《Triplets (girlxgirl)》30- Breakdown



The death of Lena had taken everyone off guard. The supernatural community made new precautions and added security around the cities and the schools. The schools now have a curfew before dark which means five in the afternoon because of winter time. Nobody is to walk alone anymore and it was much recommended to be with an adult.

The funeral had taken place yesterday and many people showed up. I couldn’t face Lena’s parents or Siana. I spent most of the time hiding in my room, blaming myself about the outcome of my friend. When I did get out, I pretended to be strong. I knew I was being selfish because Lena had been Siana’s oldest friend and she was taking it better than I was. But Lena was my way out. I always wanted to know what it felt like to be a normal teenager; to go out with friends and argue for the simplest things. The succubus had taught me that. But with the past event I was starting think that maybe I can never be normal.

I was sitting at the dining table, quietly playing with leftover food. My family had spread throughout the house and I could hear their conversation about what was going on. Jamie came into the kitchen and sat down in front of me. She had a bag of blood and threw on my plate.

“You need to drink; you’re weak from lack of food”

“I don’t drink blood remember?” I told her “My vampire side is not strong enough for me to rely on it.”

“Drink it, you will feel better and you would be ale to actually fight when the war starts” She grabbed another bag of blood that was in her pocket and drank half of it in one go. This was the first time that I really hated the way she looked at me; a dull expression as if nothing happened or mattered to her.

“Where’s Siana?”

“Stayed with the succubu’s family I guess” she answered indifferently with a shrug of the shoulders. I couldn’t take it anymore. I stood up and hit the chair which flew into the opposite wall of the kitchen. I jammed my hands on the table and leaned forward.

“How can you be so indifferent?” I yelled at my sister. “She was your friend”

Jamie was silent for a moment. I could hear my family walking into the kitchen to see the commotion but I ignored them and concentrated on my infuriating sister who was unaffected by my burst of anger. She spoke very quietly and patiently.

“I cannot survive another death Jasmine, I simply cannot, and I would prefer to lose myself to someone closer to my heart” her voice was very controlled “I’m sorry I cannot react the way you want me too but that’s how it is”

I whipped my face with my hand as I felt bad for my acting. Suddenly, I had grown extremely tired. I looked at her “Is it going to get better?” I pleaded for good news.

“Death is a permanent scar on the soul Jasmine. Think of it as an unwanted trophy. You need to find a container to protect it and keep it from breaking. Then you put the container on a shelf in your heart and leave it as decoration. Usually, the longer it’s there, the smaller the container and the smaller the space in your heart. Or, you can let the trophy break and the shards will shatter in your soul and you will be forever stuck walking on glass - where are you going?”


“Out, don’t wait for me” I said as I passed my aunt on my way through the hallway. I put my coat and boots on and walked to the door. I couldn’t stay in the house any longer, especially when my family only treats me with sympathy, as if I was fragile.

“You are not allowed to leave” my aunt said. “And I forbid you to go into the Underground. You should not have been exposed to that cave in the first place”

I turned around and stared at her. I knew my eyes were a blazing blue but I didn’t care about control at this moment. “You are not my queen Aunty Allie; you have no power here” I walked out of the house without turning back or listening to the adults call my name and order me to turn around. I have been taking care of myself and Jamie for so long, I was not going to let the adults think of me as a child. I became one of them when I was fourteen.

On that thought, I teleported myself to the Underground and made my way to the fight club. I didn’t bother to greet anybody and pushed my way through the river of customers to the bar. Cameron was behind the counter and made his way to me once he saw me sit down.

“I thought I told you not to come back here?” he said.

“I’m here to drink Cameron, nothing more”

With hesitation, Cameron reached to grab three glass shots and filled them with whiskey and watched me down one after another. I could feel the alcohol doing its effect quickly. I sighed. I ordered another batch to try to drown myself in my misery.

“I don’t get it” I burst. Cameron stayed quiet, “Why would she go into the house; that specific house? I mean, what got into her?” Camron kept quiet as I rambled.

