《Triplets (girlxgirl)》6- Lost



We entered the house and went straight to our rooms. Mom had already made super so we had to hurry before the food got cold. I showered, got dressed and went to Jamie’s room. I found her in the middle of her dark room staring at her walls. Her walls were dark blue, almost black; there was nothing hanging on them: no posters, no pictures. Her black curtains prevented the light to come in. She had a table with drawing sketches and books. There was no lamp on the table, but she did not need one. Her queen bed had dark blue covers with motives. She also had an electric piano/keyboard beside her table. This room gave a feeling of loneliness and depression.

“Jamie? Are you ok?” What a stupid question, of course she wasn’t. I walked in front of her and stopped short. Her eyes were blood shot red. She had been drinking off drug addicts again.

“What did you do?” This is bad. Mom and dad would flip if they knew Jamie was high. I grabbed her hand and lead her to the bathroom. I stripped her and shoved her under the hot water of the shower. I went in her room and found some clothes for her. When I got back I slid down the bathroom wall and waited for her to come out. Once she was out and dressed we went down stairs.

Jess was already down there talking her head off to mom and dad about how she found her mate Ren. She was so excited and happy it made me smile. The thing I care most in the world is seeing my sisters happy even at the expense of my own. But right now I was scared for Jamie, I hope Jess and I (without her knowing) would be able to distract our parents so they don’t see Jamie like this again. Dad was pretty angry last time she was in this condition. The problem was they thought she smoked, or sniffed the drugs. They didn’t know she sucked a guy dry with her fangs.


We were eating at the table talking about our day in the city. Jamie was staring down and poking her food. “Are you high?” my dad suddenly asked Jamie. The table went silent. “What?” Jamie asked while playing with her food.

“Are you high?” he repeated slowly.

“How high?” she asked him her eyes lifting to the sealing. I sighed; I hoped it would never come to this.

“Dad please let it go” I told him. He ignored me and got up from his chair. In a second he was beside my sister. He grabbed her roughly and sent the chair flying. He gripped her chin forcing her to look at him in the eyes. After a few seconds of silent he grabbed her shirt and slammed her on the table.

“How dare you! How dare you! I specifically told you not to do this shit again.”

“Dad stop please!” I shouted at the same time my mom screamed “Ray enough”

I tried to pry my dad of Jamie with no luck. Everyone was screaming except Jamie. She’d just shut down and stared at the sealing. Dad let her go and turned to me.


“Get her out of this house. I don’t want to see her disgusting face until she’s sober.” And then he walked out of the dining room. I grabbed Jamie’s limp body in my arms and teleported us into a treehouse. Jamie and I built this treehouse when we were younger. It has always been our safe house. It was two stories high: there was a kitchen, a bathroom and a queen sized bed on the first floor. On the second floor, it was the TV room. There was a sofa, a pool table, a giant TV and a grand piano. The treehouse was in a forest in our old territory and it was hidden by a spell so that nobody could find it.

I laid Jamie on the bed. I was about to get her something to drink when she grabbed my hand. I looked down at her. What I saw was shocking, but I was not surprised: The girl sitting on the bed was no longer my sister. She was a shell, a slave in her own mind. Her red eyes bore into mine as she slowly brought me down on the bed and kissed me. It was small but I did not kiss her back.

“Mistress? Do I not please you?” she asked me after she pulled away. I shook my head, this couldn’t be happening. I thought she was getting better.

“What’s your name?” I asked her. She frowned; I knew she didn’t have a name. It’s the masters that determine their slave’s names. “Who are you?” I tried again. There was no answer. For the past two years, Jamie had had these episodes but after what she went through I didn’t blame her. I managed to find a few ways to make her remember who she was but they didn’t always work.

“I’ll do better, Mistress. I promise.” She came closer and started to kiss my neck and unbuttoning my shirt. I kept asking who she was but when this was not working so I tried the second tactic: singing. I started singing Sound of the Bugle by Brian Adams. This song described perfectly this situation. I managed to bring her back the last couple times with adding a little bit of magic in my words. Sometimes, magic calmed her down, gave serenity in her soul. I grabbed her head and sung to her but she wouldn’t listen. She was in too deep, too lost. I was silently crying and praying for my sister to come back to me. I didn’t want to lose her again.

“Jamie, look at me I want you to drink my blood.” I said, “That’s an order”

“As you wish, mistress” she answered back. She moved my hair off my neck and sunk her fangs into my flesh. I shut my eyes from the pain. Her hands were roaming all over my bare chest and stomach. After a while I was getting dizzy from the lack of blood. I hoped that my sister would remember the taste of my blood before she killed me.

