《Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!》Chapter 17
New chapter! :)
Sorry for the wait...but...this chapter I think is longer :)
Pic on side is of Asher book who i think should play Noah :) ------------> but may think I didn't really describe him the same at the begining but oh wel :P :D
PLEASe read note at bottom! :)
Hope you enjoy! :)......
oh p.s.....not proof read :P
The morning classes breezed by, I had mostly some with Seth, and also some with Charlie, Abigail and Nathan...who all seem to be still friendly with me.
And now its lunch, and me and Seth are making our way to Charlie’s table where she invited us to sit with them again for lunch.....and Seth to properly meet them.
“Hey Lex!” Charlie grins at me as I slip into a seat next to her and Seth next to me.
I smile slightly back as the Nathan and Abigail greets me too.
“Ur...this is Seth...my brother..” I say nodding towards my twin and pick up my soda can.
Charlie chuckles and smiles “yeah I kinda figured that out” She says “Hey, I’m Charlie!” she grins, speaking in that cherry voice of her’s. “this is Abigail....or Abby, and that’s Nathan” she says introducing the two of them who smile
“Hey....” Seth’s reply is as he picks up a fry to eat glancing at me briefly....
“Right! Now you two have gotta definitely come with us to get that smoothie!” Charlie says beaming at me and Seth “Tomorrow after school, yeah?!”
I raise my eyebrow slightly glancing to Seth and he gives me a look sending me a message with his eyes...
I turn back to Charlie who’s nearly bouncing in her seat grinning....
I smile and shrug “Yeah....okay..” I say
“Awesome!” She grins and we chat randomly for the rest of lunch, and I ignore the rowdiness of a few tables across where my brothers sit......typical.
I turn my nose up as I read that of my schedule.
Great, History’s next.
It’s not that I dislike History....just I find it...MEGA boring, with the teachers drowning on and on about these old farts who lived thousands of years ago.
Pffft.....like I need to know that.
“Aw yes! We’ve got History too!” Charlie grins pointing to her and Nathan.
I smile lightly, well at least I’ll have them then.
We say bye to Seth and Abby, who have another class, but are together which is cool and head to the History room with Charlie blabbering on about our teacher, Ms March.
“You’ll love her Lex! She’s not like the other History teachers, she actually makes the lessons fun” She smiles
I smirk slightly at her hyperness and nod “Hmm...yea...we’ll see” I mutter not really sure if possible.....
We walk into the History classroom and take a seat near the back, Nathan sat on the desk in front of us and me with Charlie, and I watch as more people file into the room....
Finally once everyone’s in, a young, petite women with bouncy brown hair wonders into the classroom, carrying some books and with a cheerful smile on her face.
“Afternoon class!” she chirps placing her books on the desk turning to face us with the friendly smile on her face, and the vibe she gives of reminds me of...Charlie.
Ha...no wonder Charlie adores her, their practically alike.
Her honey hazel eyes scan the room “Now...where’s the recently new student? Lexi Walker?” I internally groan...great please don’t do that whole ‘she’s a new student so let’s get her to introduce herself’ crap.
I slightly raise my hand and her eyes zone in on me and she smiles brightly “Great! Well...hello Lexi, I’m Ms March the craziest, most awesome History teacher at this school! I hope you enjoy this year” She grins at me and a few chuckles come from around the class.
“Okay! Let’s get a move on then with today...” She turns around to the board, and I can’t help but lightly smirk.....yup! she definitely reminds me of Charlie.
The lesson goes on, and surprisingly....it isn’t as bad as I first thought, thinking History was boring and pointless.....and Ms March did make it more interesting.....
The bell rings ending out history lesson and we pack our stuff up as Ms March calls out “Don’t forget to research that war! And hand in next lesson!”......pff..great....homework.
I sling my bag on my shoulder, making my way out the classroom with Charlie and Nathan
“What ya got next Lex?” Charlie asks chirpily walking by my side.
“Maths...” I groan making a face.
I hate maths....well...some of it anyway. I mean what’s the point in learning what a x means in an equation? When the hell would you need that in life?!
