《Mystery of Redpaw (PAW Patrol Fanfic)》The Storm
It was another glorious day in Adventure Bay. The sun was shining. The birds were chirping.
Basically, it was very cliche.
Redpaw sat on top of the Lookout, just outside Ryder's room. In the months since he had been adopted, he hadn't grown very much. Katie was unable to determine exactly what type of breed he was, but one thing was certain: he was a small wolf.
Just a bit taller than Skye, Redpaw saw both advantages and disadvantages. He was fast, nearly as fast as Chase. He was stronger than Rubble. He could fit into tight spaces. He didn't need to eat much. He was also underestimated. Everyone loved him, for sure. They had proved that the very first day they had met.
But, they seem to baby him a little as well. Even Skye, who's the smallest out of them all. It's not like Redpaw doesn't like being held or snuggled, every pup likes that. But, sometimes, it's too much.
For instance, today, Ryder insisted on helping Redpaw into his ATV. Redpaw refused and jumped inside by himself. Ryder claimed he "didn't want him to get hurt" but Redpaw simply rolled his eyes.
Perhaps he didn't realize how adorable he looked with his bright blue eyes, his dark, soft fur coat. His pointy ears and, how he got his name, his red paw pads.
He sighed as he watched the pups playing. Marshall and Rubble were playing tug toy. Rocky was sun bathing. Some had gone off on a mission. Redpaw dreamed of joining the PAW Patrol, but he still hadn't found his one special talent. In fact, he shared traits with many of the pups.
Chase's super smell and hearing, Rocky's love for technology, flying sky high with Skye, building with Rubble, surfing with Zuma. He didn't like fires. That was his major fear. But he did like comforting those that were hurt, like Marshall.
What's my special talent, he thought. His pup tag jingled as the wind shifted. He looked down at it with a smile. It was a black tag, like his fur. In the middle, a red paw print.
His ears perked. He swore he heard something, as if something had exploded. Ignoring the playing pups, he looked out into the distance, front paws on the railing.
On the horizon, he spotted dark clouds. It hadn't rained in Adventure Bay in weeks. He sniffed the air, his tail wagging carelessly behind him.
"What's up, Red?" Redpaw yipped, falling into his back. He looked up to see a smiling Dalmatian.
"Marshall! You scared me!" Redpaw said. The Dally giggled, helping him up. "There's a storm coming."
Marshall sniffed the air and frowned. "You're right! Better tell Ryder." He barked, activating his collar. "Ryder, rainstorm incoming."
"Thanks, Marshall," Ryder said through static. "We're... most... here-"
"Ryder?" The communication was cut. "Huh? That's never happened before."
Redpaw looked at his own collar. "Is this supposed to happen?" Marshall looked down to see Redpaw's tag glowing.
"Only when it's activated. It must be because I barked." Redpaw sat on his haunches, bringing a paw up to the tag. "I guess Ryder has to tune it some- Whoa..." Marshall whispered. "Redpaw, your paw..."
"What is it?" Redpaw said, looking at his paw. His muzzle fell open. His paw pad was pulsating a dim red glow. He folded his ears back and tucked his tail as he looked at his other paws. "W-what's happening?" he whined.
"Uh, you're okay," Marshall assured him, a strange look on his face. "Let's go to Katie's, alright?" Redpaw nodded, looking back at his paw. He looked back out towards the bay. The clouds were getting closer and his paws began tingling. He didn't tell Marshall, but, he had a bad feeling about something.
Redpaw squirmed under Katie's grip. He liked Katie, but examinations were boring. He wanted to play. "Well, Redpaw," Katie said, examining his paws. "I have to say, I've never seen this in any pup before."
"Is it bad?" Redpaw whimpered.
"I don't know. Does it hurt?"
It tingles. "N-no. It feels normal." He felt bad for lying, but he was scared. What was happening to him?
"When you were living on the streets, did you ever step in something or eat something that made your tummy ache?" She began checking his ears, chuckling as Redpaw flicked them reflexively.
He thought for a moment. "I once ate a rotten slice of pizza. The next day I felt sick, but it wore off pretty fast." He panted as Katie rubbed his stomach.
