《A Thousand Years》The Overseer


Her hair stood out in the forest, long, pure white strands glowing against earthly greens and browns. Nina walked silently, weaving her way through the trees, admiring the scene. A hundred years in this forest and she never got tired of its beauty. She reached her small cabin and pushed open the creaky door. Her eyes landed on the Shakujō staff resting in a corner or the room and she gazed at the engraving on the handle that she had seen a million times.

Overseer of the world, Ōtsutsuki Nina

A parting gift from her old friend.

She came to a familiar field. On the ground, like clockwork, she began drawing a symbol, her clan's symbol. She then struck her shakujō staff into the ground at the center of the field and jumped on top of it, stabling herself and becoming very still.

The sun soon set and the moon was in view, shining in all its glory. She formed a chain of hand seals; hare, tiger, ox, bird, boar, hare. The Ōtsutsuki clan symbol she drew in the dirt began to glow a very faint purple. The moon slowly lost its white light until it turned a deep, blood red. A stream of pale red moonlight streamed straight towards the field Nina stood in.

This was chakra, delivered from her clan. She needed it to survive.

After the strange red light faded, she jumped off the staff and pulled it from the ground. Looking up at the moon, she offered a polite bow before turning and disappearing into the dense foliage of the forest.

The moon remained a striking red for the rest of the night.

One morning, as usual, Nina was up at dawn. She headed out, going to a nearby river to clean herself.

Twenty minutes later, she was out of the water and dressed. All in a second, ribbons of stream water behind her rose up, formed icicles, and launched at the trees across the river faster than the eye could see. Out from behind them jumped out half a dozen men, dressed in clothes that sported the Uchiha symbol. They surrounded her, hands on their swords, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

"Surrender now, Senju. We have captured one of your generals and resisting will result in his immediate death." Nina paused at this, they thought she was a Senju. Perhaps it was because she provoked them, but somehow, she highly doubted that. However, what she did know was that at least one Senju had been captured by the Uchiha and she did not doubt that the men were telling the truth about that. Nina slowly raised her arms, surrendering. She would help the Senju escape. After all, she had made a promise.

Nina was thrown into a dark cell, what light was in there did not illuminate anything properly.

"You're not one of us, are you?" a soft voice came from her left. A few moments later, her eyes had adjusted enough it was see a man, around twenty-five years old, who had spoken. Behind him were seven other men, all dressed in Senju armor.

"I am not." Nina answered, examining the men: they seemed to have only minor injuries, nothing life threatening. "But the Uchiha seem to think I am." The young man let out a bitter laugh.

"Tough luck, huh?"

They fell into silence, that is, until they heard someone yelling outside. Soon after that, two men opened the door to the cell and walked over to her, mumbling something about going to talk to their leader. She was brought into a building that seemed to be the office of a high ranking clan member. A man who had all the classic Uchiha features; raven hair that reached his shoulders, a blue, high collared shirt, and deep black eyes. The two men who brought her from the cell bowed to him and backed out. The man looked at her with an apologetic expression.


"I'm sorry, it seems that my men have made a mistake. They should have known that your clan does not have female soldiers. We are not uncultured, we do not attack or capture innocent people who are not involved in the war, even if they are from an enemy clan." he paused and seemed to remember something. "Excuse my manners, I am Uchiha Izuna. What's your name?"

No answer.

"Anyways, I apologize for the actions of my men. However, we cannot risk releasing you just yet, Hashirama is a man who cares about his clansmen, letting you go in the midst of a war may cause further issue for us. If peace is reached, he won't be willing to break it over a misunderstanding like this." Izuna explained.

"You're saying that I will be staying here until the war is over." It was not a question.

"I'm afraid so. However, the good news is that you will not be treated like a prisoner, you will get your own home to stay in. Of course, there will have to be somebody watching you, simply to make sure nothing goes wrong." His terms were reasonable, maybe staying here for a while would help her get the Senju prisoners out. "Kichiro! Tsubasa!"

Two men came into the room, bowing respectfully to their leader. Izuna turned back to Nina.

"These two men will be guarding you during your stay here."

The taller of the two stepped forward.

"Please come with us."

The three stood outside a small but comfortable looking house.

"This will be your residence for the time being. Please make yourself at home. There should be minimal interference from Kichiro and I." the two nodded a goodbye to Nina before disappearing in a puff of smoke. Most likely off to spy on her.

Four days went by quietly. Nina had waited for the men watching her to lower their guard while at the same time pulling as much information as she could from the two about the condition and plans for the Senju prisoners. The men were inside the house doing paperwork while she stood outside, trying to find any chakra sources around the area that she may have to worry about. Initially, she only sensed one person approaching and they were nearing very rapidly, the person didn't seem to have an especially large chakra reserve, however. But not a minute later, she suddenly felt something else. Someone else. The chakra was so familiar that it sent a chill up her spine and brought a smile to her face, an expression she hadn't worn in a while.

'About time.'

Nina stood for only a moment longer before teleporting behind a tree. Seconds later, a young woman no older than 20 years old ran by, clad in a guard's uniform, straight for the house.

"Tsu! Get Kichiro!" she panted, waving slightly upon seeing Tsubasa poke his head out from the main door. "Madara-sama is returning!"

