《Triplets (girlxgirl)》27- Lena


“I’m not sure about this” I told my friend as I looked through the mirror. Siana had been fussing with my hair for the past hour. She was more excited than I was about the blind date I was supposed to have in ten minutes.

“You are not having cold feet now” Siana said fixing my hair. Once she was satisfied with her job she let me go and admired her work. She had also picked my clothes because she knew where I was going while I was left in the dark. I was wearing a green checked shirt and tight black jeans with back sneakers. I wore little make-up and my curly red hair fell down my back.

The doorbell rang and Siana squealed and pulled me out of my room. I had my first view of my date when I was walking down the steps. She was Hispanic with black hair tied in a braid and brown eyes. She was a little taller than me with a white shirt topped with a black leather coat, tight jeans and canvas shoes. The young woman was very feminine in her beautiful soft features. She was talking to my mom who must have let her in and smiled at us when we made it to the final step. My family was standing in the living room which gave clear view of the door. They all had smug smiles on their faces and I knew they were eavesdropping.

‘“Hey Lena, this is my friend Jasmine. Jasmine this is Lena, your date” Siana grinned.

“Hi, you are as gorgeous as Siana said you were” Lena shook my hand before kissing it. A small blushed crept on my cheeks. I could hear the ‘aww’ coming from my family members to which I provided them with a fake death glare.

“Thank you” I said

“I’m a succubus by the way”

“Really?” my mom said excitedly. “I went out with an incubus once, they are great” she turned to me and gave thumbs up.


“Honey, you promised not to talk about your ex-boyfriend” Raymond whined playfully. He stood next to her and hugged her waist.

“Sorry bear. You know you are the only man for me. No man has bested you yet” she leaned into him but shook her head to us when he was not looking and put a finger on her lips. We fought hard not laugh right now.

“Shall we?” I asked. I didn’t want my family to embarrass me further. I held the door open for Lena to walk out. I held my middle finger to my sisters and friends who were wishing me good luck but it was the moment I closed the door to Lena’s car that it dawned on me that I was going on a date.

“Is everything okay?” Lena asked from the driver’s seat. I nodded my head and gave her a tight smile.

“Just nervous” I said “Where are we going?”

“Bowling” Lena grinned “and don’t worry, there is nothing to be nervous about. This is not my first blind date” Bowling, great. That’s something I’ve never done before.

We arrived at the bowling center in town, one of the only fun places to hang out in this countryside town. It was surprisingly full of people on a Tuesday night. Lena led me to the small restaurant to order us some hamburgers while we waited for an alley to open.

“So, tell me about yourself Jasmine” Lena said “I mean, I know you from school because you and your sisters are quite famous but I would like the information to come from the source” she gave me a wicked smile and took a bite from her food. I noticed everything was carefully calculated for seduction with her and it was effective.


I told her a little about myself and vice versa. She asked me a few questions about how true some rumors were and I gladly corrected some of them but I also let others to linger in mystery. Lena was a lonely child. Apparently succubus had trouble having children because their main source of energy comes from sex. She was twenty years old but still needed to control her urges which is why she was still in school. She and Siana had a history together but it was only for pleasure with no feelings involved.

I was a still very nervous and if Lena noticed my restraint she didn’t mention it which I was glad for. We were finally able to get an alley after we ate. We played two games before the bowling club closed for the night. Lena was a very sweet and patient girl. She had a blast teaching me how to play properly and trust when I say that bowling is not as easy as they claim. I was not helping either because I was enjoying the feeling of being taken care of for once. It had been years since I let someone tend me in a way I could relax without worrying about life. When we were done bowling, Lena drove us to the town park.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself” Lena grinned as we walked in the park with the street lights showing the path. Snow was slowly falling from the sky and we had to make sure not to slip on the icy road. We could see our breath puff out when we exhaled. It was not cold enough to be shivering but we still had our coats and hats on.

“Do you always bring your dates bowling?” I asked in a friendly manner.

“Only the special ones” We laughed. Lena grew serious and stopped walking while gently turning me around. I could see her clearly with light shining over our heads therefor I knew exactly what she was going to do next. She stroked my cheeks before leaning until her lips were tenderly placed on mine. I froze for a second before kissing her back. She sighed and pulled back.

“You have been stiff all night, what’s on your mind?” she asked

“I’m I that bad? I thought I was pretty relaxed” she laughed as though I had said a joke.

“If you call this relaxed, I don’t want to see you stressed”

I puffed wondering how I was going to explain myself “My sister” I started “needs help. She is mentally unstable and needs someone to keep an eye on her but, it turns out she only listens to me. I have not had a single day out without having to take care of her. And now that Siana is with her I have no idea what to think or what to do. I’m just waiting for a phone call calling me back home. I have not relaxed properly in five years and I have no clue where to start. The last time I let her alone, she had her first wolf change and almost killed her friend” I started to panic a little and Lena grabbed my shoulders to slow me down.