"Nothing feels abnormal. Let me check your heart rate." She pulled out a stethoscope and, holding the squirming pup down, she checked his heartbeat. "A bit quick, but he's a rambunctious pup, so that's normal."
"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" Marshall asked.
"He seems 100% healthy." Redpaw jumped down, sitting next to Marshall. "Did it just start today?"
"Yeah," Redpaw said, scratching his ear. Katie stared at his paw. "I smelled the storm coming. I told Marshall and he noticed my paws were-" His ear perked as he turned to look out the window. "Someone's yelling."
Marshall hopped onto the counter, looking out the window. "I don't hear or see anyone. Are you sure?"
Redpaw nodded, jumping onto the counter as well. "I swear-" He strained his ears, trying to hear the sound better. His paws tingled to the point where they felt numb. He took one last sniff, and suddenly, he could see Ryder, the pups and a large lightning bolt striking Skye's helicopter. As quickly as he saw it, he blinked and was back in Katie's. He felt very lightheaded, and fell backwards. "Ryder..."
Marshall grabbed his collar before he fell off the counter. "Oh my pup!" Katie yelled, grabbing some napkins and placing them in Redpaw's ears.
"Wh- wha-" he said, flinching as the paper caused him discomfort.
"You're bleeding!"
He whimpered. "But, why?" He tried to sit up, but Katie pushed him back down. "Ryder needs us..."
Katie gently pushed him so that he lay on his side. She stroked his back to calm him down. "You're okay, Redpaw. You're safe."
"But," he yawned, suddenly feeling weak. "The yelling." His paws twitched. It began raining outside. His ears moved around and his eyes went wide. "Something happened." Thunder rumbled loudly, shaking the clinic. "Skye! Skye's helicopter got hit by lightning!" Marshall stared at him curiously.
"Shhh..." Katie whispered. "Don't worry about it." She took his paw, noticing how warm his fur had gotten. "You need rest."
With a sigh, Redpaw's eyes began closing. He let himself relax. The tingling sensation moved in waves over his body. He whined a bit at the unfamiliar feeling.
Lightning flashed. "Marshall, did you try calling Ryder again?" Katie asked. She stroked Redpaw's fur, noticing he was twitching slightly. "Easy, pup," she whispered.
"The storm knocked out our collars." He looked at Redpaw. "What he said about Skye has me worried, especially with the storm. I'm going to check on them."
Katie smiled. "I'll run some tests." They heard him snore and she sighed. "I'm going to try a blood test."
Marshall winced. "Don't you remember what happened last time?"
"I've still got the scars on my arms. But, this time, I'm going to try something different." She gently pushed Redpaw's head, left ear facing down. She brought out a dish and held it underneath. Removing the tissue, a few drops of blood dripped out. "Hopefully, this will tell me what's wrong, if anything. The first time I drew blood, it was to determine his breed. Who would have known he was some kind of wolf?"
"Why haven't you done it with Rocky?" Marshall inquired.
"Actually, I did, just a few years ago. He told me he doesn't want to know." She placed the blood into a vile and into a machine. "We should have the results in a few hours."
"Rocky doesn't want to know what breed he is?" Marshall awed.
"Surprised me too. Maybe when he's older." Thunder shook he clinic, eliciting a bark from Marshall. Katie chuckled.
"Ryder! Got to go!" He raced out to his truck, hoping what Redpaw had said hadn't happened.
"Pups, let's wrap it up!" Ryder yelled. "Storm came in faster than we thought."
Chase had grown tired of redirecting traffic. No matter how many times he had indicated there was a detour, people still tried to come through. These paws uphold the laws, he mumbled. They also uphold an annoyed shepherd.
Rubble was finishing up he new supports for the bridge. He had to make sure they were perfect before Skye could lower the beams back into place. She could feel the electricity buzzing in the air. "Ryder, we need to hurry. It's not safe to fly in these conditions!" she yelled as the first few drops hit the ground.
A lightning bolt struck her helicopter, sending volts of electricity straight through Skye, down the wire, into the bridge and Rubble. "No!" barked Chase.
They watched as Skye's helicopter fell. The bridge slammed into place, held up by Rubble's supports. The helicopter dangled by a single wire, Skye still inside.
