《Homeward Bound Part One: An Unexpected Journey》Chapter Twenty
Eventually Bilba forced herself to get up and leave the room. The sun was just beginning to drift toward the horizon making it late afternoon, early evening.
She wandered for a while, trailing along small paths and streams. The place was beautiful and very peaceful she had to admit. At the same time, however, she had a feeling she'd end up quite bored eventually. What had her mother seen in the place to keep her returning? Bilba always pictured Rivendell as some action packed place but, in reality, it was not that unlike the Shire.
So what had her mother found other than a place her children were not?
Rounding a corner she saw steps leading down and followed them into a small underground room. A massive painting dominated the near wall depicting the scene every person in Middle Earth knew well, the moment Isildur cut the ring from the hand of Sauron.
Bilba felt a thrill run through her at the sight and carefully reached a hand up to gently touch the painting. How old was it? It was in Rivendell after all, as far as she knew it could date all the way back to the First Age. Something deep inside her stirred and she considered the possibility that her love of history and adventure wasn't quite so dead as she once thought.
She put her hand down and turned to explore the rest of the room. Almost directly behind her stood a statue of a woman gazing down on the remnants of a sword. In spite of herself, Bilba felt her eyes widen. The sword was identical to the one in the painting behind her which meant it could only be --
She stepped closer, almost shaking in anticipation of being so close to history.
The shards of Narsil. The very SWORD that cut the ring from Sauron's hand. Why had her mother never told her it was in Rivendell?
Reverently she crept up the small stairs in front of the statue and gazed down on the glittering pieces.
"You can pick it up if you want."
Bilba jerked and twisted to see a tall figure lounging in a chair near the back of the room, nearly hidden by shadow.
He stood and stepped forward, one hand raised in apology while the other set a book down. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."
"It's all right," Bilba said, one hand over her heart as her pulse slowly went back to normal. "I should have been paying closer attention."
He moved forward and she could see he was young, and very tall, with dark hair to his shoulders. He also had rounded ears.
"You're a Man!" She blurted, and then flushed immediately.
He laughed. "Indeed." He gave a dramatic bow. "Aragorn, son of Arathorn at your service my Lady."
Bilba giggled and dipped into a curtsey matching the theatrics of his bow. "Bilba Baggins of the Shire, at yours."
He jumped up beside her in one easy leap, bypassing the stairs entirely. Reaching out he gently lifted the hilt of the sword then turned and offered it to her. "Be careful, it's still sharp."
Bilba nodded, her eyes wide as she stared at the blade. She started to take it and then jerked her hands back at the thought of touching so important a blade.
He laughed. "It's fine, go ahead."
Bilba nodded. She chewed on her lower lip a second, let out a breath and gently took the blade. A grin started of its own accord as she hefted the hilt, eyes traveling up to the remnants of the blade.
"Poor Isildur," she whispered without thinking, "he should have been remembered as a hero alone."
Aragorn raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And why is that?" His eyes darkened and, when he spoke again, his words were hard. "He failed in the end. He kept the ring for himself when it should have been destroyed."
Bilba rolled her eyes. "And where were his friends? Why did no one take the ring from him and throw it in Mount Doom?"
Aragorn looked startled. "I imagine they felt it wasn't their place."
"It's the embodiment of all evil," Bilba said in exasperation. "I'm pretty sure propriety could have been set aside to ensure its destruction. They're fortunate the ring was lost to the sea, otherwise they would have had much to answer for." She sighed. "I suppose they already have much to answer for, to Isildur at least. The legends all state the ring has a will of its own so how do they know it wasn't exerting influence over him? He may well have thanked someone for saving him from it." She sighed, studying the blade again. "I never understood why blame was always laid so squarely at his feet. He saved the world only to be abandoned by his friends to the power of the ring."
Silence greeted her words and Bilba tensed suddenly, had she really said all that out loud? She risked a look and saw Aragon staring at her, his face a mixture of emotion.
"I--" He started, then stopped, clearly taking a moment to compose himself. It was clear the words had affected him though Bilba could not imagine why. "I had never thought of it that way," he said finally. "You have a unique perspective on the world, my Lady."
