《Just a cliché》[4] Pull yourself together whore
"Pretty brown eyes and a mind full of thoughts"
I open my laptop and see a notification for a new email. I click it and butterflies arise in my stomach. I read the message that tells me my tutoring partner is picked and I need to go to student services to meet them. I don't know why I'm nervous, I guess I just hope I have someone who's nice. Meeting new people is definitely not on my list of things I enjoy doing, especially when I'm doing it alone.
I force myself out of bed and pull on a pair of leggings and a crewneck. I twist my hair into an up do and secure it with a claw clip. Basic, I know, but I don't give a shit. What people fail to mention about dressing basic, is that it's comfortable and requires little effort. Both of which heavily appeal to me.
I decide on some light makeup, hoping it'll give me the extra boost of confidence I need to get through this. I blend in some under eye concealer, apply some blush on my cheeks, and brush my eyelashes through with mascara.
10 minutes later of convincing myself I don't need to change my outfit or cancel this whole thing entirely, and I mentally prepare myself to go.
"Jemma, I'm nervous." I tell my best friend, hoping for some advice or comfort.
"You did this to yourself, Dell" she jokes back, and I flick her in the arm for her lack of support.
She sees the worry deep in my eyes and quickly gets more serious.
"I promise it's going to be great." She says, her voice calming me down instantly. "You can do this, Dell. God knows you've done much scarier things. It's one hour of your life, and then you can come home and we'll invite the girls over again."
Her offer reminds me of the fact that we're supposed to be going home to my parents for dinner tonight. Some of my nerves settle when I realize that means a good meal, a big hug from my parents, and seeing my dog Harley. She's a 5 year old golden retriever and my favourite thing in the entire world.
"We're seeing my parents tonight, remember?"
"Oh right, how could I forget." She says with realization in her eyes. "Your brother is coming too?" Her question catches me off guard but i'm too nervous to really care.
"Yeah, he is..." I say, wanting to ask about her sudden interest in Chase, but I decide it's probably just because she wants to get him back for beating her at go fish the other day.
"Anyways, I think i'm going to go." I cut off our conversation, butterflies swirling around my stomach.
I take one last look in the mirror, and put on my coat on. I give Jemma a hug and take a few deep breaths. God, why the fuck am I so nervous right now? Worst case scenario, I get someone I don't get along with, big deal. I decide I'm being dramatic and walk out the door.
"Good luck bitch! Call me if you need anything, you've got this." I catch Jemma's last words as the door shuts behind me.
I make it to student services, annoyed I didn't ask Chase for the car. I'm fucking freezing right now. I'm sure my walk here has made me unpresentable. I decide against looking at myself in the mirror, coming to the conclusion that it'll make me more stressed to know I look like I just got attacked by Elsa and her snowmen. I chuckle to myself at my reference. Frozen is the best Disney movie and I'm ready to die defending that opinion.
"Hi, I'm Delaney Lawrence." I speak to the older woman behind the desk.
"Ah, the tutor. Yes, ok here's all the information." She hands me a stack of paper. "Why don't you sit down in the chair over there and wait for him." She finishes and immediately starts helping the next person in line.
Him, I repeat her words. Ok, so I'm tutoring a guy. No big deal. They're not all mean. Maybe this guy is nice. He's probably super sweet I tell myself, hoping if I say it enough in my head, it'll come true. I don't even bother to look at the paper in my hand, it's intimidating and I don't think I can handle that right now.
"She's right over there, let me know if you have any problems." The receptionist says, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I look up and meet a pair of green eyes staring back at me.
Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me right now.
Of course It's him. Charlotte's brother. I hope I get struck by lighting or something.
"So, we meet again." I cut off our strangely long eye contact.
"Have you let your doctor know your vision is still as impeccable as the last time we spoke." He refers back to his comment about my working eyes he made at the gym.
I scoff at his bluntness and his use of the word 'spoke'. He barely uttered a word to me even after being late. And just like that I'm worked up again and reminded on why I told myself to ignore him and be passive aggressive.
"I haven't yet, but I was planning on calling him later today to tell him the great news. If you'd like I can do it now, I'll even let you make the announcement. " I retort.