"Chase! Rescue Skye!" Ryder yelled, running over to Rubble's truck. Rubble's body lay unconscious, unmoving. Ryder desperately searched for a heartbeat. Moments of tension passed. It felt as if time had stopped. Then...
Sighing with relief, he ran back to his ATV, attempting to radio Marshall. "Emergency, code red, code red! Report!"
"Marshall, report!" Still no answer. Carefully, he lay Rubble down into his ATV and rushed over to to the edge, peering down. "Be careful!" he yelled..
Chase, in the meantime, after deeming the bridge safe enough to drive on, had attached himself to his wench and propelled down to Skye's helicopter. "Almost... Got it!" He threw her door open. Inside, a limp Skye. Chase couldn't tell if she was breathing, but there was no time to lose. Carefully, he climbed in, listening in case the wire snapped. If it did, they were both done. Marshall's sirens could be heard in the distance.
Redpaw could smell burning fur. He smelled fear and anxiety. Adrenaline. He felt a sense of urgency, like he needed to get somewhere, fast.
His eyes shot open, sniffing the air. "What's wrong?" Katie asked with concern. "Does something hurt?"
"No. Someone needs help." He kept sniffing the air. Katie removed the paper from his ears and sighed with relief. He had stopped bleeding. But, his glowing paws continued. "It's Ryder."
"What?" she said, staring at the anxious wolf. "What are you talking about?"
"Lightning, big flash. Skye, her chopper." Redpaw was panting. "What happened to them?"
"Redpaw, calm down, I'm sure everything's fine." She held the pup tightly. He was shaking. "It was probably just a nightmare."
"But, it looked so real. I could hear and smell everything." He shivered. "Where's Marshall?"
"You spooked him enough to go check on Ryder and the pups." Thunder shook the clinic and plunged everything into darkness. Redpaw yipped. He didn't like fire, but the dark was far scarier. He continued to shake in her arms. "You're alright, pup. Shhh..."
Redpaw could hear Katie's heartbeat. It comforted him, such a simple sound. Rhythmic, entrancing. He focused on that sound alone, his blue eyes trying to find Katie's. He forgot all about the raging storm, the possibility of Ryder and the pups in danger. He yawned, and eventually fell asleep. The storm continued to rage on outside. The only thing Katie could see were Redpaw's glowing red paws.
Chase carefully wrapped his paws around Skye. "Alright, now I'm just going to slowly take a few steps backwards..." He heard the wind begin howling. Skye's helicopter began swinging back and forth. Anxiously, Chase continued walking backwards, making sure he never let go of Skye. Suddenly, the cable snapped. Acting on instinct, Chase bit down on Skye's collar and jumped out of the helicopter as it fell.
Marshall immediately jumped into Chase's truck, slamming his foot on the brake to keep it from moving. He looked back and watched in horror as a plume of fire and smoke rose from the gorge. "Chase!" Ryder yelled. He stood at the edge, waving smoke from his face. Dangling at the end of the wench was Chase and Skye, covered in soot and ash. Ryder sighed with relief, giving Marshall the thumbs up. Marshall pushed the retract button and watched as Chase and Skye reached safety.
Chase panted and collapsed when he reached the ground. "Ryder?"
"You did a good job, pup," Ryder said, carrying Skye to his ATV. Chase relished the cool water falling from the sky. He wagged his tail happily, knowing he had saved Skye's life. "We'd better get these two to Katie's."
Rain pelted their faces as they loaded the injured Cockapoo and Bulldog into Marshall's ambulance. "Marshall," Chase said. "How did you know we were in danger?"
"Redpaw had a dream," he said as he fastened Rubble and Skye in the back of his truck. "He said he saw Skye's helicopter get hit by lightning. I got worried and rushed over." Chase and Ryder stared at him in disbelief as he finished securing the injured. "What?"
"That's exactly what happened..." Ryder said. "How could Redpaw- Where is he?"
"At Katie's. His ears started bleeding. He started rambling, then he became lightheaded. I think he's asleep now."
Lightning flashed and the storm continued raging on around them. "Let's get out of this storm," Ryder said.