"I suppose our personal experiences greatly affect how we see things," she said, a trace of sadness in her voice. "And it's Bilba, please. If you keep saying my Lady I'll embarrass myself by looking around to see who you're addressing."
He inclined his head. "Only if you will return the favor."
Bilba smiled at him and gently handed the sword back to be returned to the pedestal. "Nothing would give me greater pleasure, Aragorn."
Aragorn set the sword back down, carefully arranging it next to the other pieces. "If you don't mind my curiosity, what has drawn a Hobbit so far from the Shire?"
"A quest," Bilba said immediately and then frowned. Did Thorin want people knowing? Well, to be fair, it wasn't all that hard to figure out. At her home they'd been going on about portents and signs that anyone could read and it wouldn't take much to connect why Thorin Oakenshield might be heading to Erebor. "I came with the Dwarves."
He nodded. "You are a most unusual Hobbit then."
She nodded, resigned. "It has been mentioned before."
He started to say something else, possibly to ask about the nature of the quest but, before he could they both heard the sound of a boot scraping against stone near the entrance to the room.
"Bilba? Are you in here?"
A shadow fell over the floor followed almost immediately by Kili. His eyes found hers and relaxed, only to immediately harden with suspicion at the sight of Aragorn.
"Who are you?"
Aragorn introduced himself and, after a brief pause, Kili did likewise. He then immediately turned toward Bilba again.
"The others are at dinner if you want to go."
As if in reply, Bilba's stomach rumbled loudly. She flushed and turned to Aragorn. "If you'll excuse me."
"Of course," he said. "It was nice speaking to you."
"You too," she said before turning to Kili.
To her surprise he held an arm out. She gave him an exasperated look then slid her hand around his bicep. He crooked his arm, drawing her in close, gave Aragorn what could only be described as a proprietary look and then escorted her out.
"Was that really necessary?" Bilba asked after they'd left.
Kili shrugged. "Perhaps not, but it was fun."
Bilba shook her head. "Your poor mother."
Kili grinned. "Indeed." He nodded at her. "I like your dress, by the way."
"Thank you," Bilba replied, grateful someone had noticed. "It was my mother's. I imagine I don't look nearly as good as she did wearing it but--"
"I can't imagine how beautiful your mother must have been to look more beautiful than you do," Kili said casually.
Bilba stared at him, dumbfounded. She floundered for a moment or two before finally settling on a simple, quiet thank you. Kili beamed in response and Bilba felt a surge of affection toward the young Dwarf.
"You don't happen to have a sister do you?" She asked suddenly.
"No," Kili said, "why?"
"I was just thinking she would have been lucky," Bilba mused. "Having the two of you for brothers."
Kili looked startled. Then his face reddened and he turned his face away quickly. His back went straighter, she noticed, and when he led her into the dining area a moment later his head was held high, a Prince of Erebor in every sense of the word.
The area where they were eating was a small, open air pavilion. The rest of the Company was already present, gathered at a set of low tables. She didn't see Elrond or Gandalf and asked Kili about it.
He shrugged, unconcerned. "Apparently all his wizard friends are here as well as some other Elves or something so they're all off meeting."
Bilba felt an odd sense of foreboding. "Why would there be multiple wizards and elves visiting?" She hadn't known there WERE other wizards. As she said it she wondered if that was why Aragorn had been there, as part of some delegation.
"Who cares?" Kili answered. "Unless they plan to help us take on the dragon."
He led her to a seat directly across from him and Fili and right between Thorin and Dwalin. Thorin gave her a sidelong look, then did a double take.
Bilba stiffened. "Is there something wrong?" She awkwardly smoothed down the dress. "I didn't bring this with me or anything. It was my mother's. I though thought I'd wear it for now."
"It's fine," Thorin said gruffly. Across from him Fili snorted and Kili shook his head.
"Oh, ok," Bilba said, confused. "Thank you. I think?"
Thorin opened his mouth and then closed it again, his eyebrows drawing together as he apparently tried to think of something to say.
