《The Nerdy Twin ✔️》Chapter Twenty Five
Oh the joy of Christmas, nothing better than being woken up at the crack of dawn to celebrate the birthday of a guy born thousands of years ago by my mother's yelling. I couldn't say that statement with any less sarcasm. My mom took every holiday seriously but with Christmas she upped the ante and made all our lives miserable. The only good thing about that was that the celebrations were not at home but at the Town Hall. My dad hosted a charity for the less fortunate on Christmas and hosted them a party where all orphaned kids got presents, new clothes and food. My dad might have been a terrible father and husband but he was a good mayor and did his job accordingly.
Matthew and I had been running errands since the crack of dawn and I was at the edge of my rope. I was grateful for the fact that I didn't have to attend the party. I had nothing against helping the less able but I had wrapped all the gifts, helped to decorate the hall, laid out most of the food and had been my mother's errand boy all day. I needed time to myself. Matthew was also getting on my nerves, more than ever.
He had apologized to Willow time and again and she had forgiven him but I knew he was up to something. Matthew never apologized to anyone so he was definitely planning something and it was not good. I would protect Willow even if it meant making my own life hell. She had been caught up in my family drama and she didn't deserve it, she already had enough on her plate.
"You boys can finish up here then you're free to leave."My dad said looking at the gifts we were stacking approvingly.
The tree was magnificent and even if Matthew and I argued the whole time we decorated it, I had to agree we had done a good job.
"Thanks dad."Matthew mumbled while I just gave him a nod.
Matthew and I looked exactly like our dad except for our eyes that we got from our mom. Matthew and my dad were very close because they bonded over football but he and I had nothing in common. My dad was the one supposed to do all the manly things with me in life, like teach me how to ride a bike, take me fishing, show me the ropes of how to become a respectable gentleman but once he saw that I had no interest in sports like Matthew he never bothered connecting with me. My dad was the leader of our whole town but his own home was in disarray. It showed just how flawed our world was.
"Merry Christmas boys."My dad cheered before patting our backs and walking away.
Matthew looked like he was waiting for my dad to leave so he could continue taunting me.
"How does it feel to be on the same level as the kids who will get all these gifts? I mean the only difference between you and them is that mom and dad actually care about them."Matthew mocked with an evil grin.
I fisted my hand to reign in my anger because I was not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me all riled up. He wanted to pick a fight with me to paint him in a good light but I would not play his game.
"Maybe you should take one of these gifts home. You'll probably feel more loved then."Matthew jabbed.
I put the last gift on top of the pile, gave one long disappointed look before I walked away.
Matthew had been making fun of me our whole lives so I was used to it. I also knew how to tune him out so that his words didn't affect me.
My phone rang just as I got into my car and I smiled when I saw that it was Willow calling me. I picked up immediately knowing that just hearing her voice would put me in a great mood.
"Merry Christmas Henry."She cheered making me laugh.
Her joy was infectious because anytime I was around her I was happy and content.
"Merry Christmas Willow."I replied.
"Are you home?"She asked.
"No, I'm in town but I'm driving back. Why, what's up?"I inquired.
"I'm bored at home and thought you'd like to hang out. Robert and my mom went to your parents event, Charlie is with Alex for the day and Jack is with his new lady friend Hannah."She explained.
"I'll be home in twenty minutes."I said getting excited at the prospect of spending the afternoon with her.
"Great we can have a Home Alone movie marathon."She declared.
"Can't wait, see you soon."
I hang up the smile on my face getting bigger. It took me a few minutes to gather my thoughts before I started driving home.
My feelings for Willow were getting stronger each day we spent together and it was getting harder and harder to keep my feelings to myself. I had started paying more attention to Willow and realized that she actually got hit on a lot but she always turned everyone down. Even that Cameron guy who I personally knew to be a decent guy and was black she'd turned down. I didn't want to be one of those people that Willow said no to so I kept my feelings to myself. It was eating me up alive wanting to be with her but being unable to because I didn't want to loose her friendship. Willow had become such a vital part of my life that I had no idea what I would do if lost her.
Everytime I thought about my future she was in it, with her smile, laughter, sassy attitude and best of all her love. I was thinking about asking her to leave with me after graduation but I was also scared that she would say no. She had Charlie to think about but I didn't mind if she brought him along. We would move far far away from our toxic families and live our life together. I'd care for Charlie as if he were my own brother and we would figure out our lives together.
I wanted Willow to be in my life forever but first I had to get over my fear and ask her out. That was easier said than done. Everytime I was about to ask her out, my ears got hot, my throat clogged up and I couldn't utter a word. I really needed to get over my fear before time ran out or someone else beat me to the punch. The thought of Willow with someone else made my blood boil. I wanted her to be mine and mine alone and for that I'd find the courage to ask her out.
When I got home I wanted to text Willow that I'd arrived but I decided to head up to my room and shower first. There were noises coming from inside my room but I dismissed them thinking I'd left the TV on. When I let myself in I realized that I had definitely not left the TV on. I was surprised to find Willow in my room sitting on my gaming, wearing my headphones as she played one of the games I'd invented a while ago.
