《Eres Academy :School of The Royal and The Rich》35
"Sorry Paige."
Aicko apologized as she tried to stop me from leaving our suite.
"Of all resorts why did you have to pick his?!" I pulled the strands of my hair in frustration.
"I didn't think you'd be affected by it, besides even you liked it."
"I did like it, but now do you think I still do?!"
"Paige you have to chill." Eloise said calmly.
"Yeah." Aicko sighed. "Besides aren't things over between the two of you? You ended it years ago."
I sat on the bed. "Yes, I did."
"Then there shouldn't be a problem anymore if that's the case." Eloise said.
I sighed in frustration.
"Do you really not want to see him?" Eloise asked.
I nodded.
"Fine, then you should take some rest now and just leave early tomorrow morning, that way you can rest and still avoid seeing him."
"Who's leaving?" Shari entered our room, she just came from the other room after sending Sahana to sleep.
"Paige is, first thing tomorrow." Aicko answered for me.
"Oh, so she found out?" Shari asked.
My brows scrunched. "So all of you knew?!" They all chuckled. I folded my arms. "Well played."
"Relax Paige we're no longer kids." Eloise chuckled.
"Ugh!" I rubbed my temple. "Fine, I'll stay for the night but I'll be leaving at dawn tomorrow."
"Well if that's the case then can you take Sahana with you and send her home? She's getting bored in this place." Shari asked.
"Sure, then it's settled then. Hana and I will leave first thing tomorrow, end of discussion, good night."
I set the alarm for 5 am the next morning. Aicko and Eloise were still sound asleep while Shari and Hana were at the other room.
I silently went to the bathroom to wash my face and brushed my teeth. I changed into my black sport's bra and matching black leggings under my white jacket and a pair of sneakers for my feet. I plan on having a jog in the park after I get bag to my condo.
The girls knew that I would be leaving so I didn't have to wake them up. I brought my bag with me and walked out of our room.
I knocked at the other room and Shari opened it for me with Hana behind her.
"Ready to go?" I asked her. Hana who was still in her pajamas nodded sleepily. Shari kissed her forehead and I waved goodbye before I took Hana's hand and we walked through the resort.
The whole place was quiet since everyone was still asleep. The reunion's celebration will still continue later but I won't be joining it, I've had enough fun last night.
[Ash, you have a shoot later at 12 noon, will you make it?] Stella said over the phone.
"Yes, I will." I yawned.
When we got out the main doors I called for the valet to get my car. My eyes widened when I saw the person who got out of the doors. He was wearing a white button down long sleeves polo with a loose necktie, his sleeves were folded up to his elbows and his coat hanged in his arm.
He was talking to talking to someone on the phone making him not notice me.
"What the hell?"
Blake looked my way, a small hint of surprise displayed on his face.
Shit. Why'd I curse out loud?!
"Yes, I'll call you back." He ended his call and turned to me. "You have a problem?" Blake raised his brow in confusion.
I frowned and turned away from him. "No, I don't." I crossed my arms. "Why would I have a problem?" I kept my face away from him. "Did he really have to leave the resort at this exact time?" I muttered.
"I leave for work everyday at this time."
Shit. Was I too loud.
"Oh sure you do." I rolled my eyes.
Why is it like the whole world's against me?"
"Mommy Peggy, ice cream guy." Hana pointed to Blake.
Blake turned to her and it seemed like he was studying her face.
"Uh Hana." I looked at her. "He's not an ice cream guy." I whispered.
"Then what is he?" Hana asked.
God I'm sure Blake knows that were talking about him.
"Uhm... let's talk over there." I took her hand and we walked a bit farther from Blake. "Do you really have to ask that?"
"What's wrong with asking questions?" She asked. "My Mama said that Curiosity is the engine of achievement."
Wow, thanks a lot Shari.
I smiled. "Oh really?" I squeezed her cheeks and laughed. "Fine, you win..."
"So what is he?" Hana asked.
"He's uh..." I took a quick glance at Blake who was looking at his phone. "He's a businessman."
"What's a businessman?"
God this kid is curious.
"They uh... They own a business they... sell things." I did my best to explain.
"They sell things?" Hana asked again.
