket and setting up her deck chair and smiling brightly at Tom who’s dragging out the bucket and spades that he packed...
“Whoo! I’m going in the sea! Who’s coming?” Evan grins taking off his shirt and dumping it on the sand.
“ME! I wanna come!” Tom yelps jumping up grinning and running over to Evan.
Evan laughs smirking down at him and ruffles his hair.
I smile “Tom.....come here you need to take you’re top of first” I say kneeling down on the sand to his height as he comes over to me still grinning excitedly.
I chuckle at his behaviour and tug his shirt off over his head leaving him in his funky swim shorts....
“Arrrh....come on then little man!” Evan shouts running up behind Tom and scooping him up over his shoulder making him squeal and laugh as Evan runs towards the water’s edge...
“EVAN! Be careful with him!” Mom shouts frowning as she sees them running towards the ocean.
“Yeah yeah alright!” I hear Evan shout back waving his hand dismissively......
I smile lightly before running after them, the sand flicking up under my feet.....
I hear Tom suddenly squeal...but it’s not an excited one.....it’s more...fearful?
My head snaps in their direction to see Evan and tom right at the water’s edge where the waves are coming up onto the sand and Tom clutching onto Evan tightly...
I run across the wet sand faster to reach them worried “Tom?!...Tommy, sweetie what’s wrong?” I slightly pant from running across the sand and stand by Evan’s side who has a 4 year old clutching tightly in his arms...
“Tom?” I place my hand on his back as his head is buried into Evan’s chest...
“I think.....he doesn’t like the sea...” Evan says looking to me with a hint of amusement in his eyes and voice...
I narrow my eyes slightly at him for finding that amusing....Tom’s only 4! I wouldn’t be surprised if he was afraid of the sea....
I sigh slightly moving closer towards Tom “Tommy......the sea’s not gunna do anything, It’s harmless” I promise rubbing his back and he slightly shifts his head....
“Look Tom.....” I say moving back into the waves where it comes onto the sand “Tom? See....there’s nothing to be scared off” I say smiling and moving back further into the sea, the warmish water coming to my ankles and slowly up further.....
Evan says something to him and nudges him to look at me, eventually Tom lifts his head to look at me and I smile spreading my arms out to show him there’s nothing wrong with the sea and by now the water’s just nearly up to my knees.....and with a few more steps back my shorts would get wet.
“See Tom..it’s all fine” I smile at him as he fully lifts his head of Evan looking to me and judging the sea with his eyes making me crack a small smirk...
Evan smiles/smirks slightly and starts walking into the waves with Tom in his arms....
I smile as he looks fine now and start making my way back out the water....
“Noo....I want Lexi to come” Tom calls pouting as I turn my head to look at him....
He pouts at me holding his arm out for me to come to him....
I mentally groan as I wasn’t wanting to go in the sea just yet...
I sigh “Alright Tom...I’ll come back okay? I need to change” I smile slightly and Tom grins nodding and allows Evan to take him further into the sea.
I turn back around and job back up the sand towards our place, Blake, Chris and Seth heading down the sea and the younger ones starting to play in the sand and mom’s sitting up on her deck chair reading some magazine...
I pull my top over my head and drop it on the mat leaving me in my shorts and tankini top and just as I start to slip out of my shorts I hear something...
“Whoo! Dude! You’re here!” My head snaps up at Chris’s voice and see him a few meters away greeting someone.......
My eyes narrow automatically.......
Great.....just when I thought the day was going well.......they have to turn up.
What ya think?? :)
sorry if wasn't that interesting....but the next few should be :) :)
is there anything or any ideas that you want to see happen??? :) I'll be more than gratefull if any :) :D
COMMENT/ VOTE Pleaseee:)
Thanks you! :)
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