《Being Realized》Chapter 14


"I know Ash, you like her."

Ever seen or heard a volcano eruption. Honestly, I haven't seen it, but I have felt it. My mind has just erupted. HOLY CRAP! HOW THE HELL DOES SHE KNEW! I AM GOANNA KILL GARY OR DAWN OR WHOSOEVER TOLD HER. HOLY CRAP! WHAT SHOULD I REPLY TO THIS?!

"I am talking to you Ash. Reply me." Grace said. WHAT AM I GOANNA SAY! Wait, Grace is like my mother figure. She of course knew it by herself. The time me and Serena spent were all under the roof of my mom and Grace. I can't tell a lie to her. OK Ash, your goanna does it.

"Yes, I liked her. And still I like her now." I replied to which Grace face turned to sorrow.

"So why didn't you tell her?" She asked.

"Grace, you also know that a relationship should be from both the side. If both the persons love each other, then that will make a perfect bond." I replied.

As Ash went to mom, I just wandered around the resort. But then, I felt a little tired so I went back to my room, which was actually near my mom's room. As I entered the hall way and was passing in front of my mom's room's door, I heard some talks. I thought Ash was trying to convince mom. I don't know why but I thought of eavesdrop them. As I leaned and pressed my ear on the door, I heard Ash saying," Grace, you also know that a relationship should be from both the side. If both the persons love each other, then that will make a perfect bond."

"But, how can you say Calem is the one for Serena?" My mom asked.


"Well, just answer some questions I ask you. Alright?" Ash asked.

"OK." She replied.

"When Serena called you, saying that Calem had proposed her, what was her expression?" he asked.

"Well, obviously, she was happy and was smiling brightly." She replied.

"OK, now when she told you that Calem has proposed her for a marriage, what was her expression then?" he asked.

"Well, she was happier and was smiling more brightly." She replied.

"And when you met her, was she happy or sad?" he asked.

"She was.... Happy...." she replied.

"Now, what is she now? She is still happy. Grace just think about it. Your daughter is happy." He said.

"Yeah...." she replied.

"Grace, we have 1 thing common, and that is we both care for Serena." he said. Wow, he cares for me, I can't believe that I am hearing these lines from him.

"Grace, Calem is the perfect one for Serena, that I guarantee. Remember back in Seattle, When Serena was sad, you were not able to work properly, and were even more sad?" he asked

"Yeah, I remember. I was and am always worried for her." My mom replied.

"And then, when we all went to the Niagara Falls, she was smiling at her highest. What was your feeling then?" he asked.

"I was.... Happy." She replied.

"And now Serena is still smiling. Grace, I guarantee you that Serena would always be happy with Calem. Her smile matters the most to me. She is happy, so it makes me happy. I care for her, and so do you. She's smiling and that's what we both want." Ash replied.

"You're saying right. She's happy and that matters the most. Alright, I agree for the wedding." My mom said.


"Thank you." Ash replied.

On hearing all of these conversations, I don't know how but, I felt... tears in my eyes. The times Ash said that he cares for me and wants to see me smiling, I don't know why, but... but I feel, something strange. What is it? I don't know what's happening, but this is quite different from everything I felt for anyone, even for Calem. The way Ash said he cares for me, it felt actually different. It felt like, something I can't describe.

What is this? What am I feeling? Why did I have tears in my eyes? Why my heart's pounding so much? What is this feeling? Why am I feeling that something's missing? Is this... is this something... or is there something... that shouldn't happen? Or something else...

But I have to say it, Ash is actually someone special.

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