“Luring” he simply said once I was done talking. I looked at him weirdly and he explained. “There is a spell called Luring. It’s a powder mix that has the ability lure someone to a specific place. The only downside is that it is a physical procedure meaning the powder has to be on the target for it to work. Did Lena interact with someone on your date?” Cameron said the word ‘date’ with a little restraint. I frowned at that but decided to let go and concentrated on that day.

“Someone did bump into her before we went to the house. We were walking out the pastry shop and Lena bumped into some guy who was walking in” I groaned. I couldn’t believe something so harmless could turn into something this bad. I took another shot and coughed. The alcohol went down the wrong way.

Cameron gave me a glass of water with a smirk on his face but lost it when he saw something behind me. I turned around only to see Jimhaya and her lover walking towards me. I growled, not wanting to have to deal with them tonight of all nights.

“Heya sister!” I beamed sarcastically. I was way beyond tipsy right now and the alcohol was doing its toll.

“Get up, we’re going home” Jamie said glaring at Cameron.

“Nope, I’m staying right here” I turned my back to her but she grabbed my arm and dragged me away from the counter “Hey, let go. Let go of me Jamie, I’m serious” I yelled but she ignored me. She dragged me to the back door exit and into an alleyway. I managed to get my arm out of her death grip and took a step back. Jamie didn’t look to happy and tried to grab my arm again.


“I said stop, that’s an order” I spat. Jaime froze on the spot and growled at me baring her teeth. I knew I was going to regret it later but I couldn’t help myself “Poor little Jimhaya, too pathetic to stand on her own two feet, how sad.”

“Enough Jasmine, you don’t know what you’re saying” Siana said.

I laughed “I know exactly what I’m saying. I have not had a life or a childhood because of my sister. You have no idea what I have been through for her so don’t tell me what I know and don’t know. Now why don’t you be a good little slave and go home” I told Jamie. Jamie’s face was like a cold mask. Her muscles were tight and her red eyes had a deadly stare. Siana was not better.

The club door opened and Cameron stepped out. “My ride is here” I said sarcastically to the girls before me and walked back into the club.

“I’ll take care of her” I hear Cameron say before he followed me into the building. I walked back to my spot by the counter and he stood in front of me behind it. “You do know you are going to regret this later” he said while pouring me a glass of scotch. I didn’t answer him and took a drink instead.

“Why can’t I be like my sisters? They have someone they can turn to. The first person I get ends up dead a month after I meet her” I grumbled. Cameron chuckled and I glared at him which made him chuckle even more.

“Do you know what we call those like your sister Jessica and her mate Ren; couples that only need to see each other to know they are meant to be?” he asked. I shook my head “They are Old Souls; souls that have returned to earth through the circle of life to find each other over again. They are very rare. As for your other sister and her lover, now that is another beauty. The girls are a cure to each other’s pain. They heal each other constantly, that is why they are so strong together.” He leaned down and put his elbows on the counter so we were face to face and I wouldn’t have to strain my neck. “But you my dear are a normal supernatural hybrid. You have to wait like the rest of us until that person comes into your life”

“What if that person never shows up?” I asked huskily. It was probably the alcohol but Cameron’s proximity was making me hot.

“We are not like humans Jasmine, we have time on our side” It was weird but surprisingly nice to hear him say my name. I shook away the thought that came into my mind; he was the master of the Phoenix guild and the strongest gang leader around. He was dangerous.

“Humans do not have the luxury of waiting for their second half, so they try to find the closest thing. Their purpose, like ours, is to find the kind of love that is unbreakable but the lack of time is mostly the reason why they sometimes choose wrongly and end up divorcing or hating each other. Only a few humans find their true mate. We, on the other hand, have all the time in the world. We simply have to be patient.” He chuckled “I knew this couple who hated each other so much they tried to kill each other every time they met. It took them two hundred years for them to fall in love and now they are inseparable.”

That was not helping.

I stared at him and his smell was making me insane so I did something really dumb; I kissed him. I caught him off guard and let my mind go blank as my lips moved on his. I smiled when I felt his lips moved with mine. I licked his bottom lip asking for permission but he denied me and ended the kiss. I felt a pang of sadness when he moved away but pushed it down.

