《Mine (LenxMiku/Lenku/MikuxLen)》16


We smiled gingerly- well, Rin smiled gingerly, I just stood there with my hands in my pockets.

I couldn't help but be a bit confused by the fact that I was a bit sad after the incident on Valentine's Day.

A frown creeped up on my face as I thought this, and Mikuo waved his hand in front of my face.

"Hellooo? Mikuo to Len?" He blinked at the sight of me, just standing there, frowning.

I shook my head.

"Yeah?" I asked, pursing my chapped lips, trying not to look weird. Especially with this stupid bow tie.

"We're uh.. going. What's the place called again?" Mikuo asked me.

"I dunno, probably something stupid," I spat bitterly, not thinking about my actions.

I could only think about yesterday, and how dumb it was.


How dumb it is. How dumb it is that only one person can make me feel so... weird.

I started muttering things under my breath, and, to be honest, everyone looked at me as if I was chanting some sort of satanic ritual or exorcism under my breath.

"Dude," Mikuo whispered, tugging on my shirt.

"You alright?" He blinked, and I looked up at him blankly.

"Not exactly. I don't know. I don't know how to feel," I glanced at a happy, chatting Miku. This is the happiest I've seen her. I should be happy that one of my best friends is having such a wonderful time.

I looked back at Mikuo, and he was smirking.

"Holy shit, dude..." He grinned, now strutting.

"What?" I blinked, catching up with him, as he was going on a rapid pace as to where I couldn't catch up.

Come to think of it, everyone here's kinda short except for Mikuo.

He looks about 5'8, tall for a 16 year old.

Miku's about 5'0, a definite shorty.

Rin's... Rin's 4'11, one inch shorter.

And I'm... I'm 5'4.

Heh. We're a real shorty squad. Excluding you, Mikuo. Sorry.

After what seemed like hours of walking (to me), we finally reached our destination.

It took us three minutes.

"I present to you... Slappy Cakes!" Rin stuck her hands up in the air to present the huge sign on the building, reading 'Slappy Cakes.'

I cringed a bit at the name, but Miku seemed excited. Mikuo looked happy that she was happy.


"Ah! Where you make your own pancakes? Ooh! Ooh! I call the giraffe mold!" Miku raised her hand and wooshed passed me, into the automatic opening doors.

"Eager now, are we?" I chuckled and stuck my hands in my pockets. She's never had this much of a childish aura. The closest she can get to this is when we went to the festival.

We all walked in, and sat ourselves.

A blonde waitress looked at us and smiled warmly. Until she saw Miku and Mikuo.

Her expression turned from salty to sweet once more.

What's her deal? Gosh. Can't she see that we have a date-gathering thingy?

"Yes, um.. I'll bring the griddles here along with the batter." She almost cringed, and walked off, her high heels making a 'click' noise.

I could feel her slightly looking back, but when I turned, she was gone.

"That waitress gives me the creeps..." I mutter to Mikuo. He nods a little too quickly, tapping his fingers.

Len looked so.. sad. I don't understand... when he's sad, it makes me sad.

"Len, are you alright?" I said as the waitress walked away.

He jolts up and flashes me a smile. A fake smile. I knew fake smiles all too well.

He nods eagerly, and looks down at his lap.

"I'm not buying it. What's up? Are you feeling we-" I stop myself for one of two reasons; the first one being that I acted like I cared. Which I don't.

The other one being that the waitress came back and set our griddles down.

Mikuo and Len shudder at her sight.

Are they hiding something from me?

I then realize.

I can't cook.

"Crud," I frown, looking at Rin.

"What's wrong?" She tilts her head in worry, squinting at me.

"I don't know how to cook, remember?" She gasps as if she's forgotten that fact, covering her mouth.

Then, she smirks. I look at Mikuo to see if he's as confused as I am, but it turns out that Rin's smirk spread like wildfire through the table.

"I don't get it," Len said with a blank expression, looking at me.