I nodded. "Yes, does that add up to the nurturing of your child curiosity?" I flicked her nose and chuckled.
I suddenly felt my phone buzz. I opened it and found a text. After I read it, I turned to Hana but she was gone from my side.
I turned to my left and my eyes widened when I saw her approaching Blake.
"Excuse me mister, do you sell ice cream?" She looked up at Blake.
Blake chuckled and kneeled down to be at Hana's level.
"No I don't." He smiled.
"Hana!" I walked towards them and took her hand. "Don't talk to strangers."
"But he's not a stranger." She pointed at him. "We saw him yesterday at the ice cream shop at the mall and you you ice cream on his shirt."
"Yes, baby, I was clumsy-"
Suddenly my car pulled up in the drive way and a valet hopped off.
"Yey, the car's here, Mommy Peggy lets go!"
"Ok Baby you go in first." I smiled.
She nodded and rushed to the car, the valet helped her get inside and buckled her in her car seat.
I closed my eyes shut and opened them before turning to Blake.
He raised his brow at me. "Yes?"
I didn't talk and pulled out my wallet from my bag. I handed him the amount of money I think his dress shirt last night cost. He looked at me with amused eyes, as if I did something funny. He scoffed and tilted his head to the side to hide his sarcastic laugh.
"You don't need to pay me."
I rolled my eyes. "I'm giving this to you, so you should accept it, it's for your clothes last night." I said plainly shaking the money in my hand for him to get it.
I frowned when he let out an amused laugh.
"You're funny." He crossed his arms.
I took a deep breathe and reached out my hand to give him the money. "Just take it!" I said angrily.
"No." He crossed his arms and smiled at me with amusement.
Wow he still has the nerve to smile huh.
"Well I'm not leaving till you accept it."
"Mommy Peggy! Let's go!" Hana called from the car, she had her window rolled down.
"You were saying?" Blake asked.
Ugh! "Are you gonna take it or not?" I asked irritably.
"Mommy Peggy! I'm hungry!" Hana called once again.
"I'm coming!" I called. I turned back to Blake but this time he was looking at Hana intently just like last night as if he was memorizing her face.
"If you don't want to accept it, fine then don't." I kept the money back in my wallet.
"Sir, you car's ready." A valet said to Blake when his car came behind mine.
He nodded. I thought he was about to leave but he stopped and turned to me.
"She takes after you." That was what he said before getting inside his car and driving away leaving me here confused.
"Great job Ashley," the photographer said when I finished my shoot for the day.
I thanked him and went to the dressing room to change. "I'm so hungry." I said to Abby as she fixed my hair.
"You're on a diet remember, watch what you eat, the fashion show is coming up close." Stella said strictly. She was so strict with my diet and work out actually, she's so strict about my everyday routine, but she keeps me in place and I'm thankful for that.
When Stella left I turned to Abby. "Hey I have a question."
"What?" Abby asked eager to listen.
"Do I even look like Hana?" I had to ask since what Blake said earlier today kept bugging me.
"Actually, yes, you do." Abby chuckled.
"What?! Our faces aren't alike she like Shari up close."
"But you both have blonde hair."
I frowned. "Is it my fault she got her father's hair color?"
"Never said it was." Abby laughed. "But I'm just stating the facts."
"Is that why people are thinking that she's my daughter?" I asked.
"Yeah aside from the fact that you were spotted multiple times with her."
"But that was babysitting, can't people distinguish a real mother and child from babysitting?"
"They obviously can't."
I let out a laugh. Did Blake just get fooled by the rumors like everyone else?
After Abby fixed me up, I changed into a black jumpsuit and heels. My hair was tied into a high ponytail and I got my white purse.
I was free for the rest of the afternoon and I still haven't eaten lunch. I knew where to go.
I drove to the airport and parked my car in the parking lot. I wore shades to cover my face and I took my purse before walking inside. When I got in, I went straight to one of the restaurants inside the airport and took a seat.
"Can I get you anything ma'am?" A waiter asked.
"Just water please." I smiled without taking my shades off.
The waiter came back with a glass of water while I looked through the menu. I took a sip from the water and chuckled.