Charlie chuckles at that but then pouts “Bummer, we’re not with you in that” She says meaning her and Nate, “OH! But Abby does...she’ll be with you” She grins and I smile lightly back as we make our way down the hallway to the maths classrooms.
I’ve already had maths before, and I gotta say Mr Miller, the teacher, is a right old bag, bad tempered and strict.
I shiver just at the thought of having him again.....
I wave Charlie and Nate of and smile as I see Seth coming up the corridor towards the classroom as he’s in this class, which is good as I suck at Maths.
He smiles at me “You alright?” He asks casually as we turn to go in the classroom
“Yep” I nod throwing him a small smirk.
“Lexi! Seth! Come sit here!” Abigail’s cherry voice yells out to us as we walk in and I smile at her as we make our way near the middle of the classroom and I slip into the desk next to her while Seth sits on the one behind us.
Mr Miller comes in shortly after, with what always seems like a permanent frown on his face and dumps is stuff on his desk “Class! Settle down!” He orders and I turn in my seat properly leaning back in it....
The door suddenly bashes open and loud deep laughter fills the room.....
Mr Miller’s head snaps towards the door and his eyes narrow to slits, “Mr Dean, Mr Myers! I do not appreciate you coming into my classroom late and making a racket!” He snaps cutting of their laughter but you can tell their trying to suppress it.
Mr Miller glares at them “Take a seat! And I do not want another peep out from you two” He warns turning to the board to start the lesson....
I can’t help but crack a small smirk slightly, as well....you always laugh when someone gets shouted out right? But then I shake it off as Mr Miller starts to speak.
Noah, unfortunately, is in this class with me too, and his mate Connor, who’s just as bad really, and looks alike, except he was dirty blonde hair.
They saunter down the aisle to the back of the class, like they own the place and I roll my eyes flipping open my book.
The lesson drags on, and soon Mr Miller sets us some work to do, and only allowed to talk quietly with the people around us....
I frown at the question in front of me, my pen frozen mid air as I’m stuck on it and no clue how to work out this stupid fraction stuff....
Suddenly something white and small hits my desk, just above my piece of paper.
I frown as I see it’s a scrunched up piece of paper.
Curiously I reach my hand out, dropping my pen and unravel the small scrunched up piece of scrapped paper to see some scribbled handwriting....
Having some trouble there little firecracker?
My head snaps up in the direction to where I know it came from...I mean no one else calls me firecracker! What the hell is that anyway?
(A/N: BTW, I’m sure you do know, but if you don’t know what a firecracker is...it’s a small explosive device that produces a large amount of noise :P....I just thought it’s kinda like Lexi’s character as she’s got like a short fuse, and when angry....kinda explodes making noise sorta like a firecracker......you get me?...yeah?....haha...yeah whatever :PJ)
I meet Noah’s brown eyes across the classroom, only a few seats away from mine, and there looking right back at me, with that smirk of his plastered across his face.
I scowl at that stupid nickname he thought up. It doesn’t even make sense!....heck.....my actual name is shorter than that!...isn’t it supposed to be a nickname shorter for your own name?
Noah motions for me to write back and I scowl again rolling my eyes before scribbling down on the note....
Leave me alone
I wrote simple on the paper and scrunched it back up in a ball and tossed it to Noah as Mr Miller’s head is down reading something.....oh and have I forgot to mention that the class is quiet...only people whispering to the people next to them....
I don’t bother looking back to Noah and look back down to my blank page instead, groaning inwardly.......I just obviously lied to him...
A seconds later...another piece of paper lands on my desk, and with a agitated growl I harshly snatch it up from the table top and roughly unravel it.....
Don’t lie, you obviously are. Hey! Want some help?
I scoff quietly at that and scribble a message back
No! Not from you
What part of ‘leave me alone’ did you not understand?!
I throw it back more forcefully than before narrowing my eyes......jerk, I wouldn’t want his help if he paid.
I bite my lip to stop myself from shouting out annoyed as yet another! Piece of paper lands on my desk.
AH! So you do need help.