Tsubasa's eyes widened at the words and stiffened slightly.

"Already?" he did not waste a moment, "Who else knows?"

"Just the Council and the other guards on the outer layers, estimated six minutes until he reaches the front gate." the woman answered, sounding every bit as stressed as Tsusaba.

"Kichiro! Get out and alert the clan! Go tell the West side!" his hollering had drawn the said man out from the house.


"What about the Senju?" he asked, clearly not as panicked as either of his friends.

"This place was a prison before it was redecorated, remember? The barrier is still surrounding the house, now go!" Tsubasa commanded. He turned to the woman as Kichiro raced away. "Chiasa, go alert the North and East sides, I'll take the South wing." There was a mutual nod between the two before both disappeared.

Nina stepped out from her hiding spot. A barrier? She hadn't felt one when they entered. If there was a barrier preventing certain people from exiting, it must have been set by a very skilled individual. It won't be easy to break.

She jumped straight up, staying in the air for a few seconds before suddenly stopping herself, grabbing and landing on a nearby tree branch. Slowly, she reached up but jerked her hand back instantly when she felt a small amount of chakra torn from her.

A chakra absorbing barrier.

The white haired woman thought through all her knowledge and remembered one important phrase: 'Civilians are immune to chakra absorbing techniques, for they have no chakra.' Simple, yet it gave her an idea. Nina concentrated on the chakra in the veins on her hands and, painfully, forced it to retreat from the appendages. Quickly, and successfully, jamming the chakra deprived hands through the barrier, right at the center of the seal holding it in place. With a speed and precision that was both perfected over many years and encouraged by pain, Nina sent chakra into her hands, immediately feeling an immense burning from the energy being sucked away at an alarming pace, and performed the correct hand seals to undo the seal. The barrier instantly collapsed and feeling rushed back into the pair of sore hands.

'First time suppressing my own chakra flow.' She thought. 'All these years and I still get to experience new things...' She took no more time to continue on that idea, jumping straight in the direction that seemed to be the Uchiha main gate. She needed to see exactly who was responsible for emitting such a familiar chakra.

People below were streaming towards the gate as well. Mostly men, she observed. Perhaps there was some odd tradition for the head of every household to welcome important clan members when they returned. Or perhaps a precautionary action in case of an impostor or enemy. Whatever the reason, there was a large number of people standing in orderly lines in front of the main gate. Nina put a genjutsu on herself, replacing her features with those of an average Uchiha woman, one of the few in the crowd. She jumped into the crowd below and got into one of the lines.

She felt the incoming chakra get stronger, the person was nearing quickly. Then she saw him.

A tall man, long spiky black hair reaching halfway down his back, wearing a high collared purple shirt with the clan symbol on the back. He was more than likely in his early twenties and yet radiating authority. Everyone mechanically took a step outwards to form a large split straight down the center of the lines. The man shifted his gaze, skimming the ranks of people. His cold, solid gaze landed on her for a second longer than it should have. She saw his eyes widen for a fraction of a second before returning to the expressionless mask that seemed to be glued down.

'Recognize me already, Hamura?'

Nina returned to the place she was being kept and replaced the barrier and seal, remembering the pattern of the original seal. It seemed that getting in was not a problem, as she passed through without incident. Moments after her own arrival, the two men assigned to guard her entered the house, glancing briefly at her while she pretended to read a book that she had quickly pulled from the bookshelf a second before. Fortunately, it seems that they didn't suspect anything.

The next day, early in the morning, Nina woke up and undid the seal she had placed the day before. Quickly finding her way back to the cell she had been thrown in upon her arrival. She silently crept behind the guards by the door and knocked them out. She forced open the door, with some trouble, and found the eight Senju prisoners lying on the ground. One, the man who Nina believed to be the leader of the group, shot up and got into a defensive position.

"What do you want?" he demanded sharply.

"Come with me if you want to return to your clan. " she responded evenly, hoping they would be convinced she wasn't an enemy.

"Why would you help us?" he asked cautiously, ready to attack the instant he got a response he didn't like.

"I have a score to settle with the Uchihas and I don't want any of you around to get in the way." the lie came out smooth and unfaltering.

The answer seemed to be good enough, as the man hesitated only slightly before hastily waking up his companions.

A minute later, all nine of them were out of the Uchiha Clan compound. They had all hidden their chakra and, very quietly, slipped past the guards.

They now stood in the outskirts of the forest, far away from the compound.

"Thank you, young lady." the leader of the group bowed his head slightly at Nina. She returned the action.

"I did what I needed to." she said dismissively. "You can handle yourselves from here on out, yes?"

"Yes, of course." he nodded. "I am General Senju Hiromichi. May I ask your name? I wish to send proper thanks once we are back at our clan headquarters."

"No need, like I said, I did what I wanted to, for my own benefit." she stated firmly, providing no room for argument. "I will leave you to your journey. Good luck." she said quietly before disappearing.

With the Senjus safe and her mission competed, Nina retreated into the woods, back to her home.


Hello readers! Thank you for taking the time to click on this story! For this fic, Hashirama will be the reincarnation of Hagoromo and Madara the reincarnation of Hamura. The same will apply to Naruto and Sasuke.

I hope you enjoy the journey!

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