Unfortunately, he doesn't seem caught off guard by my comment and a smirk decorates his face. A hot one at that, showcasing his dimples.
God, pull yourself together, whore.
"Well I have to get to practice soon, so why don't I give you my phone number and you can let me know when you want to share your wisdom, Freud" The boy in front of me proposes, referencing a famous psychologist.
"I don't even know your name." I remark straight faced. Does this guy just walk around thinking everyone knows who he is?
"It's on the sheet in your hand. Let's see if those pretty eyes of yours read too."
I have to physically restrain my jaw from falling on the floor at his comment.
He puts his number in my phone and gives it back to me. I hate that I feel every muscle in my body tense when his hand brushes my own.
"Bye Dell" He says, getting up to leave.
"..laney" i finish for him. That nickname is for friends and family only, something he isn't and will never be.
"What?" he asks obviously confused by basic instructions.
"Its Delaney" I further explain for him, god maybe he really does need me to tutor him after all.
"Ok, Laney" he teases, winking at me.
I roll my eyes but decide against arguing with him, instead I decide to give him a taste of his own medicine.
"Ok, Blake" is all i can come up with. Jesus Delaney pull yourself together for god's sake. I cringe at my embarrassing comeback.
"Hmm, very creative, using my last name." He replies, making me want to stab myself more than I already do.
"I tried." I shoot him an obnoxious smile. "It's not my fault your first name doesn't nickname well." I try and defend myself.
"I know, that's why i like giving other people nicknames" Sterling begins. "But too bad, that's not a nickname." He concludes.
"What?" I question.
"My last name, it's an easy out, plus people call me that already." He explains.
I challenge him "And how do you know people don't call me Laney?"
"Well do they?"
"No." I disappoint myself with my own answer
How the fuck has no one come up with that yet? I mean come on people, deLANEY. I blame it on my brother's stupidity. He came up with 'Dell'.
"Take some time to think about it Laney, text me when you figure it out and you can start to tutor me." And just like that, he's gone.
I look down at the sheet of paper and read his name again. Suddenly a light goes off in my head. He has to go to practice and his name is Sterling. Of course he's the fucking hockey captain. AKA the most popular and sought out guy on campus.
I loved writing this chapter so much! I'm so glad I'm getting into the chapters with the two of them together. My favourite part about writing is adding funny banter between the two and I can finally do that!
Question of the chapter: What was the most unexpected/ surprising part of your day?
Again, thank you for all the support! You guys are the absolute best, honestly. Stay safe and healthy everyone <3
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Once, they were at the top of the world strong enough to take the heaven. Then calamity struck and they fell, cursed by the heaven. Today they're unknown to the world, their grace forgotten by everyone but themselves, their clan n ruins. All they have now is hope, a hope that they can rise to greatness once again and regain their former glory.Thus, began the story of our hero Nik, a genius who was never meant to break through the shackles of the curse of the heaven. What happens when one cursed by the heaven finds the treasure bestowed by the heaven? Will he fall like his ancestors or will he rise to bring his clan to its former glory and create a new era?
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Poké Oneshots [Requests Temporarily Closed]
This is a small collection of oneshots that I either wrote for myself, or other people have requested. Requests are my top priority, so when you request, that comes immediately before anything that I happen to be writing for myself. Sometimes it may take me a while to publish the chapter you request, because the requests can back up a little bit.Requesting a scenario helps me form ideas a little faster, but if there's nothing in particular that you want to see, then I'll try my best to portray a good chapter from my viewpoint of the ship.You can absolutely request any ship that you want. There's a lot of oneshot collections out there who only do requests if it's a ship that they ship, but I know how hard it is to find stories for a ship that you like sometimes.Ships I'll probably inlude when writing for myself are:SpecialshippingNamelessshipping OldrivalshippingMangaquestshippingSoulsilvershippingFranticshippingAgencyshippingSequelshippingGreyskyshippingKalosshippingTwinleafshippingDualrivalshippingChessshippingFerriswheelshippingEntourageshippingCorruptedshippingBlacksoulshippingMalasadashippingLaverreshipping(You can request a ship and/or scenario)(I don't do ships from the anime, sorry (。ヘ°))
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