Imagine that, Thorin not knowing what to say.
Fili rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath. "I hope the letters you received were not bad news."
"Just some people less than thrilled I ran off without talking to them first," Bilba said.
Thorin nodded. "It will be good, then, that you will be seeing them soon."
Bilba didn't answer. She was going to have to tell him about her decision and already had a feeling he probably wouldn't take it well.
Bilba forced a smile and turned back to her meal, relieved to see actual vegetables and greens on the plate.
The dwarves were less than impressed and soon began to behave much like they had at her home, complete with one of them, Bofur this time, leaping onto the top of the table to lead them in a raucous song.
The Elves who'd been providing harp music looked alternately horrified and disgusted. A young woman Kili had been eyeing, much to Thorin's irritation, soon got up and left all together. The rest soon followed, leaving them alone.
This of course was apparently all the permission the dwarves needed to start a food fight. Bombur soon broke the bench he was sitting on but this only served to egg the rest on. Bilba found herself laughing until her sides hurt, the antics of the dwarves exponentially funnier when they weren't in her home.
Dwalin got up to try and untangle Fili and Kili who'd attacked each other at some point and were at risk of rolling right off the edge of the pavilion in their attempts to pin each other.
Next to her Thorin was actually chuckling. Bilba chewed the inside of her cheek a moment and then decided now was as good a time as any. The fact Thorin was in a good mood didn't hurt either.
"Could I talk to you? In private?"
He looked at her in surprise and then nodded. "If you wish."
With that he pushed back from the table and got up, apparently not one to waste time. Bilba felt her gut clench as she got up after him. She caught the eyes of Nori, who was several feet away, and gave him a shaky smile. He nodded back reassuringly. Easy for him, she thought, he didn't have to go face Thorin.
Thorin headed toward the rooms and Bilba trailed along behind him, hesitating only briefly at the door to the room he and the boys were staying in.
"I can assure you that your virtue is safe with me," Thorin said dryly.
Bilba's entire face flushed hot and she imagined she must look an interesting shade of scarlet. She ducked her head and slid past him. He came in behind her and closed the door. The distant sounds of the dwarves and the usual sounds of outdoors vanished leaving dead silence between her and Thorin.
"Well?" Thorin asked. "What was it you wished to say?
Bilba's gut clenched yet again and she found herself wishing she'd gotten this discussion over before eating. She found herself tangling her hands in the fabric of her skirt, tightening her grip until her knuckles were white.
"We will be leaving in the morning," Thorin said when she didn't start speaking. "Elrond has promised to translate the map tonight and Gandalf has suggested we leave as soon as possible afterward." He hesitated. "This will probably be the last time we see each other, possibly for a long time --"
Bilba, unfortunately had barely heard anything he'd said as she struggled to gather her courage and she never heard what else Thorin might have said as, in a moment of cosmic bad timing, she found her voice.
"I'm going with you."
Thorin stopped, his face non-comprehending. "What?"
Bilba took a deep breath. "I'm going with you, to Erebor."
"You are not."
"I am," she insisted. "I signed the contract. We agreed."
"We agreed," Thorin said carefully as though he were speaking to a child, "that you would go with us to Rivendell and I would make the final decision. I have decided you are not needed." He frowned. "Besides, I had thought your ultimate intention was to find what happened to your family, as you have done. As I recall you stated you believed the quest to be foolish."
I changed my mind," Bilba said. About going at least, she still thought the quest was insane, handed to Thorin in the foolish belief it would make him abandon the idea all together. Still, she would go nonetheless. She owed it to Thorin even if he didn't want it. Fili and Kili's faces flashed in her mind and she realized a second reason for going. She couldn't stand the thought of them, and the rest of the Company, going on without her while she sat at home with no knowledge of their fate. It would be like the last ten years all over again when she hadn't known her family's fate. Even the thought of not knowing THORIN'S fate hurt. "I said I would prove myself and I did. You KNOW I did."
"The quest is no place for someone as untrained as you." Thorin stated.
"I'm learning," Bilba argued back. "Fili is teaching me."