She was dressed in a Santa costume if you could even call the short red skirt she was wearing, cropped matching top and Santa hat a costume. Another thing about Willow is that she wasn't the most conserved dresser. She always had her skin showing and I had nothing against that except for the fact that it made it very hard to stay sane when all I could think of was taking off the rest of her clothes and seeing what was underneath. I really needed to get laid, preferably by Willow because I couldn't imagine myself with anyone else.
"Oh, hi Henry. I didn't hear you come in. I hope you don't mind, you guys left the back door open so I let myself in."She explained.
I didn't even bother trying to analyze her statement, I was just glad she was with me.
"It's okay, where did you find that?"I asked pointing at the game she was playing.
"I snooped around, sorry and found it in one of your drawers."She apologized with a shrug.
"What else did you find?"I asked hoping she hadn't looked in my closet.
I had nothing to hide but the gift I had gotten her for Christmas was in there. I didn't know if we were supposed to get each other gifts but it felt wrong not getting her one especially when she has been so good to me. I didn't care if she got me one as long as I got to express how much she meant to be by giving her what I'd bought her.
"Nothing much but I did find a drawer full of lingerie."She replied with a straight face.
I paled and froze in place as I tried to wrap my head around what she had said. I didn't, I couldn't. Wait? What?!
Willow burst out laughing and that's when I realized that she was messing with me.
"You're the worst."I declared walking past her to get to my bathroom.
"Probably but you still love me."She yelled after me.
Even though I was embarrassed I still found myself smiling.
"Keep telling yourself that."I yelled back as I closed the door behind me.
I took a few minutes to calm myself before I stripped and got under the shower. I was going to take a hot bath but the image of Willow in that sexy santa costume kept playing in my head so I switched to a cold shower hoping to calm myself. It was a lot harder than I thought but a few disgusting images later and I was back to normal. I refused to jerk off to Willow without her knowing it, it felt disrespectful.
When I finally got out of the shower I realized that I hadn't carried any clothes with me. I peeked out the bathroom door to find Willow engrossed in the game her back turned to me so I deemed it safe to leave with a towel wrapped around my waist. I had no idea why I felt self conscious when she had seen me shirtless and in swimming shorts before.
"Nice abs by the way."She complimented her back still turned to me and that's when I realized that she could my reflection on the computer monitor.
"Thanks, I grew them."I replied trying to play it cool.
Willow chuckled as I rushed to my closet and quickly dried myself before changing into sweatpants and a tank top. I didn't have the patience to blowdry my hair so I let the wet curls fall over my face letting them air dry. I grabbed Willow's gift in my way out.
I found her seated on my bed eating cookies.
"Where did you get those?"I asked taking one from her and biting into it.
"Alex's mom dropped them off as was picking Charlie up."She replied.
"They are good."I said propping myself next to her.
Unable to hold off any longer I gave her the gift bag in my hand hoping she'd like what I got her.
"I didn't know if we were getting each other gifts but I got you this."I said.
She put the plate of cookies away as she pulled away the tissue paper.
"Awe you didn't have to but thank you."She replied before she even saw what it was.
It had been hard picking out a gift for her so I had decided to make her one. It was a scrap book filled with the pictures from Henry's birthday weekend. I had edited the pictures to look like they were pencil art. I'd even added a few photos we took during Halloween so she'd also have memories of Jack.
I watched her peruse through the pages, her eyes watering with every picture. I knew they were happy tears because she was smiling. When she got to the the end it was a picture of the four of us the day we finished cleaning out the arcade. We were all dusty, sweaty and looked exhausted but we had all been smiling as we took the picture to commemorate a successful weekend. Willow chuckled at that photo before she shut the book and put it aside.
"This is beautiful, thank you."She sniffed as hugged me.
I hugged her back, happy to have put that smile on her face.
"You're welcome."I replied.
"I got you something too but it pales in comparison to what you just gave me."She said reaching over the other side of my bed to grab a something from the floor.
"I'll love it either way."I assured her already happy that she even thought of getting me a gift.
I unwrapped it and opened the box only to find a family pack of Doritos. I looked at Willow hoping she'd say it was another prank but she was just looking at me with a hopeful look in her big amber eyes.
"You got me Doritos?"I asked in shock.
"Yeah you said they were growing on you so I thought you'd like the biggest pack they make."She replied excitedly.
"This is uh, wow. I just....." I trailed off unable to complete that sentence.
I was trying really hard but I was disappointed. I was kind of expecting something more meaningful than a packet of Doritos.
"You seriously are the easiest person to fool."Willow said and I looked up to meet her gaze.
She was biting her lip and that's when I realized she was messing with me. She really didn't know when to quit.
"You truly are the worst."I said shaking my head in disbelief.
Willow laughed as she reached over to grab another gift. She handed it to me but I didn't make a move to open it.
"I promise you this is the real gift."She assured me but I was still skeptical.