“Jasmine, Jasmine, relax” she said rubbing my arms. “It’s okay, relax. No sex or kisses tonight but first thing is first: call Siana and ask her if everything is alright, then I am going to treat you to a smoothie. How does that sound?”


I nodded and grabbed my cellphone before calling my friend.

“Hello?” a husky voice answered after the third ring.

“Siana? Is everything okay?” I asked surprised. I could hear moaning and other weird noises in the background. It didn’t seem like anything was wrong.

“Yeah everything is fine” she said following a moan. I blinked. “We’re kinda busy right now so I’ll call you back” her voice came out as a slur before she hung up on me. I stared at my phone for a few seconds before I placed it back into my pocket.

“Everything is fine” I repeated the words to Lena. She had a grinned on her face and raised her eyebrow. “Okay, more than fine” She started laughing and I followed after. We were in a fit of laughter, in the middle of a park at eleven thirty at night. When we were finally able to stop, Lena linked her arm with mine and led me to her car. We held a light conversation, wanting to get to know each other more. Lena brought me to a twenty four hour diner that sold smoothies.

“So, am I supposed to clear me taking you out with your sisters?” she asked me from across the table. “Or is Jessica going to beat me up?”

“Oh Lena, It’s not Jessica that you should worry about, it’s my other sister. And who said I wanted you to take me out again?” I chuckled as her face fell “Tell you what, if you impress me while you try to get on my sister’s good side, not Jessica, then I will treat you to dinner, sound good?”

“You, my dear, have a deal” she grinned.

We ended our night in her dorm room watching a cheesy Christmas movie. Lena had convinced me to stay the night. She fell asleep on my lap during the movie. I closed the television and tuck the girl in bed though I didn’t follow her lead. I quietly got out of the room, making sure she was comfortable and closed the door behind me. I teleported myself to the Underground entrance, where I met the bodyguard and my friend Zoren.

“Hey girl, what are doing here at this hour?” Zoren ask in his deep voice.

“Hi Zoren, I need to speak with Cameron. It’s kind of an emergency”

“Go right in, the club is about to close”

I quickly went through the portal and made my way to the Golden Fist. The club was almost empty except for the employers who were cleaning. Cameron was behind the bar counting money when he saw me. His expression became blank as he dropped the money on the counter and walked around to greet me.

“You are not supposed to be here. Get out” He said grabbing my arm by the elbow. He started to drag me to the exit but I resisted.

“Good to see you too Cameron” he didn’t answer me. I managed to twist my arm out of his grip and took a step back. “Dude stop, what’s wrong with you? I need to talk to you”

He took a look behind me with a frown. I turned around long enough to notice the Hound, Riker and the Duke of Farnon walking out of the VIP room. It was about a second before Cameron grabbed my cheeks with both hands and kissed me. Stunned, I let him move his lips on mine as I felt him pull my hood from my coat over my head. Understanding what he was doing, I relaxed and gave into the kiss which was rough but gentle. I grabbed his shirt pulling him closer but my first intention was to push him away. His fingers played in my hair and I let a stray moan pass my lips. It was all for the show right? He pulled away with chuckle and licked his lips.

“Mmh, you taste as good as I imagined”

“You perverted old man. You could have done it another way” I punched him the gut only to hear the bones in my hand creaking. Swearing the life out of me I pulled my hand back. I could see Cameron smirking like the ass he was.

“Now where would the fun be in that?”

“That hurt, are you made of stone or something?” I growled.

“Or something” he laughed but his expression fell serious “These are dangerous times Jasmine” It must be serious because he never said my name before. Sighing I went into my pocket and grabbed two pictures of Riker and the Hound. Seeing this, Cameron stepped closer invading my personal space.

“What association do you have with these men?” He asked me harshly.

“Nothing, my aunt arrived in town and warned us about them and Jamie told me they were here. Can you tell me anything about them?”

“There is a storm coming this way. I suggest you not be here when it hits”

I took a step closer and whispered “If the Duke of Farnon is the one who got them out. If he really is the one orchestrating everything then we already are in the middle of the storm. That man has been the bane of our family for a long time, not to mention he sent John Chen to our home.”

Cameron was silent for a moment, thinking over everything I have said. “Do not come back here Jasmine, you do not want to be noticed by them” he said before walking back to the bar. I took one last look at him before walking out of the building and teleported myself to my house.

My hand was already healed from the blow to Cameron by the time I arrived home. It was past midnight and everyone was already asleep so I crept up the stairs without making any noise. Instead of going to my room, I took a turn into Jamie’s and I opened the door to see my sister and Siana were sleeping on the bed. Thank goodness they had clothes on.

It was quite an adorable view; Siana’s arm was wrapped around Jamie’s stomach but they weren’t cuddling. I stepped inside the room and made my way around the bed on Jamie’s side. My sister opened her eyes a fraction and moved closer to Siana to give me space. I took off my clothes except for my boxers and bra and tiredly dove under the cover. I put my foot on hers and sighed at the physical contact. Six hours without seeing my sister drained more energy than I ever thought possible. I closed my eyes and fell in a blissful sleep.

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