《The Other CEO》Chapter 4


I felt sunlight struck my face and I knew it was time to get up. I looked at my digital alarm clock that was sitting on my nightstand and it still had a minute left before it would go off. I savored the remaining minute, appreciating my fresh sheets before I get ready for work.

The clock read six-thirty in the morning. I was already dressed in a black pencil skirt and a plain teal blouse with an off-white Peter Pan collar stitched along the blouse's neckline. I dragged myself barefoot into the kitchen where Hugh was already flipping pancakes on the stove.

"Good morning!" Hugh squealed rather enthusiastically.

I wasn't really in the mood so I ended up giving him a meek smile. On the other hand, he was in a good mood because he would be meeting with a celebrity that he had been fangirling so much over the past month. Turned out, she wanted Hugh to design her dress for the red carpet.

Hugh was an apprentice for Madame Verina, a Swedish designer, who carried her career and talent to the Big Apple. As she aged elegantly into her fifties, she spent most of her time mentoring youthful designers who were passionate enough to survive the fashion industry. She also gave them their much-needed exposure to fully develop their potential as a designer. She saw potential in Hugh's work. Hugh was lucky to have met Madame Verina because the fashion industry generally didn't work that way.

Hugh was only self-taught. He didn't have the proper education and experience. It had been his passion to make clothes ever since I met him. However, his parents could only offer a bit of their money to support his dream.

He placed a hand onto his chest and faked that he was offended by my negativity. "Vee, I'm trying to spread good vibrations around this apartment and your glum mood is not welcome."

"Sorry." I smiled faintly as I sat down on our small dining table. After a moment of silence, I called out his attention. "Hugh..." I paused thinking that I was about to break the cheery atmosphere. "I'm really nervous meeting Wilson's lawyer today."

He looked at me with a sad smile on his face and said, "Hey, don't be nervous. I'm sure everything will work out fine."

Hearing Hugh's comforting words, it brightened my mood a little.

"Here's your breakfast, eat up." He placed a plate in front of me. It was stacked with pancakes topped with a slice of butter and maple syrup. I started to devour every bit of it. After I had my breakfast, Hugh and I left the apartment to head off to work.

Normally, he would drop me off to work since he was the only one with a car. I still couldn't afford my own since I have been saving up all my income for far more important things. I wasn't even sure what it was—but just in case, I was saving money. Besides, a car wasn't really a priority for me right now. I could always use public transport.


You could say that Wilson was really generous when it came to my salary. My current pay was more than I could ask for. In return, I did my job exceedingly well and made sure that Wilson was well taken care of.

As I entered the building, Bob, the security, and Brenda, the receptionist, greeted me and wished me a great day ahead. I knew they were only doing their jobs but I wasn't really anticipating having a good day. I just gave them a weak smile and continued my way up to Wilson's office which was located on the fortieth floor. It was the last floor where you could view the vast buildings that have been established all over New York.

I reached the last floor and passed by the lounge. Then I saw Wilson's lawyer, George Brent, sitting on the couch rather stiffly while he waited. When he noticed my presence, he lifted his head to acknowledge me. I approached him in a welcoming manner.

"Good morning, Ms. Bailey. It's nice to see you again," he greeted.

"Hi, Mr. Brent." I shook his hand and smiled back. "Let's take this inside the conference room." I led him inside and offered him a seat.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" I offered as I placed my purse beside me.

"I'm good, thank you. Shall we start?"

Well, what did you know? He went straight to the subject matter at hand. I grew anxious about this meeting but I had to do it. This was Wilson's final words after all.

I gave him a curt nod and smiled again. "Sure."

George Brent began discussing the contents of the will that Wilson left for the company. He made sure to explain all the important points that should be known by everyone especially the board of directors.

"Mr. Alexander left you something." I waited for him to discuss the turnover of ownership and whatnot but instead, he handed over a sealed envelope to me. It was personally addressed to me. My fingertips lightly brushed my name over the envelope that was handwritten by Wilson.

Mr. Brent then continued, "I don't know the contents of that letter but I think you should open it after I'm through discussing the rest of the will."

I nodded and waited for him to say more.

"His will states that the successor and new owner of Alexander Corporation would be Mr. Pierce Alexander."

My mouth fell open, shocked by the revelation. Wilson appointed his son? Did his son even know all of this? I wasn't even aware that they had any form of communication ever since Wilson became sick. His son probably had no idea about anything regarding his father's company or that his father existed for that matter.

