《Birds of a Feather》Hull


Albus gripped the fang, his fingers curling around its uneven surface. The blood pact lay before him.

"Here goes nothing" he sighed and gripped the fang tightly. With one swift move, he brought it down, with immense force and stabbed the chain.

At once, it was almost as if the devil's powers were unleashed. The whole tent blew up. Deep black smoke erupted from the crack. Albus was thrown back and almost hit a tree.

The last thing he saw was his arm bleed bright red, before he passed out.

"Who is this man?"

". . the smoke. . "

Albus Dumbledore woke up to three people staring at him. They all wore straw hats and wore overalls. Their ebony hair was tucked underneath their hats, leaving behind a few loose strands.

And all of them looked very similar.

"Who are you?" Albus got up, with a start. His hands went into his pocket to check his wand. Thankfully it was there and safe.

"Hello there, Mister" a woman in the trio smiled, "Call me Resa".

"I'm Moe" a man said with a gruff voice.

"I'm Caesar" the other man grinned.

"Who are you?" Albus repeated.

"Well, we're the owners of this lil' land. We heard something explode and we saw you. We thought you are this crazy weirdo scientist observing the nature" Resa narrated, "Eventually we got you back to the barn and we helped you regain your consciousness".

"Wow, uh, thank you for your hospitality" Albus coughed, "And I am not a scientist. I was merely at the wrong place".

"Then who are you?" Moe said, "This place is off limits. You can't enter without permission".

"An explorer" Dumbledore lied, "I happen to have very less supplies and I decided to get a. . . a few things from your land".


"You mean the cornfields?" Resa said.

"I may have taken some corn" Albus grumbled with mild frustration at how confrontational Resa was.

"Don't worry. We're happy that you lived though" Resa smiled, "Anyway, let me introduce ourselves properly. Our father is Julian McGuire. He passed away a few years ago and gave us the farm, the land and the animals".

"Well, you didn't need to tell me that because I'm merely a stranger" Albus said.

"Yeah, right" Caesar snorted, "Look, man, my sister might like you. She likes everyone who visits the farm, as matter of fact. . "

"It gets a bit lonely here" Resa complained.

". . The point is that, just because you are this explorer, doesn't mean we'll see each other again. We're people and we'll help you recover" Caesar said, "And that's all".

"Oh you don't need to help me. I'll just have some water and I'll be on my way" Albus said.

"Good" Caesar left the place. Moe followed him shortly.

"Sorry about my brother, though" Resa smiled warmly, "You need some food and beverage. I can get some cold turkey and cheese and some apple cider if you like".

"I'd be happy with just water" Albus smiled.

"I know it's not much, but what can I do?" Resa mumbled, "There are hardly visitors. Our relatives don't talk to us anymore after Father passed and we seldom visit the market".

"How do you earn then?" he asked.

"There's this trader who comes every week. He buys our stuff and sells it" Resa said, "He's been a steady source of income for a past few years".

"Why don't you go to the market then?"

"We McGuires don't like to socialize, if you know what I mean. We are people who rarely show up to things" Resa cut a portion of cooked but cold turkey and spiced it with some lemon and basil, "But I'm not like the rest. I want to have friends".


"Well, thank you for the help, Miss McGuire"

"Pleasure. But please do call me Resa" she said.

As Albus ate, Resa explained the McGuire's long and tiring history. How their great grandfather set up a field in Brazil, after moving from Ireland. How their dad was educated and how they lost their Mother when they were six years old.

It was a lively tale. As Albus couldn't help it, Resa was a bit like his late sister, Ariana.

It was quite early in the morning when the four of them woke up. Jacob suffered trauma, as he shivered at the sight of Queenie leaving them some breakfast.

Newt and Tina couldn't handle the other one completely broken. Theseus, on the other hand, was losing his optimism.

The cell was consuming them. It was within a matter of time they go insane.

"Um. . . guys?" Queenie's sweet voice tingled their ears, "I want to help you".

"Wait, what?" Newt got up.

"I've realized that I'm ready to die, if I can know that my family is safe" Queenie said, "You are my family".

Newt couldn't help but smile, "Very well. What's your plan?"

"It might take a while, but I have something sorted out. Tell Teenie" Queenie's gaze diverted to a sleeping Tina.

"When will we get out?" Newt asked, desperate.

"Soon enough, honey" Queenie smiled. And this time, she was back. No longer Grindelwald's Queenie, but their Queenie.

"I'll tell Jacob. He'll be delighted" Newt said, indicating Jacob who was curled up against the window, still shivering.

"I want to do it for you. For him. For Theseus. And for Teen" Queenie grinned, "I have a plan. But you must obey whatever I tell you to do".

"Hope this isn't bait" Newt said.

"This isn't. You can't judge a person from what they did. Trust me. I'll be able to get you out" Queenie said, "But on one condition".

"What is it?" Newt asked.

"If I. . . if I don't make it. . " Queenie's voice broke, "Promise me you'll Obliviate Jacob".

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