《The Rise Of The Dawn(Completed)》Ch 3




Estella was known for many things in her past life. She was an idol, acter. Thats what everyone knew about her. She had a best friend name luna she was the first person to understood her and was able to break down her walls and see through her mask. But now she's gone.

Tobirama Senju was known for a lot of things. He was the one who killed Izuna Uchiha, became the second hokage, master of water jutsu, younger brother of Hashirama Senju wjo was the first Hokage, the sensei of the third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi, creator of the shadow clone jutsu, the hirashingiri, the edo-tensai, and many other jutsu. Tobirama was a man who hated the Uchihas with every fibre of his being, especially Madara Uchiha Yep he's definitly a Senju.

Thats why Estella dislike him, especially the Senju. She always thought that the senju thinks that they all that, just because Hashirama became Hokage.

So why the hell is she reborn as her most hated character.

Whoever said karma was a bitch, she was willing to pay them millions because karma is really is a bitch. You ask why? Because at this very moment Estella is being reborn as the one character she hated the most. She's being reborn as a Senju, ironically he was reborn as the clan head's second child.

Now you would say, well that's not the worst thing that happened and there's no other thing that could put a cherry on top of whatever going on. Well you absolutely wrong. Estella was name after the every man she hated out of all the Senju clan.......that's right she was name Tobirama Senju. Why couldn't they name him Kawarama or Itama, but nooooo she just had to be named after him.

If only she knew that this would happen she would have revert back in time and make sure she was what you could say a descent person and not hate on the senju so much, but sadly that's not happening anytime soon, as a matter of fact it's not going to happen at all. So now she's known as Tobirama Uchiha the head clan's heiress.


And now we find her being reborn......

Senju clan Infirmary

We find the Senju clan head, Butsuma Uchiha, Hashirama Senju the heir of the uchiha clan and the Senju matriarch Rin Senju inside the Infirmary giving brith to her second child.

Where am I? Last thing I rememberd was singing.....what's with this heat it feels like I'm in an oven.....wait why can't I move?

As she was thinking she felt something hot amd wet.

What teh heal was that?! Why can't I open my eyes? Amd why the hell is it wet amd hot in here!?!

Estella felt the walls of whatever he was moving and pushing him out of what looked like a hole. He felt the cool air hit his face.

"It's a boy" said the nurse

Of bitch what do you mean I'm a boy?Wait...why the hell are there to abnormal giants standing over me?! Oh for the love of my sanity?!?!

Estella looked down at what looked like tiny fingers and the only she thought at that time.....

What the heck?!?! Why am I so small??? BLOODY HELL WHY AM I A BABY!!!!!!

Estella cried and then stopped crying.

"Meet your new baby brother Hashirama". A female voice said.

Bitch you fucking didn't say what I think you just said!!

"Congratulations Butsuma-Sama, Rin-Sama, Hashirama-Sama, you have a healthy boy." said the nurse. The nurse handed him to what looks to be her mother.

"He looks so cute! What should we name him Hashirama?"

"Tobi- wait no Tobirama". The kid said.

OH HELL NO!!! I don't want that snowflakes name! That bastard's name will never be mine! NEVER! As long as....

"Tobirama Senju it is..."

DAMNIT WOMAN!!!!! Damn you to hell!!!!

Estella could've sworn she heard luna and maki laughing at her misery.

"Welcome to the family Tobirama Senju!" rin said.

I'm to old for this shit! Damn you! Karma you really are bitch. What did I do to deserve this!!!!

And this was mark the day where Estella was reborn as Tobirama Senju.

Oh Lord please have mercy on the Senju's. Yeah not going to happen.

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