《Rogue Queen ➵ 2.0》➵ XXIII. Created to be Hated


Killian and I cuddle on the love seat in the living room. Chase and Rhea are watching TV and Rei and Clove are still sleeping. Lazy bitches sleep in till eight or nine in the morning when they can.

Resting my head on Killian's shoulder, my eyes fall down to the scars littering my arms. My dream still lingers in my mind, barely there but noticeable. Falling back to what I always did to calm myself, I start whispering the song I made up years ago when I was still being abused.

"Sneers and glares on all sides,

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

Harsh laughter ringing in my ears.

Surrounded by my darkest fears."

Killian's arm tightens around my shoulders. I know he doesn't like hearing this since it only reminds him of the pain I've gone through but he knows it calms me so he doesn't say anything. Chase and Rhea both look at me, then get up and come over to Killian and I, climbing up onto our laps and taking my hands in theirs.

"Hit, hit.

Pain, pain.

Day after day,

But what does this gain?

Was I created to be hated,

By everyone and everything?

Try to block it all out,

But I still feel the sting.

Created to be hated.

That's the meaning of my life.

Oh how I want it to end,

Just pass me the knife.

Created to be hated.

"Hey fag," they say, "Come out, join us and play."

"We'll be the predator and you'll be the prey."

"Go die," they shout, "No one will ever want you."

"We all want you gone, your mother did too."

Cut, cut.

Blood, blood.

One of these days,

My tears will make a flood."

Gently tugging my hands out of the twins' grip, my fingers lightly brush over the scars on my arm. Killian's hand grasps mine, moving my hand so my fingers trace the scars, his eyes gazing sadly as the marks littering my skin.

"Was I created to be hated?

Why put me here at all?

Just to be hit and abused?

To watch blood and tears fall?

Created to be hated.

Oh universe, why me?

What did I do?

I just want to be free.

Created to be hated.

I was broken such a long time ago.

Years and years, yet my blood will still flow.


The pain I feel day after day,

I want it to end but still here I stay.

I was created to be hated.

That, I know for sure.

I'm being dragged down.

This depression has no cure.

Created to be hated.

I'll always be just a toy.

I know it's here where I'll die,

Never knowing love or joy.

Created to be hated.

Oh, created to be hated."

"What's wrong, Changeling?" Rei asks as she comes into the living room, still in her fluffy-ass pajamas, her hair messy and dragging her feet and looking half-dead. "You don't sing that unless you're stressed or upset."

"Just had a bad dream last night," I reply, wrapping one arm around Chase's shoulders as he cuddles close to me.

My little smol bean. He loves me.

"Your past?" Rei mumbles as she collapses on the couch on her stomach, head resting on her forearms and looking at us.

I nod. "I also learnt that dream-Flash is a butt."

"And a complete liar," Killian adds. "I'm never leaving you."

Rei shoots me a soft, sad smile, understanding what part of my dream was about.

"Anything else bad in your dream that you don't mind telling?" Rei asks.

"My old coven. I got to destroy them so that wasn't horrible," I say, trying to pick words that aren't too bad because of the twins listening too. "Then it was just dream-Flash calling me a crazy psychopath. He seriously meant it though and I don't like that."

"You know we don't think you're actually psycho, Changeling," Rei says reassuringly.

"You just have a few screws loose, like me," Killian adds, grinning.

"Yeah, you two definitely aren't 100% sane," Clove mumbles, trudging into the room. "But neither of you are dangerously insane."

I smile, their words helping to beat back my sadness. I've spent enough time being sad over the first sixteen years of my life, I don't want to waste more of my life feeling like that. Not when I have so much to keep my spirits flying high now.

I can't believe I nearly left.

Clove heads over to the couch and lies down on top of Rei, making her let out a groan of protest. Clove wraps her arms around Rei's neck, resting her head on Rei's shoulder.

"Strange," Rei whines. "Get off."


