《Objection! Dear Love...》#2 The Case Study


"Not trynna be indie, not trynna be cool.

Just trynna be in this, Tell me are you too?

Can you feel where the wind is,

Can you feel it too?

All over the windows, inside this room.."

— "Dusk Till Dawn" // Zayn Malik


"So she is a lawyer."

"Yeh sir, she has been practicing as a legal advisor in Canada for six years now."

"That means she has been brought up there."

"Looks like that only, Sir."

"That's why I don't remember seeing her even for once in Rajkot."

Abir smirks. No matter how painful the story of Vishambhar Maheshwari is, Abir's innate hatred suppresses his empathy at times. Especially when Vishambhar requested Abir to help him in getting his daughter back, looking at the selfishness of that man, Abir was astonished. That ruined man is still smart enough to use the weapon that created all the conflict in his favour. He was well aware that this move could go wrong yet he took the chance and eventually succeeded. The cleverness and unpredictability of this stroke is truly commendable.

So the background check is necessary.

"Sir, there's an update on Miss Mishti Agarwal. She arrived in Rajkot two days back and she must be searching for jobs."

"Mishti Agarwal? Isn't her father Vishambhar Maheshwari?"

"I wondered the same. Probably her ex-husband was an Agarwal."

"Who cares."

Lie. He does care.

To his own disappointment, he cares a little too much.

From the moment he promised Vishambhar to bring his daughter back to him, Abir has cared for that girl. He won't admit that yet but the sound of Mishti pulls a long-lost string inside him and he won't mind playing along for a while.

But whatever he has learnt about Mishti till now, there's nothing that appeals to him much. How can a person like Mishti be so usual? His understanding has given him two options – first, he is not accurately aware of what happened to the Maheshwaris in Canada and second, Mishti Agarwal is visibly indifferent to her family.



"Yes sir?"

"Send Miss Mishti Agarwal an offer letter from our company."

"But she's a lawyer and we already have a legal team. I doubt if we have any posts for her, Sir."

"Then create a post. This is my order, Miss Mishti should receive her first offer letter from Rajvansh Wellness only and make sure she accepts it."

"Ok sir."

"Go, I want her in this office anyhow."

Kunal nods and leaves the room. As far as Kunal remembers there was a talk of Mishti and Abir's marriage years ago which ended in a rivalry. So he can't find any logic behind Abir's desperation to get Mishti in the company. Moreover, there's no point in assuming things the other way as everyone believes Abir Rajvansh is still not over his ex-girlfriend. So how does Mishti fit into the story? This might be an attempt to take revenge on the Maheshwaris, Kunal concluds, but right now he has to do the tough job of creating a post specifically for Mishti Agarwal, someone who might be the reason for destruction or for a reunion of two families.


And given their history, Abir's attitude towards this whole scenario and whatever information they have about Mishti, there's little chance that the latter can happen!

The unpredictability of his boss sometimes scares the shit out of Kunal. Nobody knows what's actually going on in Abir's head. But when Kunal somehow manages to keep up with his boss's orders this new addition to their lives named Mishti Agarwal does the unpredictable!

"An offer letter for the post of Chief Legal Officer was sent to Miss Agarwal which she rejected. Here's what she has to say."

Kunal hands over the letter received from Mishti to Abir.

"I wonder why anyone from Rajvanshs would offer me a job. Most importantly, as Mr. Vishambhar Maheshwari announced long back, all the terms between Rajvanshs and Maheshwaris are cut off from the root; I see no point in offering a job just because I'm linked with Maheshwaris. Whatever motive is behind the job offer, I respectfully reject it and kindly do not try to contact me hereafter. Thank you."

As Abir reads the letter Kunal prepares himself to face the wrath of his boss. This letter is an insult to Abir Rajvansh's image and by every means Abir is going to make sure that Mishti Agarwal suffers.

But then, his unpredictable boss laughs! And to Kunal's surprise, it seems like a genuine laugh.

"Oh Kunal! It's been a week since we're studying Miss Mishti's profile and how come you address her as Vishambhar Maheshwari's daughter in the offer letter? I never expected such irresponsible behaviour from you. Where have you left your senses?"

Abir's voice is harsh but Kunal is surprised at another thing. That someone called Mishti insulted Rajvanshs, rejected the job offer yet Abir is scolding him for being irresponsible? What wrong has he done? What's wrong in addressing a daughter by her father's name?

Abir notices the changes in Kunal's expression every second. Poor guy! He tries his best to follow the orders of his boss, but this temper of Abir goes wrong without any warning!

"See Kunal, the thing is from whatever we've learned about Mishti it is crystal clear that she is very much indifferent towards her family which means the mention of Vishambhar Maheshwari definitely annoys her. Moreover, whatever conclusion I've made from Mr. Maheshwari's story is that she has probably separated from her husband but did not return to her father. The twist is she didn't change her surname. She returns to Rajkot just two days back whereas Mr. Maheshwari is here for like three months or more. Again, if we believe in Mr. Maheshwaris words, Mishti is too attached to her mother who unfortunately dies for some reasons we're not aware of. Even now she is staying in a guest house instead of the luxurious bunglow of her father. Only if she asks her father, he will make her the CEO of Maheshwaris and Co. but she is searching for jobs outside the reach of the Maheshwaris. Everything boils down to one point, Mishti Agarwal is not interested in Maheshwaris or anything related to them. And instead of triggering her hatred, annoyance or whatever she feels towards her family we need to focus on what she is, beyond a Maheshwari. Are you getting me?"