"And what if we are attacked again?" Thorin shot back. "Will the few weeks of training you've had save you from an Orc pack?"
"I can handle myself!" Bilba snapped, her anger rising.
"ORI can take care of himself better than you can," Thorin nearly shouted. "If we are endangered I don't want to risk the safety of the entire Company because YOU can't protect yourself!"
"I'll be fine," Bilba said, angry at how lame the response sounded even to her own ears. Thorin was correct as much as she hated to admit it, she had next to no experience. She'd been out of the Shire twice in her entire life, a stark contrast to the dwarves who'd spent much of their lives wandering about in an attempt to find work.
Still, even if her desire was rooted partly in selfishness, she would go.
"You don't have to protect me," she bit out. "I'll watch after myself."
"You. Are. Not. Going." Thorin said through gritted teeth.
"You. CAN'T. STOP. ME." Bilba shouted back, angry at how utterly obstinate he was being.
Thorin stiffened, his face darkening like a cloud had settled over it.
"I can leave you behind."
"I'll follow."
"You will obey me in this. We had an agreement."
"Which I fulfilled!" Bilba said, her anger now fully roused. "And need I remind you that you are not my King? You hold no power over me! If I want to travel to Erebor and challenge a dragon it's MY choice to do so!"
"You will NOT be a member of this Company," Thorin shouted, his own anger nearly matching her own.
"Fine!" Bilba snapped. "I relinquish all claims to my share of the treasure, are you happy now?" She gave a vicious grin, suddenly triumphant. "Now you can't hold me to your stupid agreement. I'm just a traveler who happens to be going to Erebor the same as you!"
Thorin's face was turning a rather interesting shade of purple as he realized he really couldn't stop her from going. He could cut her out of the Company, cut her out of the contract, try to leave her behind in Rivendell, but he couldn't STOP her.
"I am the King," he started to say.
"Of NOTHING," Bilba snapped. How DARE he try to command her? "Erebor hasn't been reclaimed yet! You are King in name only!"
She regretted the words the second they left her mouth. Thorin's eyes widened slightly and then his entire face went blank. When he spoke again his voice was flat and edged with fire.
"You have been and would continue to be a distraction. Your presence would endanger my people."
He said my people, not the Company, not us. Bilba flinched at how easily he set up the delineation, cutting her out and setting her apart with a simple word.
"How would you know?" She snapped. "You won't give me a chance!"
"I don't have to," Thorin shouted. "You don't belong with us in the first place!"
It felt like she'd been punched. Something of it must have shown on her face because she saw Thorin's eyes widen slightly. Tears prickled at the back of Bilba's eyes and she clenched her hands into fists, driving her nails back into the still healing wounds on her palm. The pain grounded her and helped her get her emotions back under control.
Thorin opened his mouth to say something but she didn't let him.
"Fine," she said her voice bitter. "If you're so worried about your PEOPLE then why don't we let them decide?"
She strode forward and came to a stop a few feet from him.
He stared down at her and stayed put. "Bilba--"
Bilba snarled something unflattering in Black Speech and swung her arm, palm raised.
Thorin caught her wrist, his grip firm though not painful.
They stood there a long time, eyes locked in a silent battle of wills.
Finally Thorin released her and stepped to one side. Bilba stalked past, threw open the door and headed back to the dining pavilion.
The others were still gathered around eating and laughing. They fell silent the moment Bilba stormed in, angry tears tracking down her face, her hands still clenched into fists. She felt a flash of guilt at ruining their mood but it dissipated as Thorin strode in right after her.
Before Thorin could open his mouth and twist things she spoke.
"Who among you believes I have proven myself on this journey?"
She didn't elaborate though she saw recognition flash in Fili and Kili's eyes. They were the only ones who'd heard her back in the Shire, aside from Thorin and Gandalf. They'd been there when she'd signed the contract to get Gandalf off Thorin's back and to hear her proclaim her desire to go to Rivendell and prove herself. It was only later that she'd told them about her parents, a fact which had apparently cemented Thorin's belief that she planned to go straight back home.
Which...she HAD but that didn't mean he had the right to assume it, the jerk.
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