《Blue Eyes (A Paranormal Romance)》Chapter 26


I wake up to see it's dark now outside. Glancing over at the clock, the red numbers glow showing that it's 11:30pm.

I groan. This is why I shouldn't have gone to sleep at 2:30pm, stupid me.

I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom where I brush my teeth and wash my face. What am I going to do now? I walk over to my bean bag chair and sit down clicking onto Facebook, I look at the newsfeed, nothing interesting. I click onto SnapChat, nobody's on. I go onto Instagram, all make up tutorials on there. After looking through a few more social medias, I have nothing left to do so I shut off my phone and look around.

What to do, what to do. Yeah okay I can't just keep sitting around here doing nothing. I call Abigail, Tessa, and Chloe, but none of them answer, finally Ally picks up after the fifth ring "hello?" Ally yells into the phone. I can barely hear her voice over the loud music from her side of the phone.

"Where are you?" I ask "what?" She yells into the phone "where are you?" I yell loudly "I'm at Theron's house, he threw a huge party!" She yells. I bite my lip, I've never been the party girl, ever, but I'm super bored, have nothing to do, all of my friends are there (except Tessa, she never goes to parties), mom's not home, and I can't call Brandon because I'm mad at him.

I sigh into the phone "where does he live?" I ask and I hear her squeal. I actually have to jerk the phone away from my ear before she broke my eardrum. "You're coming?" She asks "if you give me the address" I answer. She gives me the address and I tell her I'll see her soon "don't dress in something embarrassing, remember this is a party okay?" She says and I roll my eyes "when have I ever worn something embarrassing?" I ask. I can practically see the skeptical look that I know is on her face right now. "Okay okay, I won't" I tell her and hang up.

What's not embarrassing? I raid through my closet over and over again but soon I'm too frustrated to care because I don't even know what I'm looking for. Finally I settle on a black tank top, a light blue half hoodie (meaning the bottom of it comes to the top of my rib cage), a pair of extra skinny jeans, and some black ankle boots, and for the finishing touch I add a big beautiful blue bow in my hair. There, that's not embarrassing. I think to myself smiling proudly in the mirror.

With that I grab my moms keys and head to her car.

When I get there I step outside and instantly the smell of alcohol and body Odor waft through the air. I gag but quickly regain my composure. I walk up the front lawn, the sound of Wiggle-Jason Derulo fills the air. As I'm walking to the house filled with too much people, I pass by hundreds of red solo cups littering the ground and people making out on the grass. I push through sweaty person after sweaty person trying to force myself to remember why on earth I came here in the first place.


Inside the music is blaring too loud, the smell of body Oder is multiplied, everybody is either grinding on each other or making out, and every girl is wearing too short of dresses. "Excuse me" I say as I push trough the crowd of people. Finally I see a small area with no people and race to it relishing the feeling of room to move, but I soon find out why there's nobody standing there when I slip on a big pile of vomit. "Ahh!" I scream out as I fall backwards flailing my arms wildly, just before I hit the ground I feel arms catch me and open my eyes to see Mathew's face staring down at me with a small smirk on his face. Mathew is another one of the guys on the football team. He's average height with brown short hair and brown eyes. I quickly stand myself up and thank him.

Walking away I almost throw up at the sight of vomit covering half of my shoes. These are my favorite booties!

I look over to see Abigail flirting with a cute popular guy. Go Abigail. Stepping out to the backyard I breathe in a big gulp of air expecting it to be fresh but instead I taste smoke and alcohol. Ugh I cannot believe I allowed myself to come here today. I start coughing too hard and feel a hand on my shoulder. I spin around to see Mathew smiling at me. He holds out a red cup which I graciously accept and start chugging it down without thinking of what might be in there.

It's beer. Warm beer, of course. The alcohol burns down my throat and I make a disgusted face as the bitter liquid fills my mouth. That only makes me cough more. The cup is almost empty. I throw it aside not wanting it and after a good five minutes finally calm myself down. "You okay?" Mathew asks. I nod my head "have you seen Ally?" I ask not caring to make small talk. He points over to the side of the house. I thank him again for the second time tonight and walk over there to find Ally making out with a guy, his hand is up her shirt. I roll my eyes, this trip over here was a total waste. I finally decide that I'm not going to waste another second here at this stupid party.

