《Birds of a Feather》Hain


After a few days, the Aurors had completed the contraption building. All they had to do was test it.

The werewolf was still kept in custody. The Aurors had given him a dose of Wolfsbane Potion to return him back to his human form. However they couldn't interrogate him without proper physical conditions, in this case, the werewolf had to be conscious.

The security forces were tightened and everyone in Rio were on high alert. If the werewolf managed to escape, then they had to prepare for it.

Today was the day. Today, the contraption gave them a new sort of hope, motivation and protection against Grindelwald.

"Hey there, Tina" Newt slid down on a chair next to her during breakfast. They were currently at the Ministério da Mágica to test the mechanics of the device.

Tina didn't respond. She stabbed a piece of scrambled egg with her fork, clearly disturbed by her own thoughts.

Newt knew what he had to do. He leaned in and pressed a small kiss on her cheek.

"Woah" Tina gasped, "Oh, hello Newt".

"Must I kiss you every time to get your attention?" Newt asked, his ears turning red.

"I'm not complaining" Tina grinned, "I'm just. . stressed".

Newt turned his head to look at Tina's wound. The bandages were removed, but there was a scar that seemed imprinted on her cheek.

"It has healed" Newt pointed out, "But the scar. . "

"It's fine, Newt" Tina answered, "A little scar never hurt anyone".

"Are we still. . " Newt lowered his voice, ". . courting in secret?"

"Absolutely." Tina said, "It's best if we keep it that way".

"Very well, then" Newt chuckled, "It's for the best".

They were absolutely ravenous after waking up and soon devoured their breakfasts. Just then, Bridget entered the hall.

"Oh, fancy seeing both of you here. All alone and. . " Bridget trailed off.

"Yeah, so?" Tina said.

"It seems really odd that you two are alone and obviously, a few days after you kissed and. ." Bridget rambled.

"Wait, you told her?" Newt hissed.

"I didn't! She managed to find out on her own!" Tina said, "She wasn't really tipsy and. . "

"I thought we were supposed to keep this a secret" Newt looked a bit disappointed. Then he turned to Bridget, "Okay, we're courting. Happy?"

"Newt, wait!" Tina said.

"You lied to me, Tina. You said we were courting in secret" Newt told her, "Do you know how awkward it is for me? You promised that nobody knew".

He got up from his seat and rushed off, as fast as his legs could carry him.

"You just had to ruin everything, right?" Tina said, her voice sounding hurt.

"I didn't know. . you guys are courting! Of course!" Bridget clapped her hands in glee.


"We were maintaining this as a secret and you just had to blew it up" Tina said.

"But you. . I. " Bridget protested, "You shouldn't have kept the fact that I know about the kiss from Newt! That was your fault! Plus I can keep a secret! We're best friends!".

"Gosh, you remind me so much of Queenie!" Tina yelled, with rage, "You just have to learn about everything!"

The room was deadly quiet. Then Bridget spoke, "Very well. If you feel that way, I'd better get. . going".

"No, Bridget-- I didn't mean. ." Tina tried.

"No, I get your message. I'm far too involved in others' lives than my own" Bridget said, "And all I wanted to do was to bring you two together".

"I completely understand. . "

"I'm done meddling" Bridget raised her hands, "Guess I should've never taken up this mission in the first place. I should've gotten the information from the Minister that I'm not supposed to be interested in anything other than the mission, right?"

"No, Bridget, listen!" Tina cried as Bridget left the place.

Tina was all alone. Soon enough, all her haunting realities of Queenie, of Newt and of herself flew into her brain, knocking her out of her senses.

Enclosing secrets was part of the long terms and conditions that every courtship required. Tina was an open book. She had nothing to hide and nothing to defend, in terms of statements. Tina, being an Auror all her life, knew who to trust and when to keep secrets.

In this case, relationships didn't make her top ten list of secret things. Nevertheless she felt impeccably guilty.

And Newt. He was uncomfortable, to say the least. She knew that he would eventually have to come around clean with the "courtship" details but until now, he was happy with it being a secret.

If not, the media would want to get involved. Spellbound would start reporting false news and the news would reach Grindelwald and he would then be able to track them down and terminate them.

No wonder Newt wanted to keep it a secret. Tina had been too spontaneous in making decisions lately.

Tina didn't know where Newt went, but she did know the possibility of Newt being in the library. She raced after him, pushing away people.

At last, she did find him in the library, cooped up and reading a book.

"Newt?" Tina's pleasant voice rang inside the empty velvet covered library.

"You're here" he snarled.

"I know you're mad and probably questioning your decisions about us" Tina stated, "But can I have a say?"