Technically, I am leaving you alone....I’m nowhere near you ;)
I roll my eyes reading that....Mr smarty ass!..but somehow..feel a small trace of a smile go to my face before I blank out emotions.
Whatever Noah.....go away before you get us in trouble.
I scribble back and toss back over to him, glancing to see Mr Miller still with his head down in his book....
Yet again...another annoying piece of paper lands on my desk and I scowl.
Aww, is little miss perfect scared to get in trouble?
My scowl hardens as I read that and look up to see Noah’s amused and teasing look shot my way.
I clench my jaw jabbing my pen down on the paper
NO....now p*** off before I make you
I throw it at him this time, making it hit the side of his head slightly and drop onto his desk.
I cross my arms over my chest, leaning back in my chair, glaring at my desktop....
I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn my head to see Seth looking at me curiously yet confused.....and I know he’s meaning about the note swaps between me and that douche across the room.
I just shake my head at him frowning, telling him I’m annoyed and don’t wanna say, and turn back around just in time for another piece of paper to land on my desk.
“Mr Dean....I suggest you stop whatever you’re doing before I give you an detention” Mr Miller speaks causing me to raise my head only to frown in confusion as he’s head is still down reading out a book....how the heck did he see Noah do that?!
I shake my head and hear a few snickers around the room, mainly Noah’s and his mate’s....and unravel the note once again....
Ooh...tut tut Angel, bad mouthing now are we? ;)
My eyes harden as I read over that...that word...and I feel my blood boil along with a lump rise in my throat
Angel! He called me Angel?! I’m not his fricken Angel! Who the hell does he think he is!?
My hands are clenched around my pen as I scribble back, furiously and only two words.
Fuck. Off.
I scrunch it up and pull my arm back to throw it at him forcefully....
A cleared throat makes me pause “Miss Walker! And what do you think you are doing?” Mr Miller’s voice cuts through the almost silent classroom......but my eyes are locked and glaring on Noah that I don’t even think before throwing the scrunched up piece of paper toward him, hitting his head more forcefully than I had done before making him wince back slightly in surprise and shot me a dirty look
“Right! That’s it! I gave you a warning! Miss Walker, Mr Dean, detention after school both of you!” Mr Miller snaps standing up from his seat and pointing a deadly finger at both me and Noah.
Now that is just taking the f-ing piss!
I grind my teeth holding back a growl as I give Noah the most deadliest glare I can do as I sink back in my seat....
Oh and guess what he does.
Smirks the annoying big!
“well it is your fault Lexi” Seth says as the last bell of the day goes and I shot him a glare.
“Yeah? Well if it wasn’t for him I could go home right now...but nooo...I have to stay for god knows how long!” I snap annoyed.
Seth rolls his eyes slinging his bag over his shoulder “Yeah...but YOU threw that last note Lex” He says heading towards the door.
“That’s because of what he called me” I hiss at him catching him up, already feel my hands clench as I remember
Seth looks to me frowning “What did he call you?” He says in a low voice and I can tell he thinks it’s something bad.....
I swallow....shaking my head not being able to speak that word out loud without shredding a tear.
“N-nothing” I curse myself mentally as my voice comes out just near a whisper and slightly shaky.
Seth’s eyes harden as he grabs my arm “Come on.....let’s go to Chris...” He says through clenched teeth pulling me down the corridor.
My eyes widen slightly and I shake him off “No! No......don’t Seth!” I yelp pulling away and stopping narrowing my eyes slightly at him as I know what will happen if the does.....
Seth’s eyes narrow at me as he looks down the two inch difference “
“If you do that it will be exactly like what it was in Washington!” I say frowning not wanting my brothers to get in the way of everything like before.
Seth’s eyes narrow more at me “If he said something to you Lexi, tell us” He says frowning...
I shake my head “No....Seth...it’s nothing” I say moving away from him to go back up the corridor as I have pluddy detention....
Seth grabs my arm spinning me around and staring me in my eyes as if he’s trying to read something....
I start to feel uncomfortable with him looking at me like and struggle out of his grip “I’ve gotta go....tell the others where I am and I’ll make my own way back” I mumble turning around and quickly walking down the corridor towards the classroom I’m suppose to go for detention, walking quickly away from Seth before he says anything.