"But, Ryder, sir. What about the bridge?" Chase whined.
They each looked at the bridge. "I think Rubble's supports will-"
There's a saying: 'Lightning never strikes twice.' In this case, it's true. Lightning struck a few feet away from where Skye's helicopter had been.
Directly onto the bridge. The newly built supports groaned and creaked until...
Ryder facepalmed as the bridge collapsed into the gorge down below. Luckily, Chase had set up a road block on each side, otherwise, things would be very different. The pups' jaws dropped. "I'm done!" Ryder yelled, climbing into his ATV. "Let's go."
"Wait up!" Chase and Marshall said, hopping into their respective vehicles. The bridge could wait. The lives of two pups were at stake.
The power still hadn't returned to Katie's once they had arrived, but Redpaw was able to get through to Rocky and Zuma. They were working on getting a generator up and running. In the meantime, flashlights and candles were used. Chase watched the wolf pup play with his shadow, smiling, but also feeling worried. He hadn't said a word about the incident. "Redpaw?" Chase asked. "How are you feeling?"
Redpaw stopped momentarily to look towards the shepherd. "Better, I guess." He looked at one paw and sighed before continuing to play. He really wanted to know why this black figure was copying his every move.
Chase raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, why?" He looked towards the shepherd. Chase's was looking down at the ground. "What's wrong?"
His ears perked. "Hmm? Oh, nothing. Just thinking."
The wolf pup trotted over, sitting across from him. "About what?"
"Nothing, don't worry about it."
"You look confused," Redpaw noted. "And worried." He turned his head cutely, his ears flopping down. They still hadn't perked up all the way. "Why?"
"How did you know?" Chase suddenly asked. "How did you know what happened to Skye? You were here the entire time."
"I-I don't know." He folded his ears back and looked at the ground. "It was scary, I didn't know what was going on." He scooted closer to Chase. "My body was tingling before I fell asleep," he whispered. "It felt weird."
"Weird how?" Chase casually scratched at his ear. "Weird like you needed to go, or..."
"No, not like that. Like- like-" He looked all around, his ears moving in different directions while he tried to find the right words. "Like the way the water moves at the beach."
"Yeah!" Redpaw barked. Katie hushed him from across the room. It was late and they should have been asleep. Chase pulled the giggling pup close, telling him to settle down. He blew out the candle set up near them. "Do you think that's bad?" Redpaw yawned.
The shepherd yawned as well. "Let's not think about it right now, alright? It's late."
"But I'm not-" He was interrupted by a yawn. "Tired." Chase chuckled, biting down on the scruff of his neck and carrying him over to the other pups. Everyone was settled in front of the fireplace. Chase set Redpaw down in the middle, forcing him to lay down. He took his place between a sleeping Marshall and Zuma, yawning as he shut his eyes.
The wolf pup laid there, staring at his paws. How did they glow before? He tried to will them to glow, but nothing happened. With a frustrated sigh, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Ryder smiled at his sleeping pups. "Skye and Rubble should be fine," Katie said, handing him a mug of hot chocolate. "Skye wasn't directly shocked. She was knocked out by the impact of her helicopter falling. Rubble did get shocked, but nothing too bad. He might have trouble remembering a few things, and he'll have a few patches of fur missing."
"That was completely unexpected," Ryder said, shaking his head. "The storm came out of nowhere." He sipped his chocolate, savoring it's sweet taste. "So, what's this about Redpaw and his 'glowing paws'?"
"I'm not entirely sure. Somehow, he knew what had happened to Skye, apparently at the exact moment it happened, if not, before. His paws glowed blood red during the episode too."
"Could that hurt him?"
"It definitely freaked him out. It also made him lightheaded." She sipped her drink. "I just don't know how any of that is possible."
"He was a stray, as much as we know," Ryder said. He looked back towards the fireplace. "Maybe he's not telling us something."
"Maybe, but I wouldn't press him. He's had a rough year." She walked over to the counter, grabbing a candle. "Give him time. If he has something to tell you, or the pups, he will." With that, she left to go to her room.
Ryder sighed continuing to sip his chocolate beverage as he stared at the fire. Where did you come from, Redpaw?
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