"Sure, take your time" Newt said, almost bored of her.

"I've made a mistake but I'm not afraid of admitting it. I know that I'm not thinking over each and every decision I make and rush into things" Tina said, "In the end, all I try is to protect you. All of you. I'd take enough werewolf slashes, several curses and hexes, even the Killing Curse and think about all of you, being in a world where everything is safe".


"And how exactly are you planning to protect all of us by exposing our secrets?" Newt snapped.

"I told you, Bridget got to know our secret. I never told her anything!" Tina said, "If you still don't trust me, proceed to ignore me. I won't mind".

Tina proceeded to revert back to her Ministry work, leaving Newt with an impossible decision on his hands.

Tina was aghast at Newt's sudden behavior turn. After all she had done for him? After several misunderstandings, they arrive at a beautiful conclusion and they just had to be ripped apart by fate?

This was outrageous. Tina started questioning her own relationship decisions. Would he turn out to be like those Illvermorny boys, caring only for her appeal and not for who she really is?

Or worse, is he Achilles?

Tina and Achilles had gotten off to a rocky start, but made their relationship work for a few months before breaking off.

Achilles used to play the so called "courting Tina" game while courting many other girls and having multiple dates at the same time.

Tina forgave him many times, but then she couldn't handle it.

What if Newt had someone like that? What if he was absolutely broken by Leta's death and he went on to use Tina and not be aware of his conscience? What if he was courting other women?

No, Newt wouldn't do that.

But he would! He would want to court some of his adoring fans. Remember that girl who was Newt's assistant? Bunty?

But he mentioned that Bunty was just his friend.

You don't know, Tina. There could be a chance that he is in fact, very much, courting her. You've seen her, right? She's beautiful.

Newt probably thinks I'm beautiful too. He complimented my eyes.

Mainly because you wouldn't feel comfortable if Newt just announced that he wasn't engaged. You probably expected the compliment.

Ugh, why do we always end a discussion with my ugly appearance?

Beats me.

Tina knew that she was boring and plain compared to the others. She never gave importance to her looks or her headstrong personality because they came in the way of her aims.

Was Newt upset of her not being able to spend enough time with him? Did Newt have other plans? Is Newt still mad at her for believing the stupid magazine article until now?

With her head flooded with millions of unanswered questions, Tina started to proceed to the Auror Dept.

Meanwhile Newt was having second thoughts as well.

Should he believe Tina ? A part of him trusted her completely and the other part of him questioned his relationship with her. Of course, Newt trusted her and they did go through a lot together and Tina completely understood him.

But so did Leta. Who ended up breaking his heart.

Leta and Tina shared a lot more in common, even if they were from two different places and went to different schools. Both of them were affliates to the Ministry they worked in.

And both of them understood and appreciated Newt the way he was.

Leta had lied to him on several occasions and betrayed him by completely ignoring him and going for Theseus. It was almost as if Newt was a tissue.

What is the probability that Tina would do the same to him? Maybe she is lying to get back with Achilles. Maybe there's another man waiting for her, in New York and Tina's just using him.

But Tina wouldn't do that. .

What if she did? Wouldn't you regret it?

She literally died protecting you, Newt!

So did Leta! She protected me several times in Hogwarts!

Newt was in a tizzy. After all, he believed in the uniqueness of each and every person and their dissimilar traits, but this Deja Vu feeling never left him.

The best thing he could do was to think about it and give it some time. He rushed to Tina, who was just departing to her office. He managed to catch her before she left.

"Tina, wait!" Newt panted.

"Yes?" Tina asked, her hopes rising a bit.

"I think it would be best if we. . "

". . If we become estranged" Tina finished his sentence, agreeing and reading his mind.

Newt nodded, "Maybe we'll get back later".

"Yes, later. There is so much time, isn't it?" Tina said, her voice flooding with disappointment. But she never showed it.

"Yes" Newt started to tear up a bit, but he held it back, "There is time".

"Well," Tina's hands slid into her pockets, "It was nice seeing you, Mr Scamander".

There it was. The phrase Newt dreaded the most.

". . You too, Miss Goldstein" he finished hastily before giving her an appealing nod.

"I should be getting back to the Auror team" Tina said, "Have a good day".

With that, Tina signed off, never to meet him again. Never to set up a rendezvous with him. Never to glance at his face again.

Newt sure hoped he'd be left alone. There was no way he was committed to this. And never will he meet another person who loved him as much as Tina did.

It was perfect and heartfelt while it lasted. But now, it was over.

They both agreed on this. There was no turning back.

But is there?


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