The 'couple' sitting across from us (obviously Mikuo and Rin) both say, "Len can help you." I nod.

Sure. What's wrong with that?

I look to see if Len agrees, and he shrugs, scratching the back of his head.


We look at the different batters to choose from.

Vegan (gluten free), chocolate, and buttermilk.

Next to it are the shiny silver griddles who have been seemingly just washed.

"Alright, Miku," Len said, turning the griddle on.

"Wait for it to get reaaal hot."

She picks her batter, which, in this case, was buttermilk.

"Alright, the griddle's hot now," I explain, putting my hands over the oven.

She nods eagerly.

"I wanna be able to cook for someone when I grow!" I chuckle at her. When I grow? What has gotten into her?

She acts like she doesn't want to slap me with kimchi 24/7.

That was a lie, by the way. She probably really does want to slap me with kimchi. Hard.

She grabs a molder that's in the shape of a giraffe and sets the pancake mix in it, delicately.

This is the first time watching her do something delicately, her short, slightly stubby fingers gracefully squeezing out the creamy liquid.

Her eyes didn't shine like her usual, fiery aura self, but instead were concentrated on every little detail of the... girrafe.

In other words, she looked... beautiful. N-Not that she didn't look beautiful before, I mean.. she's always pretty! Er.. no.. wait.. shoot..

"What're you staring at, Kagamidiot?" She asked as she finished, her bright eyes shining once again.

I can hear Mikuo and Rin quietly chuckling. Their already done with their pancakes... lucky... I'm starving.

"N-Nothing!" I smile, and she carefully places the mold on the griddle- of course, we placed some olive oil on the griddle beforehand.

Lifting the mold up, she grabs the spatula and is about to flip it.

"Hey, wait a second!" I say, stopping her.

"You have to wait for it to cook," I say calmly, giving her a warm smile.

She groans and places her fingers on her forehead, rubbing her temples.

"How long is THAT going to take?" She mutters, looking up at me.

"About two more minutes. Hang in there."

After the two minutes passed, she eagerly grabbed the spatula again.

"Hang on there! This is your first time. Let me help demonstrate," I respond to her actions as calmly as possible.

"I got this!" She retorts, taking the spatula back.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Mikuo and Rin look back and forth between us.

I bitterly stare at them and whisper, "I hope you're happy you little turds."

The grabbing and pulling goes on for a while until I yell, "Stop!" And give her the spatula.

I sigh cooly, unsure of what I was about to do next.

Touching the top of her hand, I let her hold the spatula.

"Let me guide you this way," I say as I come up and wrap my arm around her, so it's more comfortable to do this without breaking a bone.

"H-Hey! What do you think you're doing??" She squeaks, eyes widening.

"Helping," I reply simply, trying not to stutter. I guide her hand to flip the pancake after what seemed like an eternity, and put the griddle away.

The same waitress came back, smiling warmly. What a phony smile.

She takes our griddles away from us.

I didn't eat at all.

Too shy to say anything, I stayed quiet.

Miku pushed the plate in front of me, scratched her cheek lightly.

"I thought you might need it... I had cereal this morning anyways," She said softly, in a sort of voice that made my heart melt.

I blinked and raised a brow, then smiled.

"You're welcome for helping you. And thanks for the slanted giraffe pancake." I chuckle, looking at her masterpiece.

Some of the sides were torn, and it was slightly droopy, but other than that, it looked wonderful.

Good enough to eat.

After serving those imbeciles, I decide to get back on more serious matters.

Ivory's been screaming for me to let her out of that closet, along with one of her dear friends, Kenji.

Kenji is my sex slave. For now. Until he has no use to me.

Where's my sweet daughter, Neru?

Maybe she can be of use. After all those years of her siding with me, instead of her drugged father, Kenji, she can finally be of use.

If she can get Mikuo to fall for her, she'll have control of his fortune. Once he dies.

I can get his fortune before Mikuo comes of age.

I have 29 days.

I need to hurry.

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