I had to question him out loud. "Um, does Pierce have any knowledge about this? Have they contacted recently?"

Mr. Brent cleared his throat. "I actually called his family yesterday. They took the news rather badly but I have convinced Mr. Pierce Alexander to fly out here by next week. I would be discussing the will that his father left for him. When he arrives, I want you to show him around the company."


"Before I forget, Mr. Alexander also left him this." He handed me a rather large envelope package that was made from Manila paper. It was a bit bulky so I was guessing there were a lot of files inside. It made me curious as to what Wilson had left for him but I didn't think he would appreciate that I was being nosy. "He also stated that you should give the package to Pierce at the right time. I hope he has some instructions in that letter he gave you."

I gave Mr. Brent a confused look. "Did he mention when the right time was?"

He shook his head indicating that he had no idea. "May I suggest you open that letter now, Ms. Bailey? I'll give you a moment and leave you for a few minutes. A cup of coffee sounds good right now."

I nodded and smiled, "You can help yourself in the pantry. There are also some pastries in the fridge if you're hungry."

The room was silent after he left. I just stared at the unopened letter that Wilson left me. I carefully tore open the letter as my hands shook from being so nervous. I took a deep breath and exhaled.


Dear Olivia,

I am deeply sorry. I hope you're not mad at me for being a stubborn old fart. I knew I didn't have much time and I just wanted to continue living my life as normally as I could. I also didn't want to feel sick; it made me feel that I was already dead.

You're probably wondering why I never tried to communicate with my family. I admit that I was scared. I should have acted on it when there was still a chance but I didn't want them to think that I was only making peace with them only because of my condition. I left a package for Pierce and I want you to give it to him when the time is right. Please take care of him for me and I hope you would try to give a good word for the old man.

I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. You have been like a daughter and I'm thankful that I'm able to call you family. Please take care of the company and I'm sure you will be able to do far greater things. I believe in you, Olivia.


That did it. I cried reading his last words. Everything felt so final. My heart clenched at the fact that I won't be able to see him anymore.

I sniffed as I tried to stop myself from crying. It took me a few minutes to calm down before I continued reading.


Lastly, I left you a little something. I have a feeling that you won't like it but I want you to experience nice things for once. This time you couldn't say no to my offer. You could use this amount to get yourself into university.

- W. A



My eyes went back to the envelope and checked. I pulled the other paper out only to find out that it was a written check for half a million dollars. My eyes widened in shocked disbelief. This was too much. I couldn't spend this!

I never really had the chance to go to university as my grandmother couldn't afford my tuition. She was only working for a flower shop in a little town located in Connecticut. I also couldn't bear to be a burden since she was not getting any younger.

When I moved to New York with Hugh after high school, we didn't have much for the first year. We worked our asses off at diners with an additional part-time job just so we could afford to live in the big city. As soon as Hugh landed an opportunity to work with Madame Verina, he had supported me for a while until after I got the job at Alexander Corporation. Luckily for him, his pay was rather large for an apprentice because after a year he decided to get a degree in Fashion Design. He took a few classes while he worked for Madame Verina. Hopefully, by next year, he would be receiving his diploma.

As for me, I didn't really have the time to go back. I was already working for Wilson and going back to school didn't really bother me then. I was happy with my job.

Just as I was deliberating on how I could return the money, Mr. Brent peeked through the door.

"Is everything all right?"

My eyes were still as wide as saucers. "Um, y-yeah. Everything is fine."

Mr. Brent entered the room and sat back on his chair. I was still a bit dumbstruck with the amount of money I have in my hands.

"I can't accept this." I handed him the check. He raised an eyebrow when his eyes were on the paper I was offering him to take. He might think I was crazy not to accept Wilson Alexander's money. So I continued, "I mean, I can't accept this much money."

He just shook his head. "I'm sorry, but the will already state that the money is for you. It's non-transferrable."

This was too overwhelming. "Oh," was all I could mutter. I looked down and stared at the mahogany table with Wilson's letter for me.

"Do you have more questions regarding the will?" he asked. I looked up and blinked as I returned my gaze to Mr. Brent.

I shook my head and whispered, "No."

"In that case, I guess we're done here." He extended his hand to me and offered his calling card. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call."

I accepted his calling card and thanked him. After he left, I was still standing in the middle of the lounge, staring at the check that contained half a million dollars.

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