《If You Let Me》Chapter 13
So what you trynna do to me?
I didn't even know how to make my ass clap, but I sure figured it out as I bent over in the stripper cage near our booth. Nene and Bri threw money and hyped us up, as me and the stripper shook our ass.
I swear I didn't mean to do this. But I was having hella fun. I haven't felt this free in a while and it felt good to actually enjoy myself.
Trina was super nice too. We were sitting at her booth when she came up and starting dancing. Me being the weirdo that I am, started to have an entire conversation with her about how she was able to make her ass move with such little effort. In no time she had me on the side of her showing out.
That was until I heard my name being called from across the crowded room. I looked through the booths to see quite a few eyes on me but only one pair stood out.
What the hell was he doing here? Actually forget that, focus on the fact that your boss nearly saw your lady bits.
I got down from the cage and excused myself from a drunk Nene and Bri who were both confused. I walked casually to the table where he was at and noticed that he wasn't alone.
Great all of the guys were there with a few extras.
"Hey guys! What are y'all doing here?" I said while standing awkwardly against the booth.
Freaky was the first to respond with, "Obviously not having as much fun as you and ya girls."
My cheeks became heated with embarrassment and I looked at my feet planted on the floor.
"Nah for real though, East owns this joint we chill here most weekends. What you doing down here, didn't think this was your scene?", Shoota chided.
I looked at Dave briefly. His eyes were focused on me and he wore his classic mug. He still hadn't acknowledged my presence.
I folded my arms and shot Shoota a look. Everyone thought they knew who Allaya Daniels was.
"Well Shoota you should know that I'm a multi faceted individual so everywhere is my scene. And for your information I'm here for my friend's Birthday." I told him in the bougiest voice possible.
He busted out into laughter then said "Aight Queen Laya. Tell them come ova here. Y'all can party with us."
"Actually I would prefer to be called King or Goddess Laya and I don't want to impo-"
Before I could continue to protest, Bri and Nene appeared out of no where.
"Laya why did you leave?" she asked before she turned around and noticed everyone else.
"Oh hi! I'm Brielle, Laya's bestie and you...you're Dave fucking East. OMG Me and my boyfriend are big fans and I listen to all your music." Bri gushed out then turned to me to continue. "Bitch, ain't he finer in person? I told you this nigga was fine." she marveled at him.
She paused briefly and then questioned "Wait a minute, wait a goddamn minute, I just catch. How the hell do you know him when you don't even listen to his music?"
She looked at me in confusion then smacked my arm while waiting for an answer.
"Dave's my boss. He's the artist I work for."
"BITCH you never-", Bri cut herself off and looked at Dave again.
He seemed to be amused by the whole interaction, before he got up to greet Bri and Nene.
"It's nice to meet you ma. And I appreciate a fan but once you a friend of Laya's, you a friend of mine." He spoke smoothly.
Brielle squealed and grabbed a hold of Nene before sitting down next to Jay who immediately immersed himself into a conversation with them.
The only place left to sit was on the end next to Dave who was still looking at me, not saying a word.
"Oops I'm sorry." I said nervously as half of my ass cheek sat in his lap.
He simply nodded and slid over into the booth giving me more space to sit.
Well this is awkward. We were friends earlier and now he's acting like my presence is annoying him.
While the rest of them were engaged in conversation about God knows what, I sat there playing with my fingers until a waitress came to drop off bottles of Hennessy and Dussé at the table. She then turned to me and sat a weird looking pink drink in the front of me.
"Courtesy of the man at the bar." she said.
I looked up to see the dude I danced with earlier smiling at me from his seat. He told me his name but it definitely slipped my mind.
He was cute and this was the first time any man really paid attention to me, so I did what any normal person would do.
"Please tell him I said thank you.", I told the server with a smile.
I raised my glass and nodded at him.
But before I could put it to my lips, the drink was lifted from my hand by Dave and placed it back onto her tray.
"She ain't drinking that. Tell homeboy at the bar that he can have this shit. Get her something with tequila.", he said to the server.
I turned my face towards Dave, a look of disbelief covering it.
"Ok what was that?! I was about to drink that!"
He shrugged his shoulders and took a long pull from his blunt before responding, "Ain't ya mama ever told you not to take candy from strangers?"
I narrowed my eyes at him. "She did! But that wasn't candy and he isn't a stranger...well kind of."
He shrugged again and leaned back in the chair.
This superficial annoying ass nigga. Now I wanted to go home.
As I continued to brew in my seat, two figures popped up in front of our table.
"Nene there you are girl I was looking all over you!" Michelle said, her voice etched with fake concern.
"Oh hey East" she peered through her eyelashes at the man lounging next to me.