"If it's another prank..."I warned.
"Feel free to never talk to me again."She replied.
I'd be mad if she was messing with me but it was no reason for me to never speak to her again. It's like she had no idea how much she meant to me. There's no way I'd choose not to speak to her.
Taking a leap of faith I unwrapped the gift and inside I found a learners permit for bicycle riding signed by Willow.
"It's fake but you told me that you never learnt how to ride a bicycle so this is me telling you that I'll teach you."She explained when she saw the confused look on my face.
Anyone might have dismissed it as a stupid gift but it was Willow's way of telling me that she listened and that she cared.
"Thank you."I chocked up refusing to give into the urge to cry.
Willow had done for me the last few months than anyone had in a very long time. I was suddenly overcome with a burst of courage and I knew what that meant. I was going to finally ask Willow out. I would never forgive myself if I let a great girl like her go just because I was too scared to ask her out.
"Willow there's something I've been meaning to ask you for a while."I started my sweaty palms showing just how nervous I was.
I didn't care though, I was going to ask her and pray that she said yes.
"What's up?"She asked reaching for another cookie.
"It's kind of a big deal and I really hope you'll say yes."I muttered.
"Just ask me, you knows there's nothing I won't do for you as long as it's in my power."Willow replied.
Her words gave me the final push I needed to pop the question.
"Okay here goes. Willow, will you......." Before I could complete the sentence my door burst open and my idiot brother barged in ruining everything.
"Yoh fool, oh hi Willow. I had no idea you were here."Matthew said even though we could both see that he was lying.
I'd never been so angry in my life. Matthew always ruined everything for me but for the moment he had gone a step too far. Something told me that he had been listening through the door and came in just at the right time to ruin any chances I had with Willow.
"Hi Matthew. Merry Christmas."Willow replied politely.
"You guys are doing gifts, perfect. I have gifts for you too."Matthew said tossing a box of condoms at me and a wrapped gift at Willow.
"What do I need this for?"I asked tossing the box aside.
"For wanking, I don't know dude. What are condoms for?"He replied sarcastically.
"Be nice Matthew."Willow scolded.
"Sorry baby bro, they are for protection but they are probably too big. You can swap them out for something more your size."Matthew replied not being nice at all.
I tossed the box at him angry that he was ruining my time with Willow "You keep them, you can use them to wrap your ego. For protection I mean."I retorted.
Willow snickered next to me while Matthew looked embarrassed from my statement.
"You didn't have to get me anything Matthew."Willow said unwrapping her gift changing the topic successfully.
"I didn't mind."Matthew replied trying to look innocent.
In that moment I wished that I had wrapped his umbilical cord around his neck while we were still in the womb and choked him out. It would have made my life so much easier.
Willow finally got to her gift and with a disgusted look on her face, she retrieved a lacy red thong.
"You got me lingerie."Willow asked holding it out with her pinkie.
"No I didn't, it's the one I took that day on the driveway when we first me. I thought I should return it since we're friends now and burying the hatchet."Matthew explained.
"First of all we are not friends and second I can't believe you kept this."Willow replied.
I was surprised by their whole encounter so I just sat back and watched it in silence.
"I did but away from that what are you doing for new years? My friends and I are hosting a party by the lake and it would be awesome if you came. You can even bring Henry if you need a buffer."Matthew asked.
"Gee thanks."I muttered still on the lingerie topic.
"You're welcome."Matthew answered with a wink.
I was about to reply something equally as rude when Willow stopped me by placing her hand on my thigh. Matthew glared at that gesture and I took it as a win for me. Anything that aggravated Matthew made me happy.
"We'll think about it, thanks for asking."Willow answered dismissively.
Thankfully Matthew took the hint and excused himself. He didn't look too happy being sent away but nobody wanted him around.
Willow waited until he left before she tossed the thong away from her. She jumped off the bed and ran into my bathroom. I couldn't see what she was doing but I heard the water running. She came back a few minutes later drying her hands.
"Your brother is disgusting. I can't believe he kept that. Actually I believe he can, I just don't want to imagine what he did with it."Willow said looking visibly disgusted.
I was not going to disagree with her so I just tossed her a bottle of purrel that was on my bedside table. She looked at me gratefully rubbing it all over her hands. She then used the wasted gift wrappers to pick up the lingerie. She rolled everything into a ball and tossed it in the trash.
"Now where were we?"She asked looking better.
"Movie marathon."I replied happy to change the topic of discussion.
"No, you were to ask me something before Matthew came in."She reminded me.
Matthew had achieved his goal and ruined the moment so there's no way I was going to ask Willow out. I'd just wait for when the moment was right again.
"It's nothing."I brushed it off hoping she'd let it go.
Thankfully she did and I was grateful for that.
"Movie time."She yelled jumping into bed next to me.
I grinned as I switched on the TV happy that I had a Hulu account since Home Alone was not available on Netflix.
Cookies, Doritos, Home Alone and the company of the best girl. Best Christmas ever.
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