《The "Best Friends" (LenxMiku)》Party Part 2


I woke up in the morning and saw Rin and the Teto girl nowhere to be found and Miku asleep on the bed. I left the room silently, and went downstairs and then sat on the couch, turning on the tv. There was a BREAKING NEWS on the bottom so I read the bar "Killer drunks victim and kills them." wow. The party is also today, I wonder what time it begins. "Hey Len." I heard and saw that it was Mikuo. "Hey." I said back.

Mikuo read the breaking news bar and then sighed. I then decided to go upstairs and try to get my tablet to play games. After arriving into Miku's room, I tried silently to get it but failed when I heard the bed shuffle. "L-Len?" A tired Miku said. I waved at her, she waved tiredly back "Hey Miku, I was wondering how come this window is always closed?" I asked pointing at a window with longer curtains than others.

"That's because its not a window." she said, yawning. She then headed toward it and opened the...BALCONY? I stared at it wide eyed. "And you never told me this?" I said and Miku shrugged "Did not want to sound like a bragger, but yes." she said. I went outside in the balcony and then saw the backyard, it was HUGE. but the balcony can see every inch of it.

Then the door opened, Mikuo was there with a tray of eggs and bacon Speaking of food I'm hungry I thought. And then Mikuo set it down on the table "Miku, my friends are coming over." Mikuo said and then Mikuo nodded "Those...drinking friends, that I'm not supposed to go near?" she said and Mikuo nodded "Yeah, even thought I told them to f off." he said, while sighing.


"Where's Rin?" I asked "Hehe, poor lad got tired of Teto and fell in a deep sleep." he said "Why did you speak like that?" Miku asked and Mikuo shrugged. "Felt like it." and he added and me and Miku made the same face. (=_=)

*Ran out of ideas*

I was upstairs playing rock band, the party was loud in the backyard. I decided to turn it off and then stretched from the band set. I heard screams and confused I walked out to the door of the balcony and then saw a lot of teal hairs into one space, out of all the teal hair and yellow, I saw one pink hair, holding another teal hair. Miku.

Quickly, I got my tool pouch, ran out of the room and then down the stairs and through the front door and called the police to come. Then I went to the back of the huge house and then took a peek of the huge walls of the house. I saw everyone, Rin noticed me and shook her head. But, I insist Miku is MORE than a friend. I jumped silently behind the pink haired guy getting Miku hostage, and then I pushed Miku out of his hands and then jumped on the pink guy.

I heard screams as me and the guy were fighting, he pushed me off and we both stared at each other then he pulled out a knife, I took out my carpet cutters (Look there not just a tool ok don't judge :3 -Len) and then I jumped on him. I heard more screams as we were both being pulled, but before that I felt something pierce me. I looked down and saw a knife in my stomach. I then fell to the ground as more screams came and then everything went pitch black.


*Time later*

I opened my eyes, there was light beaming on me. "Mikuo, dim the lights." I heard a soft voice say, I look around slowly, I was in the hospital. I saw Rin beside me eyes red, Mikuo by the door. "R-Rin." I managed to say "What happened after the knif-" I added but stopped because of the pain. "After the cops got you and the killer separated, he managed to stab you." Rin said "You were rushed here and then they have to give you surgery which took 1 hour, they said it was a miracle you lived because if that knife was deeper, you would have been gone." Rin said holding back tears.

"Yet, somehow that bastard managed to get my little sister drunk." Mikuo said head down and I looked at Miku who was sitting the other side of the room from him. She was looking at her hands "I have 2 fingers." Miku laughed. "It was worth it." I said and everyone stood silent. "Len, thanks for saving Miku, sorry for my language but it takes fucking courage to do that." Mikuo said and I just stayed silent. "Hello magic yellow banana." Miku said hugging Rin who was startled.

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