《Rogue Queen ➵ 2.0》➵ IX. Straight Single, Taken Gay


I look out the window of the art room at the layer of snow covering the ground.

I think the snow is about two or three inches deep. I don't know, I've always sucked ass at mental measurement. Some people can look at a distance between somethings and know hey, that's this long but I wasn't given that ability. I can go hey, there's a space there though. Very talented, I know.

Anyway, the meeting last night worked out well although it was frustrating at times. About half of the pack members who were abusing the omegas admitted it themselves and they all looked genuinely guilty and regretful. The other half didn't want to own up and had to be pointed out by the omegas. In total, about 100 people were abusing the 125 omegas in the pack.

I have to say, I'm disappointed in them. I thought my pack was as good as it could be, working like a pack should. People helping each other and treating each other kindly. Turns out I was wrong.

I've handed out punishments, with help from Raiden and his dad, former-beta Zander, who knows those adult pack members better than I do, so he knew how to punish them.

Riley and the other omegas look a lot happier and they know they can talk to me, or anyone else in the pack (other than their abusers) if they need help.

"Asher," Mr. Ryan's voice cuts through my thoughts. "Just because you're the Alpha does not mean you can space out and not do your work."

I blink and look at him. "I'm telling the readers what happened last night."

"Just because you're Alpha doesn't mean you can break the fourth wall either," Zaine says, grinning at me from his place across the table from me and beside Rei.

"Hoe, I do what I want," I sass back.

Zaine gives a fake sob, latching on to Rei's arm. "Reina, he called me a hoe!"

Reina... Interesting nickname. I think it means queen in Spanish. I took Spanish class last year. She is a queen, my queen. It's kind of funny, how it's just her name with two extra letters too. I think it makes it fit even better.

"Woman up, Changeling," Rei mutters, pulling her arm out of Zaine's grasp, only looking up from her drawing for a few moments. "Use your nails and scratch him. Pull a bitch move and rip the fucker's hair out."

"That escalated quickly," Raiden mutters beside me.

I gasp dramatically, looking at Rei and placing a hand over my heart in mock hurt. "I thought you liked me." I lean against Raiden, raising my hand to touch the back of it to my forehead, "I thought I was loved!"

"You're not bad," Rei replies, shrugging with a smile of amusement. "But if you mess with Changeling, you better prepare for hell."


Zaine sticks his tongue out at me, grinning. "That's warlock 1, alpha 0."

I grin back, chuckling. "I like you, Zaine. I haven't met many people who'll be this carefree with me. Most people think they have to act respectful and all that crap."

Zaine shrugs. "Alpha or not, you're gonna want to have fun and relax, especially away from Alpha duties. Hard to do that when people always treat you like a king. Besides, I don't have to listen to you if you try to tell me to stop. Now, what should I add to this?"

He holds up his sketch for me to see. We're supposed to be drawing something in perspective, like a road going into the distance, or a street corner. Zaine's apparently drawing some creepy mansion in the forest.

"You could add a bloody knife if one of the trees or blood on the door," I suggest, "And maybe a skull in the window."

"And a silhouette watching from the trees on the other side," Raiden adds.

Zaine turns the drawing around so he can see it and nods thoughtfully. "Good ideas, I like 'em."

I look at my page, with the outlines of the trees. I'm drawing the forest but as if you were looking up at the sky, so the trees go into the center point. I think Raiden is sketching a grassy valley, with a wolf perched on a rock outcropping on the right side of the paper. Rei is drawing what looks like a house on the edge of a forest.

I think about our date tonight. I'm just going to take her to a nice restaurant, the classic, cliche first date. I can't really think of anything else. I would take her on a picnic but baby, it's cold outside. Heh, mental smirk.

"What do you think of this, Reina?" Zaine asks.

Rei looks at his work and nods. "Cool. I like it."

"Asher? Raiden?" Zaine says, holding up his page. "Sorry, I'm that person who always asks for others' opinion."

"Nice," Raiden says, smiling.

"It reminds me of Slender Mansion," I note.

Zaine grins. "You know creepypasta?"

"Yeah." I nod. "Who doesn't like a fandom of insane killers?"

"I know!" Zaine replies. "Reina, Strange and Flash doesn't really get it."

"Raiden, Scott and Dean don't understand either," I say.

"They're killers," Raiden says. "Crazed killers."

I shrug. "That's what most rogues are, isn't it? Not you guys but all the rogues that attack packs for no reason."

Rei nods, "Yeah, those are crazed killers." She mumbles something under her breath, something that sounds like, "Fucking King."

A small frown crosses my lips at that but I don't ask.

The bell rings, signalling the end of the day. I put my sketch in my art portfolio and pack up my things. Raiden and I walk with Rei and Zaine to where their lockers are. I lean against the small span of wall between Raiden and Killian's lockers since my locker isn't nearby.