I do NOT want my brothers involved...as they jump to the first conclusion they can think off without even listening to me and then ruin if all after....going all protective as they would think Noah bad mouthed me...when infact..no.....he just called me something that no one else has dared say since.........
“Sup chipmunk?!” comes that person’s voice that landed me with detention.
I scowl as I look up to see Noah coming from the opposite direction smirking at me and then I blink realising what he called me....
“what did you just call me?” I say raising an eyebrow...
He smirks and shrugs “Chipmunk?” he says like it’s the most natural thing to call someone.
I narrow my eyes at him, crossing my arms over my chest “Do I look like a chipmunk to you?!” I ask incredulously
He smirks as he eyes scan me up and down then meeting my blue ones “yup!” he says popping the ‘p’ and still the with smirk, waltz past me and into the detention classroom.
I ground my teeth and stomp in after him, spilling loads of profanities at him in my head
There’s like three other people in here and I take a seat at the back, far away from Noah, he sees this and smirks as I slouch into my seat, the middle aged woman at the desk at the front not really bothered and with the letters ‘SILENCE’ written on the board...
I soon realise that’s exactly what we’re surrpose to do....as a few minutes in....not even the teacher speaks saying for us to do some work or anything...we just have to sit here....in silence...for a whole hour?
Pfft...waste of pluddy time! I could have just done that at home.
I slump back in my seat, crossing my arms over myself frowning.
I’ve had detention before, in my old school and mostly that was my brothers fault, from provoking me, or just forgetting homework...so I’m okay with that...but not the fact that it’s with Noah
I catch Noah’s eye and he shoots me a signature smirk/grin, showing dimples on each side of his face.
I scowl once again, turning away from him and slumping over my desk.......
Oh god....this is gunna be a long one hour......
And indeed it was! Like flippin torture!
Okay...maybe it wasn’t torture but sure as hell near enough.
Sat in that room, in silence, barley able to breathe your scared you make too much noise.
It’s stupid......pointless.
I glance up at the clock groaning inwardly as its only 5 more minutes that seem to be going agonizing slow.
I lay my head in my arms on the desk closing my eyes, in hopes this will make it go quicker......
“Okay, detention over, you are free to go” My head snaps up at the middle aged woman’s soft boring voice and I blink......oh yeah, let the last 5 minutes go quicker than the whole hour! Typical.
I jump up from my seat slinging my bag over my shoulder and practically leg it out of there.....
“And where do you think you’re rushing off to?”
I groan as I didn’t get away in time and turn around to see a smirking Noah raising an eyebrow at me.
“Home” I state obviously rolling my eyes and turning back around heading out the double doors to the parking lot.
“Aw....you’re no fun!” Noah pouts, but I can see the smirk still on his face as he catches me up.
“I am fun” I defend myself frowning as I walk outside, a slight breeze hitting me
I see Noah raise an eyebrow out the corner of my eye “Ha, really?!...that’s hard to believe” He mutters the last part but I still hear him and narrow my eyes at him
He smirks amused as he sees my reaction and steps in front of me, making me stop short...”You don’t seem the fun type of girl...” He says cocking his head to the side looking at me, with that boyish smirk “I mean you’re always angry and cursing....I don’t think I’ve ever seen you laugh since that food fight when we first met” He says a hint of amusement in his eyes.
I lightly smirk at that memory of me and Chris starting that food fight......but then shake it off narrowing my eyes back at him.
“That’s because you make me annoyed” I glare and shove past him, continuing walking.
“Oh I feel special now! Thanks sweet cheeks!” Noah laughs sarcastically and catches me up.
“What is it with you and coming up with random nicknames for me?” I hiss at him glaring as I continue to walk through the deserted parking lot.
“Why not? Makes it interesting than saying... Leeexxi” He smirks dragging out my name but only makes me more annoyed than I already am.
“How would you like hm? Me calling you a whole bunch of random names?” I snap
“You can call me anything you like princess” He almost whispers and I jump slightly at the sudden closeness he is to me and spin around to find him smirking.
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