I go around the outside of the house not wanting to walk through the throng of sweaty bodies again. Just as I'm about to get in the car and drive off, I remember that I had a whole cup of alcohol, and to some of you, this may seem silly, but there's no way I could drive even after only one cup of alcohol without feeling guilty.

I look around for someone to ask to drive me home, but of course everyone is way more drunk than I am.


So I sigh deeply and start walking. That's right, I'm going to walk home. That's how much it annoys me when people drink and drive. I'm going to let you in on a little secret, my dad died from drinking and driving.

You see this came as a huge surprise seeing as my dad is the most responsible person I knew. He never stayed out too late, he always made sure we had everything we needed, he had a well paying job, he took care of us, he owned up to the mistakes he made (which was not many), he was completely responsible. But one day, he was staying late for work. He had been really stressed out because he had accidentally made some big problem for the company and the boss had yelled at him for hours-The doctors said he had 8 ounces of alcohol which is a little more than half a bottle of beer in his system, so I guess he had drank some alcohol under the stress-He then drove home and crashed into a tree, by the time they got him to the hospital, he was still alive but holding onto life. My mom wouldn't let me see him in the hospital because the doctors had told her that he was unrecognizable. She told me a few years ago that he had said to her in that room that on the road everything suddenly got blurry. He told her to tell me that he loves me and that he knows I'll grow up to be a strong independent woman. He said some things to her personally too I'm sure, but mom won't talk about that. He died later that night.

And while we'll never know for absolute sure that the alcohol was to blame for his blurry vision, I wasn't going to take any chances.

I huff wishing terribly that I had worn tennis shoes. If Ally hadn't told me not to dress embarrassingly I wouldn't have worn these stupidly adorable-but not anymore because of the vomit-boots. I yank them off and fling them as hard as I can into the woods. First my Parachute t-shirt was ruined because of Jake's blood and now my favorite booties are ruined because of somebody's vomit.

I stomp on with only my white socks. slowly the music fades away.

Five minutes later I nervously look around. It's completely silent, close to pitch black, and I'm in a deep alleyway. I feel like smacking myself on the head. Why didn't I just take the safe way home? It's a fifteen minute longer walk but at least I wouldn't be all alone in a dark, run down alley. Sirens go by and I feel goosebumps run up my arms. This is creepy, especially with everything that's been going on. I grab both ends of my half hoodie and tighten them around me, wishing I had worn something warmer or at least brought a real, full-sized jacket. The wind is breezing past.

As I'm walking past another alleyway, I hear voices. I'm about to keep walking (faster) when I hear a all too familiar voice.

"I told you not to tell her anything. You've told her too much and now you're trying to get involved with her. I'm very disappointed. You keep acting like this, and you're off the job, and trust me, you don't want to fail another at this rate" a deep voice threatens, but that's not the familiar one, the one that talks after him is the familiar one. "I'm not getting involved with her, I'm just trying to protect her. I won't fail" I listen closely, the voices are around the corner it sounds like, so it's hard to hear. I can't quite pinpoint the voice so I silently walk forward creeping against the wall. "Just remember that your job is to protect her, not to be her boyfriend" the deep voice reminds. I peep around the wall and squint my eyes, it's hard to see.

Suddenly a car drives by and I can barely see the people, but it's enough to see who the familiar sounding guy is. I have to hold in my gasp when I see Jake's face light up from the car's headlights.

Jake nods "it's just an act sir to get her to trust me. Once my job is done, I'll be gone and she won't even cross my mind again." Jake assures. H-he wasn't talking about me...was he? "Good. And no more telling her information you hear?" The deep voice says

"understood" Jake comfirms. "One last thing," the deep voice says "what is wrong with you?! You can't go blowing your cover by fighting-" The deep voice whisper yells, Jake quickly interrupts "I know Sir. I'm sorry" he apologized "don't let it happen again" the deep voice growls sternly. I quickly go back behind the wall before he sees me, running away as fast and quietly as I can. He had told me information, he seemed to be trying to protect me this whole time, he was flirtatious with me...he was talking about me wasn't he?

I feel sick to my stomach. Maybe it's the alcohol, maybe it's the running so much, maybe it's the fact that my socks are torn and my feet are getting bloody from running on the hard cement this whole time, or maybe it's the conversation I overheard, but I fall down and vomit.

Stupid boys, I'm better off without them.


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