《Performance》Act 1; Scene 4


TW: Mentions of murder, abuse, discrimination, hate crimes, rape, and suicide (It's all only mentioned once in the first paragraph), implications of previous depression and suicidal tendencies, slight cursing (curtesy of Virgil), mentions of Anxiety (It's Virgil, mah dudes)

Honestly, all of these things are only mentioned once, and it's mostly fine, but if even the mention of all of this and implications of experiencing it will trigger you, then please put yourself before reading my story.

Patton Heart isn't really that hard to understand. He's bubbly, optimistic, generous, supportive, and he loves to nurture. Don't get him wrong- while he is innocent to some things, he knows that the world isn't spotless. He knows about murder, abuse, discrimination, hate crimes...he knows about rape...and suicide...

He doesn't understand them. He doesn't understand how people are okay with those things, he doesn't understand how people can't love the people who aren't hurting someone, other than themselves. But those are the people that Patton can't love. He can't love the people who hurt innocent people without an ounce of regret. He...he hates those people. Patton's life hasn't been pretty- neither has his parents'... he knows about many world horrors through experience...experience he'd rather not dwell on.

Despite that, Patton doesn't wear a mask. He's not depressed, he's not suicidal, he's not cautious...well....not anymore.

It took time for Patton to be who he is, now, at 15. Young, right? Welcome to the world...

But, Patton doesn't want to add to life's...unpleasantness... he wants to be a beacon of hope and purity, to show the people who need it, "Yeah...life sucks, people can be horrible, the world isn't pretty...but there's still beauty in it, there's still good. We'll be okay."

Being sad and scared all the time wasn't doing anything, so he changed, and he made it his mission to help others- simply by being happy, by giving love, and by smiling. Does he have baggage? Yes. No good person doesn't, anymore...but he'll prove that he's enough to carry it. He's gonna become a social worker, and improve the lives of anyone he can.


So, is it his mission to help the boy with anxiety and the preps with fake smiles get along? Yes. Because they'll be good for each other, he knows it.

"What was that about?" He asked after the rich boys left.

Virgil shrugged, "Some people are just jerks. You shouldn't bother with them."

Patton frowned, "How much do you know about them?"


"I think they're more than what they show. I wanna be friends with them."

Virgil doesn't get Patton's friendliness, "Even if that was a good idea, you heard what they said, their royal high-asses won't hang out with us "common folk". Sorry, Pat, but this isn't a battle worth losing."

"I think that they're faking. They were trying too hard to come off as uncaring and rude. It wasn't natural, they were making a physical effort."

Virgil thought about it. Maybe...they did seem a bit forced. Deceit and Roman were in the Acting Club. Virgil sighed and decided to humor it, "If you're right, then how do you plan on getting them to socialize with you?"

Patton smiled, "Do you have either of them in your classes?"

Virgil thought for a moment, "Mm...I have Logan in Spanish class."

Patton smiled, "Good! Ask him for help every now and then, use subtle ways to get close to him, become friendly."

Virgil thought for a moment then sighed. At least he gets the most bearable one.

Patton continued, "I have Deceit in Civics, so I'll talk with him. If we can convince them we're worth it, they can convince Roman, and we'll have all three."

Virgil smiled a bit, "Y'know, you'd be a really good trouble maker."

Patton giggled, "I'm willing to get in trouble if it'll help someone."

Patton really is too good for the world. Maybe that's why the world needs him.

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