I looked up to the waiter and frowned. "Something's wrong with the water."
"W-what?" She looking confused.
"There's something very wrong with it, it just doesn't taste right." I showed her my glass.
"Uhm... we could change it."
"No." I stopped her from taking my glass. "I'd like to speak with the owner please."
"What's going on here?" The manager of the restaurant came. "What seems to be the problem?"
"The water doesn't taste right." I smiled. "So can I please talk to the owner of the airlines?"
The manager looked at me closely, I brought my shades a bit lower for him to see my eyes.
His mouth formed into an O. "Wait for a while miss, I'll get him."
"Thankyou." I smiled once again.
While waiting, I just kept sipping my water and continued reading an ebook in my phone.
"Ashley Bennet what a pleasant surprise!" A familiar voice called.
I turned to where the voice came from and smiled.
"Hello Mr. CEO."
"What seems to be the trouble miss?"
I pointed to my glass of water. "Something's wrong with you water." I tried to stifle my laugh.
"Oh really?!" He took a sip from my glass. "Oh dear I think you're right, should we make a complaint to the president?"
"What the hell?" I laughed.
He laughed as well and sat across me. "How you doing Peggy." Aiden ruffled my hair.
I hit his hand away. "Good as usual, how about you Ugly, where've you been?"
"From the sky." He chuckled.
I laughed as well but it was true, he texted me this morning that he'll be arriving back from a business meeting today.
Since we both didn't have lunch yet, we ordered food.
"Are you kidding me Peggy?" Aiden frowned when he saw the sandwhich I ordered. "That isn't a proper lunch."
I sighed and looked at his plate full of pasta. How I wish I was in his seat right now.
"It isn't my cheat day yet." I sighed. "And I have a fashion show soon which I am preparing for."
"Aww poor you." He gave me a look of pity which was immediately replaced with a teasing look. "More for me then." He laughed and we started eating.
"Hey, free your schedule for the day after tomorrow." He reminded me. "We're going somewhere."
"Yeah I know, you don't have to remind me." I got my bag and pulled out a flask and drank from it.
"What drink is that?" Aiden peeked inside the flask to see the drink. He suddenly moved away when he saw the what was inside. "You drink that too?"
I smiled at him teasingly. "Why? Does it remind you of someone?" I laughed when he turned silent. "You wanna try? It's a mixture of celery, cucumber, carrots and many more." I laughed again as he kept moving away from me.
"HA HA HA very funny." He crossed his arms.
"You attended the reunion yesterday right?" He asked.
"Yeah." I nodded. "Everyone attended except for you."
"Seriously?" He said in shock.
"Kidding." I gave him a teasing look. "You should've attended." I sighed.
"Sorry, I was busy yesterday."
"Oh really?" I said sarcastically. "You sure you're not avoiding anyone?" I gave him a teasing look.
"Of course not." He faked a cough.
"Are you sure?" I leaned closer to him.
"Stop it Peggy." He warned me.
"Ok, ok." I laughed. "I'll just pretend that I believe you."
"What about you? Did you see him?" He asked.
"No I didn't." I immediately answered.
"Ok, I'll just pretend that I believe you." It was his turn to give me the teasing look.
"Hey! I'm telling the truth." I lied. "I didn't see him."
"C'mon Peggy, he owns the resort, it'd be impossible not to see him." Aiden lauged.
I frowned. "Even you know?!"
"Almost everyone does Peggy, what are you living under a rock?"
"Ugh!" I massaged my temple. "Maybe I am living under a rock."
After we had lunch, we talked more before I was called by Stella to discuss about something and Aiden had to get back to work. He was the CEO of the airlines, he can't not do anything besides, we aren't kids anymore, it's hard nowadays to just hangout any time we want because of our busy schedules and careers. Things are different now, we all accepted that.
"Ashley, I have good news!"
Stella announced the second I entered her office.
"What is it?" I sat down on a chair and took off my shades. The press outside the building were crazy.
"A new brand booked you as their model." She said excitedly.
"Really?" I took the heels of my feet. "Which brand?"
Stella giggled and went closer to me. "Euphoria."
My eyes suddenly widened. Euphoria is one of the world's best and finest clothing brands.