Killian and Clove show up a minute or so later, laughing together.

"How was drama class?" Zaine asks after he and Killian share a quick kiss.

"Not bad," Clove replies. "Finishing up these little skits we'll be performing tomorrow. Killian and I are in a group with Scott and Dean, ours is gonna be the most random and stupid shit ever."

Killian chuckles. "Well when the killer wears a shrek mask with the catchphrase 'ogres are like onions, they have layers,' what can you expect?"

"Okay, I'm ready to go," Raiden says to me, closing his locker.

"Hey, Rei," I say. She looks over at me and I wink, "I'll see you later. 5 o'clock, I'll pick you up. Dress casual, it's just a dinner date 'cause it's too cold to do something outside."

She nods, a small smile on her lips. I smile and Raiden and I walk off down the hall to my locker.

"You seem excited," Raiden notes.

I flash him a grin. "Well how can I not be? I'm going on a date with my mate later."

Raiden smiles softly. "Just don't hurt her, Asher."

I stop walking at that. "I would never," I say when Raiden stops to turn back to me. "I'm not the idiot I was. I had some sense beat into me."

A soft chuckle passes Raiden's lips as we continue walking. "I know... The pit of cobras thing still stands though, Asher."

"I didn't expect any less," I reply as we reach my locker.

Raiden's voice turns soft, his eyes sad yet tranquil. "I missed her, a lot."

"She's your twin, of course you missed her," I say as I spin the dial on the combination lock. "And I really am sorry for driving her away in the first place."

Raiden nods again, a small gesture of acceptance of my apology. I know a small part of him still hates me for what I did and there's likely nothing I can do to change that unless I get the ability to time travel. I wish it wasn't like this, really I do. If I could go back I would in a heartbeat but I can't so all I can do is try to make up.

"The date talk reminds me, when are you gonna make a move on Clove?" I ask, changing the topic.

"I already did, in English class earlier," Raiden replies. "Asked her on a date Friday evening. She agreed."

I grin and place a hand on his shoulder, "My bro's going on his first date!"

Raiden grins back. "Could say the same for you."

I grin wider and nod. I can't wait for tonight.

"Strange, you seem more excited about Reina's date than she is," Zaine says from his place lying on his stomach on the bed in my room.

"Oh says you, Changeling," Clove replies. "You're here helping me pick her outfit."

"Will you two stop?" I ask, getting a little annoyed. "How does this look?"

Zaine lets out a wolf whistle. "Nice. If I wasn't gay—"

"I'd make you gay!" Killian shouts from downstairs.

"Ah, he's probably right," Zaine says, shrugging. "But if I was a straight single—"

"I'd make you a taken gay!" Killian cuts him off again.

"Shut up, Flash!" Zaine shouts back. "Point is, I'd be after you, Reina."

"You look good," Clove adds. She checks her watch. "Asher should be here in 5 minutes or so."

"So there's enough time to brush my hair quickly," I say, grabbing my brush and into the bathroom. "Thanks for the help."

"You're welcome, Reina," Zaine replies, smiling as he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Come on, we should go check and see if Killian's drawn on the twins' faces again yet," Clove says.

"I didn't!" Killian shouts.

"Stop enhancing your hearing to eavesdrop!" Clove yells as she and Zaine walk out of the room and downstairs.

Smiling fondly, I start working the brush through my long black hair. My gaze settles on my eyes in the mirror, the yellows and oranges mixed in the red waving slightly like they always do. I like the way my eyes look like a dancing flame, even if they're a constant reminder as to what happened to Lyria.

Your boyfriend's here, Zaine says.

He's not my boyfriend, I say.

Not yet he's not, Killian replies.

I sigh and roll my eyes. I'll be there in a sec.

I leave my brush on the bathroom counter and walk out, turning off the lights. I hear Killian talking with Asher as I head down the steps. I walk over and stand beside Killian. Asher's wearing a plain black hoodie, along with black jeans. His dark brown hair is swept to one side, sort of messy but adding to his boyish look.

"You look great," he says, smiling.

"You do too," I reply honestly.

"Take care of her," Killian says. "If you do anything bad to my sister, I'll do the same to you."

"Got it." Asher nods. "Where does mating with her fall?"

"Under the bad category," Killian replies. "Lucky for me, I'm gay. Hope you like it up the ass."

"Flash!" I say loudly, hitting his chest as he laughs mischievously.

"You even think about cheating on me, I'll kill you, Flash!" Zaine shouts from the living room.

"Would dream of it, darling!" Killian shouts back. He looks at Asher, "Seriously though, don't hurt her."

"I won't, I promise," Asher replies. He turns to me, a big smile on his face, "Shall we go?"

I smile back. "We shall."

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