Kunal nods. This case seems more interesting than he thought and instead of irritation Kunal gradually started feeling empathetic towards this Mishti Agarwal. God knows what happened to her and her family that everything sounds so ruined. But what caught his attention more is Abir's interest in this case. Ever since Kunal joined Rajvansh Wellness there has been no such case that Abir gets himself so involved in. Except for some high-profile and very much confidential cases, rest is managed by his subordinates.

This case is going to be a huge exception.

"What should be our next move, Sir?"

"Gather some more information about her like what she exactly did in Canada, what are her achievements, what are her failures, what is her strength and most importantly what is her weak point. Also I want a regular update on whatever she is doing here. And make sure the post we're offering her satisfies whatever talent she has and suits the best to her capability. This time we need to focus solely on what Mishti is and I need a firm acceptance from her."

Abir stands near the window of his cabin. This is not just a case but a very personal matter for him. He has made himself a part of the Maheshwaris v/s Rajvanshs battle since the moment his Baba was accused of some false allegations in front of a good number of people. That was the lowest Vishambhar Maheshwari stooped and that too because Mehul proposed an alliance between the two families. Abir was not in India when all these happened, otherwise he would have straightway refused the proposal and nothing would have happened. After all he had Kuhu - the one and only love of his life. Even though they parted ways, Abir knows he won't ever be able to fall in love with anyone else.

But that's a different story. Now he has to focus on his new case - Mishti Agarwal.

The name itself interests him. Especially after whatever relation he indirectly has with this name is amusing enough to get him hooked into this case. Why? Maybe the empathy of a psychologist, the sympathy to an old defeated man and somewhere down the line maybe a little revenge. After all the years after the death of Baba now Abir has the chance to strike on the Maheshwaris, who destroyed Abir's happy family.

Mehul was arrested. In spite of his pleas, appeals to the court, hiring one of the best lawyers in the country Mehul lost it. Immediately Abir was called back to India but such was Vishambhar's full proof plan that even after leaving no stone unturned Mehul lost not only the case but also his reputation, respect, business, money and most importantly, faith. Because of medical conditions later he was released from the jail but with each passing day his health worsened. After enduring pain and humiliation for almost three years, Mehul took his last breath leaving Abir alone. Alone, because Meenakshi Rajvansh - Abir's mother had already left Mehul after he was jailed. Although Meenakshi came back after Mehul's death to take care of Abir, they could never go along. Abir completed his Master's in psychology from Columbia University and by virtue of his good CV, industry connections and the money he earned there while studying, he started his own clinic in Rajkot. Two years later, he now owns one of the most reputed companies in India. Abir has faced the most violent attacks of destiny on him but eventually destiny favoured him by rewarding for his hardwork and patience. Today he has won another battle. The one who caused all his misery is seeking his help to pull him out of his misery.

Abir smirks. Destiny is such a cruel but fair player. Mehul lost his faith and gave up in the end, Abir did not. Look at him now – what he doesn't have? A comfortable life, a respectful image in the society, love and support of people around him and happiness. But peace? Does he ever feel real peace even after being the Young Achiever of the Year? In fact, will he ever find his peace without his Kuhu?

It's raining outside. Closing his eyes Abir reminscines his blurred memories with Kuhu. That chirpy voice, those beautiful eyes, the soothing voice - even after four years of their break up her memories never fail to haunt him. He loved her too much. He really did. So much so that he has accepted that he won't ever be able to fall in love with anyone else. It's not as if he didn't have any relationships after Kuhu. After all he is the most charming and eligible bachelor of Rajkot right now. In short, the 28 years old dumb and broken Casanova of the town. The uncountable number of flings, the never-ending flirty associations with hot girls in the corner and the humble yet I-don't-care-anyone attitude he possesses - no wonder Abir Rajvansh is most of the time the talk of the town. And that's a very well-crafted facade to wear to hide his innocent, vulnerable, love-seeking heart. The heart is a fool, after all.

Whatever it is, the bottom line being Abir is unable to find anyone who can return him the feelings he had with Kuhu and eventually he has learned to live with this. Now for a long period of time he has found something to keep himself busy with - Mishti Agarwal. This case will last a little longer and that will be a good excuse to shrug off every saddening thought that comes to his mind. This might be a temporary cure again but at least for some time he has a new reason to live.

A reason to live.

Five days later Mishti accepts the job offer letter from Rajvansh Wellness and the thoughts of this seemingly mysterious person girl has already kept Abir equipped with lots of imaginations and thinking. Just the anticipation of the arrival of Mishti Agarwal to his "office" has succeeded to keep Abir Rajvansh on his toes. This is definitely going to be a new start, Kunal feels everytime he looks at Abir these days.

But nobody knows what the end result of this case is going to be!

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