Clove ignores her. "You know, I wish I had Thunder sleeping beside me so I don't freeze every night," she says with a yawn. "Even with all the blankets I have, the cold still gets to me."

I grin and sing, "The cold still bothers you anyway."

Killian laughs and Rei snickers. Clove shoots a glare at me but can't suppress a smirk at my words.

"Reina, what are we doing today?" Rhea asks.

"Uh... Nothing," Rei replies.

"Can we go to the mall?" Clove asks.

"Ooo and the pet store!" I add happily. "I wanna see if they have anything new. And the bunnies are adorable, I love looking at them."

"Oh, that's what I was forgetting," Rei mumbles. "There's another attack to plan. To the west, I'm told there's a case of animal abuse. The people capture any animal they can that comes close to their property, then pit them against their dogs and captured wolves in fights."

I scowl. "What's wrong with people? Why do they do that kind of crap?"

"Who knows," Clove says. "But we're putting an end to it."

"I'm hungry," Killian says randomly.

"Then go get food," Chase replies.

I smirk at Chase's response. "Come on, I'm hungry too," I say, getting up and setting Chase down on the love seat where I was.

"Yay, food!" my energetic boyfriend says, racing me to the kitchen.

He wins, 'cause he's a dick and uses his speed.

"Cheating ass," I mumble.

"What was that?" Killian asks loudly.

"Cheating ass," I reply, giving him a playful glare.

He sticks his tongue out. "You love me."

"That I do," I say, falling dramatically into his arms.

Holding me bridal style, Killian rests his forehead against mine. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah," I reply softly. I grin, "I ate a Snickers."

Killian chuckles and sets me down. "Let's get breakfast. Knowing Strange, it won't be long before she drags us to the mall."

I nod, agreeing. "And I'm not surviving a trip to the mall with her on an empty stomach."

"I'm not that bad!" Clove shouts.

"Not sorry sis, but you really are!" Killian calls as he gets two bowls out of the cupboard.

"They're right, you know," Rei adds. "Last time we went, we spent three hours shopping and most of the bags Flash and Changeling were carrying were yours."

I hear Clove huff and give up arguing.

Hey Changeling, Killian says.

I look at him, seeing him at the fridge, holding up one of the spaghetti-filled condoms we made weeks ago.

Didn't they tell us to throw those out? I ask.

He nods and puts it back in the bowl in the fridge with the rest of them. Let's see how long until they notice.

I grin mischievously and nod. Who do you think I'll find them?

Reina. Make a bet on it? Killian suggests, grinning. If Reina finds them, you do whatever I want for a day, if it's not her, I do what you want for a day.

I nod, agreeing. Now, I'm hungry.

Killian hands me a bowl of Lucky Charms, my favourite cereal. He kisses me softly before we walk over to the table.

"Aw, where's mine?" Rei says.

"Get your own," Killian replies.

"I would but this fat lump on top of me won't get off," she says, jerking her thumb over her shoulder at Clove, who is still lying on her back.

"I am not fat," Clove says, sounding offended.

"Could've fooled me," Rei shoots back. "Off, I want food."

When Clove still doesn't move, Rei rolls her eyes and shifts into her wolf form, worming her way out from under Clove.

Be glad I didn't toss you onto the floor, she says as she pads into the kitchen and shifts back.

Once she gets her breakfast and sits across from me, I get a clear glimpse of her eyes. What I thought was just sleepiness earlier I now realize is something else. It looks like she's having this inner argument with herself.

"What's wrong, Reina?" I ask, repeating the words she asked me earlier. "You look like you're arguing with yourself."

She looks up at me. "Just something Asher said."

"Is it why he ran out when we left?" I ask, probing for more information.

She doesn't reply. My brows furrow, knowing whatever he said is bothering her a lot. From what I know of Asher, it was probably something about him worrying for her safety and well-being. But I don't know why it would make her upset. Maybe her stubborn brain took whatever he said the wrong way.

Either way, I'm going to find out what happened.

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