“You are so drunk right now, you are not thinking properly”

“Isn’t the point in being drunk not to think at all?” I said.

Cameron sighed and turned to the bartender. “Bob, mind the bar will you?” he said in his appealing British accent.

“Sure thing boss”

Cameron jumped over the counter and offered me his arm. “I don’t want to go home” I said.

“I am not taking you home, Jasmine” he told me with his arm still up. Smiling, I hooked my arm around his and stood up but I quickly lost my balance. Cameron kept me on my feet and supported most of my weight. The alcohol had reached my head and I was feeling suddenly dizzy. I didn’t really know where we were going but frankly, I didn’t care. As long as I was in Cameron’s care I was safe, at least I hope so. Cameron grabbed me by the waist and slowly led me down to a very comfortable bed. He took off my shoes and my jacket.

“I don’t sleep with clothes on” I giggled. I tried to undo my buttons but I couldn’t find the right one; there were so many of them and they wouldn’t stop moving. Cameron gently took my hands and put them on my lap. I watched him reach my shirt and started to take it off with great care. I concentrated on his firm hands who were working so gentility, as if not to hurt me. I looked at his beautiful passive face and tried to remember every detail of it. I submitted to his touch when he took off my shirt and jeans. Before he could stand up I bent down and kissed him slowly. I placed my hands on his soft cheeks and played with his trimmed beard. He responded with anticipation and moved his lips in sync with mine but he ended it once again. He pushed my shoulders down until my back was on the bed. I fell asleep the moment my head touched the pillow.


I woke up with a maddening headache. I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to subdue the pain a little. When I opened my eyes I froze, not remembering clearly what happened last night. For a moment, I had no idea where I was. I sat up straight only to see that I was half naked.

The door opened and Cameron stepped in with nothing but a towel. His body was dripping wet and his black hair was flat on his head. My jaw dropped at the sight of the man in front of me. He was all muscles and his tribal tattoo was clearly visible. It went from his neck all the way down to his hips. It covered half of his chest, abs and right arm. He paused when he saw me and his black orbs bored into mine before smiling and making his way to the wardrobe on the other end of the room. I got over my shock the second he dropped his towel to the ground.

“Holly Shit!!” I screamed as I jumped out of bed and turned around so my back was to him. My cheeks were hot with embarrassment “What are you doing?”

“I’m changing” he chuckled.

“Can’t you do elsewhere?”

“This is my room, if I recall correctly” His room? Damn bastard. I closed my eyes, trying to remember what happened last night. It was slowly coming back to me.

“Did anything happen – between us?” I asked with uncertainty.

“I wish”

“Cameron” I yelled as I turned around to face him again. Luckily for me he was half dressed. I glared at him as he laughed. That damn pervert.

“Relax Little Twin, I would never take advantage of you and last night you were clearly beside yourself. Especially with your sister”

I took in a breath “Jamie” I suddenly felt tired. I sat back on the bed with my hands covering my face. “What have I done?”

I felt the bed bend beside me. I couldn’t bother to look to look at Cameron’s expression right now. “You did nothing wrong Jasmine. You are hurting and it is very normal to breakdown”

“Not with Jamie” I shook my head. “She won’t be able to take it” I stood up and made my way to the door but Cameron stopped me.

“Where are you going?”

“I need to see my sister” and then with more hesitation “uh, thanks- I guess”

Cameron chuckled “Only in you panties and bra?” I looked down at myself. Yup, I forgot my clothes. “Stay for breakfast, eat while you can and then you can go see your sister”

He had left no room for debate so I found my clothes nicely folded on the rest chair and took a long, hot shower while carefully planning my next move. Lena was my exit to normality, but I guess I never was or will be normal. Jamie was right, I will cherish Lena’s memory for the short time we met but I will not let it ruin my life. We have a war to get too but the worst part is coming before that: making amends with my sister.

Someone should wish me luck.

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