《The Other CEO》Chapter 8


I wished Saturday didn't happen because unfortunately, I had to face Pierce today at work. It was a Monday and I planned to avoid him like the plague. I wasn't going to talk to him until he apologized for his behavior the other night. If he even remembered, I thought.

I arrived at work at an earlier time so I started to sort out all the files that were needed to be signed and reviewed by Pierce. I smacked on a sticky note onto the pile of papers saying what needed to be done and just left it in his office. If he needed me, he would call.

I heard the elevator ding and saw him walk by my office. He didn't usually bother greeting me so today was no different.

After a while, I heard a knock on my door. I looked up from what I was doing and saw Lily from the Human Resource Department carrying a box filled with folders. She beamed as she entered my office. "Hi, Olivia! I just got a call from Mr. Alexander about these employee files. Is he busy at the moment?"

"What does he need it for?" I asked curiously.

Lily just shrugged. "I'm really not sure. He just asked for them. God, I hope he's not thinking of downsizing people."

Huh, weird. As far as I knew, we were not experiencing trouble with regards to the financial status of the company. I just mentally shook my head and smiled at Lily. "I'm sure he won't. As far as I'm concerned, we're doing fairly well in this company. Anyway, you can just knock and give him what he asked for."

She seemed to have smiled brighter as I assured her. "That's good to hear. Thanks, Olivia. I'll see you around!"

The next few days went by, still with no face-to-face interaction with the boss. He called me a few times on my office phone though, giving me orders nonchalantly. He didn't even question why I had disappeared from his sight as I continued on giving him sticky notes. I told myself it was best to avoid verbal and physical contact as much as possible.

By Thursday night, I was forced to stay late in the office to finish off some proposed projects for the hotels in San Francisco that were due by next week. Of course, this time I couldn't run away from him anymore. I was needed to assist and discuss some matters with Pierce.

I took a break around six o'clock in the evening before I had to go inside Pierce's office to start assisting him. I was in the pantry preparing coffee and making myself a sandwich. It started drizzling outside a few hours ago so I couldn't get some take-out for dinner. I thought about Pierce not having anything to eat. I debated if I should be making him one too. If I did, that would make me seem nice, but if I didn't, he might ask if I could make him one anyway. I made him a sandwich much to my dismay just so I wouldn't take two trips.

I knocked softly and pushed the door slowly with my hips while I held a tray with two cups of hot steaming coffee and two portions of ham and cheese sandwiches. My entrance made him look up from his desk. I felt him staring while I placed everything on his coffee table.

I turned to face him with an impassive expression. "I thought you might want dinner."


He raised an eyebrow at me, amusement dancing in his eyes. They were a bit different today. It was softer and brighter than usual.

He then spoke coolly, "I don't think that's called dinner, Olive." The tone in his voice wasn't uninterested or cold. He was actually trying to have a conversation with me. Was this real life?

"What? I can't cook. Plus, it's raining outside. I couldn't get us some take-out." I shrugged and took a seat onto the leather couch. I looked around what used to be Wilson's office. I hadn't really lasted more than five minutes in here ever since he died. It was just too painful. We used to have coffee breaks together as we sat here either brainstorming for an upcoming project or had a ten-minute chitchat session while we waited for our break to be over. I secretly smiled to myself at the memory. However, I had to push those thoughts away before I started crying in front of Pierce. That would certainly be embarrassing and awkward.

I proceeded to start doing work while I ate my sandwich. The only verbal communication I had with Pierce was about the subject matter at hand. I was surprised to see how he quickly got the hang of everything in a short period of time. There were still some things needed to be worked on, but all in all, I could see him doing well in his element.

I also noticed that he was speaking to me like I was finally a human being. However, his nickname to me hadn't changed. He still had been calling me Olive. At least we're getting somewhere.

We wrapped everything up by eleven o'clock that evening. The rain was still pouring hard outside. I couldn't get a hold on Hugh to come pick me up. He was probably working late again so I had to take the cab home. I glanced at Pierce and he was still concentrating as he double checked the contracts.

"Mr. Alexander?" I called out his attention.

He looked up at me indicating that I got his attention. So, I continued, "Do you need anything else? I'm heading out now."

Pierce checked his wrist watch for the time. His eyebrows rose in surprise and I immediately caught a worried expression on his face for a split second.

"I didn't know we would end late at this hour. Are you okay going home alone?"

I smiled a little, "Don't worry, I'm used to it. I'll just take a cab home."

He watched me and took him a few seconds to reply. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow."

I walked out of his office then went directly to mine to get my pea coat and purse that hung on a coat rack. I slid inside the elevator and waited for it to hit the ground floor. Bob, the security guy, was watching over the main entrance for tonight. He looked intimidating with his buff exterior. His shaved head made him look more daunting as he wore an all-black suit. Nonetheless, he was a good guy and quite the funny one too. I had known him since I first started here and we eventually became door buddies.

"Hi, Bob. You're sleeping on the job again," I joked.

He chuckled. "Working late?"

