《Don't know why ( Rewriting)(Editing)》Heartbreak


Aanya rang the bell eager to explain everything to Jay who obviously would be worried about her going missing, only to come face to face with Jay's mother who was glaring at her which was not expected by Aanya.

Jay's mom spat the words still blocking the door

' Aanya moved closer to her but was forced to stop midway as she was shoved back by her soon-to-be mother-in-law. She stumbled back, losing balance only to land into someone who caught her mid-fall. Aanya looked at Mayan who had arms around her, with her dupatta clutched in his fist and was staring at her with a look of worry, guilt, and sorrow?

Both Mayan and Aanya parted, keeping a safe distance between them


It seemed like Aanya's pleading words fell on deaf ears but when Jay turned around dragging his mom back inside with him but left the door open instead of closing it right on her face, she knew it's time to go in and explain.

They were now standing in the hall, everyone in their family sitting on the couches and chairs judging and blaming her in their minds.

'So, who took you? You were kidnapped right?' Jay questioned her in a sarcastic tone that broke Aanya's courage a bit but she stood strong

'So you're saying that my wife here, a girl, drugged you "a man" and also forced you two to fuck each other!!!!' Jay stated in a low deep voice, raw with anger but nothing could seep into Aanya's brain except the word he used for Maira...Wife...his wife???

' Jay shoved a cell phone into her face and what she saw made her wanna scream. She was naked with Mayan...as naked as her. Did everyone see this? Her parents....everyone saw her naked? Suddenly every stare she got in that hall made her feel exposed and naked...she felt like crying and she did. Tears fell as she ran to her mother pleading her that she doesn't know what's happening with her but her mother looked at her with so much disappointment and said the words that was the final blow.



Did her mother not trust her?? Wasn't she good enough of a daughter all these past years for her mother to believe her? That her own daughter would never commit something like this because loyalty is what matter to her the most and she would never be someone who is not loyal. With so many thoughts her mother dragged her out of the main door, Aanya looked back once at the man she loves, Jay who was standing with his back to her, tears running down his cheek and the pain of betrayal tearing him apart.


Aanya and her mother exited Jay's house just to Mayan standing there looking at them looking like deer caught in a headlight.

' Aanya's mother was already pissed at the current situation and looking at the guy who was in that video with her daughter wasn't helping at all.

'Nothing...I..I jus...' A nervous Mayan was cut off by a furious lady who looked more intimidating than his 8th standard history teacher who made him cry with a glare.


Mayan kept looking back and forth the mother daughter duo, opening and closing his mouth like fish, no words coming out.

Getting no response from him, the lady dragged Aanya again to go back home when Mayan called out for them again.

'Now WHATT!!' This time it's Aanya who couldn't take Mayan acting so dumb.

' ' He held out her dupatta towards her that Aanya took with a nod, wanting no awkward conversation with him in front of her mother but it's Aanya, embarrassment always finds a way to her

' Mayan rambled nervously and Aanya wanted nothing more than to bang her own head onto the wall! This stupid asshole!!!

She just glared at the dumbhead before turning back around to leave when he opened his mouth again.....

' he offered, adding ' after noticing the Aanya glaring at him. But sadly and surprisingly, Aanya's mother nodded and that is how the three of them were on their ride to Aanya's home with an awkward lingering in the car.







Or was this ......


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