“Jamie stop, please stop” I begged. She suddenly stopped, removed her fangs from my neck. She took a saggy breath “Jazzy?” she said. “Jazzy, is that you?” I gently lift her chin up so I could see her eyes. “I’m right here sis, I’m right here” I hugged her really tight. I Let go of her and used my supernatural speed to go into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and got two blood bags. I poured the first bag in a small glass. Every creature in the world had different blood and each blood had different effects on us and this one had the effect to heal and remove hallucinations. Jamie did not have hallucinations, they were memories but it still helped. The second bag was a normal human B positive blood. When I got back to the bed, I saw Jimhaya sitting there shaking like a leaf. I knew she was trying hard not to lose herself again. It was very sad to say that this was my sister: a scared, broken girl. The image she projects to the world is to protect herself and the world from each other.


I sat down beside her and gave her the glass first and then the bag. She downed them within seconds and lay down on her back. She put her head on my lap, while I leaned on the head board.

“How far did I go this time?” she asked me.

“Not far, just a few kisses”. We were silent for some time.

“I thought we said you weren’t going to drink off druggies” I broke the silence, running a hand in her hair.

“They make me forget” she whispered in her broken voice.

“They make you vulnerable”

“I like to forget. I like being a slave. I don’t have to think about anything but to please” I sighed; I was sure she was getting better.

“I don’t want to be here sis” she said. I bowed my head in sadness. “Two months left” she said with a small broken smile, her eyes still closed.

“I know”

After her incident, all she wanted to do was to die. I manage to make her wait before she killed herself. For two years I have been trying to make her see the good in life. Every day I made Jamie tell me one good thing about her day. We tried to find different things every day, but it’s not easy. When Jamie couldn’t find something, she would always come back to morning coffee. I laughed a little at this; my sister was addicted to coffee. But the few good things cannot surpass the amount of bad in her life. The two years I manage to give Jamie is about to end in two months. I’m hoping that I would be able to make her change her mind and maybe, just maybe, with the help of Siana.

We spent the next day in bed and baking. We talked and made comments on the bad movies we were watching. We laughed, well I laughed and Jamie smiled. It was late afternoon when my mother called telepathically.

Hey sweetie, is everything ok? She asked me.

Yes why?

Well, you’ve been go a while. We are having a family reunion and we are watching a movie. Oh and Ren and Siana will be there.

We will be there soon, I said.

We got ready, cleaned the treehouse, and packed our baked pies, and cookies. I grabbed Jamie by the shoulders and held her tight. “Ready ?” I said. She nodded and I teleported us to our house. We ended up in the living room where dad was sitting on his armchair. He raised an eyebrow at us, but didn’t say anything.

“Hey girls, I’m glad you’re here” mom said coming from the kitchen with huge bowls of popcorn. Jess was right behind her with beer and wine. We are nineteen years old so we are legal to drink. Mom came beside us and gently grazed Jamie’s cheek with her fingers. When she dropped her hand she hugged me and kissed my cheek. I heard Jess scoff in annoyance behind her. I knew Jess hated Jamie and was jealous of our relationships. We all got seated; Jamie was sprawled on the sofa, her head on my lap.

The bell rang and Jess went to answer. We heard squealing and what seemed like a make out session, Sy came into the living room, Ren and Jess quickly followed. We said our hellos and they sat down. Sy came to the sofa, lifted Jamie’s legs and sat down. She left Jamie’s feet on her lap. My sister raised an eyebrow at her but didn’t make any move to remove the angel from under her. In response, Sy shyly shrugged her shoulders and smiled down. I couldn’t help but smile at them. They were so cute together. I knew my sister was a little interested in her. I really hopped Siana was the key to helping her and not be a simple play toy that she can throw away like all the others before.

“If you stay there you have to give me a massage.” Jamie told her.

Sy’s smile only grew wider. “Well, if that’s all it takes.” She said.

“Is our Queen of the Damn comfortable enough to start our precious night?” Jess said with a voice dripping in sarcasm.

“Not tonight Jessica” mom warned. My sister only huffed in annoyance and turned to the TV. Ren was whispering her sweet words to calm her down.

Once we got all settled we started the movie. Ren and dad were in a conversation about packs and wolves. They seemed to get along well. After a while mom threatened dad he would sleep on the couch if he continued talking. We all laughed at his reaction because we knew mom would do it. We never get on mom’s bad side, she’s pretty scary.

Somewhere along the movie, Jimhaya went to sleep. She usually has insomnia after what happened yesterday, but I had never seen her sleeping so peacefully as tonight. I think it was the fact that she was with me and that Siana was giving her a foot massage. Tonight, Jamie felt protect, was protected by the both of us. If only I could manage to get Jamie to spend time with Sy, it might prevent me from losing a sister. While the movie was playing, I was thinking of a plan to insure my sister’s safety and to bring her and Sy together.

Moving here might be one of the best things our family ever did. Or the worst.

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