"Yeah, a lot deadlines to meet for next week. It's been crazy around here," I replied.

"Well, it's even crazier if you're just going to sit all throughout the night with no one around. I've been hearing things lately." His voice was low as if trying to scare me. He then adjusted his tie to loosen it up a bit, looking nervous and all.


"Bob! Don't scare me like that. I'm working late here as well. I can't come down running from the fortieth floor. Lucky for you, you're just beside the exit!"

Bob snickered as he saw me starting to panic. "You never fail to make my day, Ms. Bailey." He grinned at me and I can't help but smile back at him.

"I'm thankful that you find amusement in scaring a poor little girl," I told him sarcastically.

I turned to look outside and saw that the rain hadn't stopped yet. I forgot to bring with me my umbrella.

"Ugh, how am I supposed to get a cab?"

"Here, miss." It was as if Bob had read my mind. He handed me a black umbrella that was company-owned.

I took it and was really grateful. "Thanks so much for this. Aren't you going to need this?"

"Ms. Bailey. I'll be here all night so I doubt the rain will still be pouring by morning."

I thanked him again and carefully exited the building, careful not to slip. I walked a bit further until I reached the corner of the street so I could hail a cab on the main road. Unfortunately, every taxi cab that passed by were already occupied by a passenger. I started to worry a few moments later because my shoes were already wet and the streets were dark as the rain poured heavily. I tried to contact Hugh again but his phone couldn't be reached. I then began to start panicking.

All of a sudden, a black sports car turned up onto the curb and stopped in front of me. I internally began to dread that I was going to die tonight. My feet were still planted on the ground since I had no idea what I should do in a situation like this. Should I run? Or do I stab him with my umbrella?

A figure of a man stepped out then walked around his car towards me. I started to back up a few steps when he already grabbed my arm with force. I pushed him away from me but it only made him grasp me tighter. I was about to cry for help when I heard him call out my name.

"Olive, it's me."

I got a good look on his face and I was glad that it was only Pierce. Relief washed through me and I instantly calmed down. He guided me with a bit of force into the passenger side of the car. He opened the door and slightly pushed me inside in a hurried manner. He then went to the other side, getting wet in the process.

As soon as he got into his car, I couldn't contain my terror. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Do you usually pick up women like you're trying to kidnap them? I could have kicked your groin and beat you up with an umbrella!"

"No, but only to you." He winked at me as if everything was just dandy. Wait a minute. Did I just witness him wink at me? He looked very amused with my outburst. Was he trying to be playful right now? I didn't even know what to think.

"Whatever. It's not funny." I crossed my arms and turned myself away to look outside the window. I didn't really want to talk to him but I was glad that he was here to give me a ride home even if he almost threatened my life tonight. Although, I wasn't going to give the satisfaction that I was happy to see him.

He began speaking. "I didn't like you getting drenched out there."

I rolled my eyes at his nonsense. "I was holding an umbrella. Isn't that the purpose of using one? It prevents you getting soaked in the rain." I knew I was challenging his temper. I should have probably stopped talking or he might kick me out of his car.

I heard him sigh from beside me. It was as if he was trying to be patient with my attitude. Pierce didn't talk any further. He started the engine of his car and slowly moved out from where he stopped. As he turned to a corner he then asked, "Where do you live by the way?"

I gave him directions to my apartment. The drive home was silent yet it was strangely comfortable. I could feel his eyes on me every now and then, stealing glances as I just concentrated on looking outside my window. He was probably battling with himself on how to strike up a discussion with me. Frankly, since that weekend, I wasn't sure if I could hold a proper conversation with him.

The drive took less than thirty minutes since the roads were no longer busy. He slowed down as we neared my apartment building. It only had six floors. We were located on the top floor since Hugh wanted to enjoy a view of the city outside our window. I looked up to see if the lights were still on. Hugh was already home. He didn't even answer the numerous times I called him.

The car was already parked in front of the entrance. I turned to look at Pierce and he was looking straight on the road.

I then broke the silence. "Thanks for the ride."

He just nodded. I thought he wasn't going to say anything else so I reached for the handle to get out of the car. But then, I heard him say, "Goodnight, Olive."

I froze then slowly turned my head around to see that he was looking into my eyes as his mouth twitched into a small smile.

I was taken aback when I saw his smile for the first time. Even if it was a small one, it was still something. I couldn't react so I just thanked him once again and got out of the car. I hurriedly opened the umbrella and ran to the door.

I entered the apartment and saw Hugh sprawled on the couch sleeping. His properly groomed hair was now disheveled and his tie was already undone. So, this was why he didn't answer any of my calls. He had been staying up late for the past few weeks so I understood that he was tired. I went to his room and took out his blanket. I removed his shoes, put the blanket over his body and turned the television off as I didn't have the strength to carry him, or even wake him up so he could transfer to his room. I ran my hand through Hugh's hair and he stirred in his sleep from my touch.

I decided to head to bed immediately after I had changed into my pajamas. The last thing that kept replaying inside my head before I fell into a deep slumber was Pierce's rare smile. It was breathtaking.

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