《Adopted By LaurenZSide》HOLY HECK!


No way we did not just get 200 reads in one day THIS IS NOT REALLLLL THIS IS INCREDIBLE! I'm freaking out this morning we were at 1.2k now were ay 1.4k HOW just HOW! You are all amazing and for that, I have started a discord, here are the perks of joining.

You can make new friends. Talk to me. Get cool roles! Discuss fanfics. Ship People in discord or our. Suggest stuff for me. Activities like, karaoke, story sharing, and much more! Come join my discord and I swear we will have a lot of fun!

This is the link to join hope to see you there Loves

(copy and paste it links won't work) https://discord.gg/mXKzH6V

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