"You're serious?"
Stella nodded. "And the CEO of Euphoria, Rebecca Kline wants to meet you over dinner tomorrow evening at Euphoria's main building in the city, we'll be going together so don't be late." She commanded. "This is big time offer, we're talking about Euphoria here, understood?"
"Yes, Yes, I understand."
That night, I went to sleep early to get enough rest for tomorrow. Euphoria was a big deal and Stella made if very clear that I can't mess up.
The next day, I woke up early and went to the gym with my trainer, I did my workout for 2 hours and afterwards I went to the mall to buy some things. I planned on visiting Aicko's house this weekend since we both will be baby sitting Hana so I decided to buy her some toys and clothes. After that, I went back to my condo and started cleaning the place. My condo's quite big for just me making me feel quite lonely when I'm here all alone.
I missed being with Mom in our house back in Massachusetts, I missed those days in Eres when Aicko would keep me company as a room mate, those rebellious nights when we girls would escape our dorm and hangout in dorms of the royals even if there were rebels on the loose. Those days seemed so long ago.
I ended up taking a nap before waking up at 5:30 in the afternoon to get ready. I wore a peach colored sleeveless dress with matching cream colored heels. I wore my purse and ironed my hair into soft curls before letting them down.
"Nice look." Stella approved when She saw me. Abby joined us inside my van and Stella told my driver to bring us to the Kline's address.
"The Klines are a well known family but you must also know the Rebecca Kline comes from one of the most prestigious families in the world." Stella reminded me. "We will be dining with Rebecca's husband and family since Rebecca's family are the real owners of Euphoria before she inherited it."
"All right, all right, you gave me the facts, you don't have to fill me in their whole family's history."
Abby laughed at what I said.
When we came to Euphoria's main building, I wore my shades before coming down the van as my body guards helped me get inside the building and away from the press.
"How'd they find out that Ash would be here?" Stella said angrily on the phone while she was talking to some people to get rid of the press.
Euphoria's building looked so fancy and sophisticated like the brand itself, many employees eyes me and others approached me to ask for a picture, I took pictures with some of them until Stella pulled me away.
"Mrs. Kline would see you now." Her secretary said. Stella took my hand and together, we entered the CEO's office.
"Ashley Bennet, how wonderful it is to see you." Rebecca Kline said when we entered her office, she was seated behind her desk facing us.
I eyed her appearance, she was in a business suit and her hair was down, She looked beautiful but something about her told me that I've seen her before.
"It's so great to see you as well Mrs. Kline, thankyou for having us." Stella answered for me.
- End79 Chapters
Toradora!’s story begins with the male protagonist Ryuji Takasu who is frustrated at trying to look his best as he enters his second year of high school. Despite his gentle personality, his eyes make him look like an intimidating delinquent so he is utterly hopeless about his chances of getting a girlfriend anytime soon, and does not have many close friends either. After being greeted by his hungover mother in the morning, Ryuji goes to school and is happy to find that he gets to be in the same class as his best friend Yusaku Kitamura and crush Minori Kushieda. However, it is then that he unexpectedly knocks into “the school’s most dangerous animal of the highest risk level” — Taiga Aisaka — who just happens to also be in his class, and is a good friend of Minori. Taiga has a negative attitude towards others and will not hesitate to snap at people. After meeting Ryuji, she takes an instant dislike of him. Taiga comes from a rich family, though she moved out to live on her own due to family issues, and by coincidence is now living in an apartment next door to Ryuji. After Ryuji discovers that Taiga has a crush on Yusaku, and Taiga finds out about Ryuji’s affections towards Minori, Ryuji suggests that they cooperate so they can win the object of their affections. Ryuji says he will do anything to get closer to Minori, which Taiga exploits, making Ryuji her personal servant, and getting him to do household chores like cooking and cleaning for her. Taiga spends a lot of her time over at his house, so much so that she could almost be considered a member of his family. Since Ryuji spends a lot of time with Taiga, he is opened up to her world and to a side of her that most people do not see. The two also attempt to help each other in order to improve how people view them. Unknown to them, however, people they know from school start to become curious about their strange relationship together and rumors begin to spread about them.
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