I sat there looking between Angel, Michelle and East. Oh this is the dumbest shit I've ever seen. Two bimbo's pressed for his attention, while he couldn't care less.
"I didn't know you'd be here", she continued while flipping her red weave over her shoulder.
He still hadn't responded to her, he just poured himself another Hennessy and nodded in her direction.
She seemed to be getting irritated and Angel looked pissed off for whatever reason.
After not getting the reaction she wanted from him, she turned to me.
"Laya there's more space on the other seat over there you know, I'm pretty sure I can fit there much more comfortably."
"And Michelle there's even more space in hell you know and I'm pretty sure you would be a lot more comfortable there." I retorted, mocking her tone.
I was not in the mood for this bitch.
I felt East vibrating with laughter on the side of me and Bri muttered a "dumb bitch" in Michelle's direction.
She stood there with her mouth agape and her sidekick Angel looked to be coming to her rescue but was side tracked by a drunk Nene.
"Lay Lay one more dance, before I go", she slurred as she struggled to get to her feet.
I shouldn't have allowed her drink that Dussé from the bottle.
She was about to stumble forward onto the table before Jay grabbed her waist and steadied her on her heels.
"Ne I think we should chill here, you can't even stand up." I responded.
"Nope it's my birthday. I-I'm the birthday bitch and I get to do what I want. And I want to dance then go home and have some weak ass sex with Kyle's weak ass and then sleep. So let's go!"
Everyone around me seemed to have no filter.
I had no other choice but too comply. Who was I too argue with the birthday girl? Plus I'm not about to stay here and listen to Dave, Angel and Michelle plan a threesome.
About five songs and a whole lot of Dussé later I was leading a tanked Nene to the club's exit. It was already 2:00 am and this girl definitely had a night to remember. Her fucked up cousin didn't even help her celebrate her birthday, she was too busy trying to find a rich sucker to take her home. And I knew for damn sure that it wouldn't be Dave.
Wait why do I care again?
Jay helped me walk her to the parking lot as he basically supported her entire frame. Those two looked pretty cozy tonight and I would have to talk with Nene about what was going on between them later.
"I'm gonna leave my car here tonight. Devon just called me and Kyle pulled up for Nene so we goin home." Bri hugged me.
"Oh ok. Let me just tell Shoota and Dave that I'm leaving and I'll meet you in the car" I said, about to go back inside.
She leaned in closer to me and murmured in my ear, "Girl stay ya ass here and have fun. Dave already told me that he got you."
She said while wiggling her eyebrows.
"The night is still young and how often do you have thee chance to party with a celebrity.? And don't think I didn't notice the chemistry between you two, we'll be talking all about that later." she said walking off to Devon's car.
"Besides the real thing feels so much better than your hands...or the shower head! Ask yourself WWBD!" she shouted while getting into Devon's car.
I can't believe she just screamed that in the fucking parking lot.
I made my way back to VIP with Jay to chill for the rest of the night until Dave was ready to leave.
I found him in front of the railing throwing racks of money onto the dance floor below. Michelle was still beside him trying to get his attention.
I sat down in the lounge and busied myself with scrolling through my Twitter. The seat on the side of me dipped signaling someone had just sat down. From the smell of the cologne, and the mixture of weed and liquor, I knew it was him.
"So when we gon talk about that night at the party?" he queried.
"I didn't know that there was anything to talk about. We were both drunk and you said it yourself -it was a mistake." I murmured with a shrug.
This nigga chose the middle of a club to talk about a stupid kiss that shouldn't have happened. A stupid simple action that I couldn't stop thinking about.
He shifted on the side of me and removed my phone from my hand.
"What if I told you that it wasn't a mistake. That I wanted it much as you did."
I scoffed at him. I hadn't met a more temperamental nigga in my life. First he's nice to me and we're friends, then the next minute he's yelling and ignoring me. He was confusing the fuck outta me.
"And what makes you think I wanted you to kiss me.", I asked him seriously.
He's not gonna play me like one of these groupies. He'd be a damn fool to think that I was going to be falling over him like Michelle or Angel.
A sly smile covered his face and he moved his body closer to mine. His hand stretched across my thighs and he crossed his body to the other side of me. His strong frame basically covered mine as he spoke into my ear.
"The way you moaned in mouth, the way you gripped the back of my neck and the way you clenching yo thighs right now is all the proof I need ma."
And with that he returned to his normal position. I was stuck, just like that. The hairs on the back of my neck still standing up from his closeness. For the first time in a while I was speechless. There was no clever response for me to retort with.
He was right. There was something between us. Not sure if it was lust or something more, but I've been trying to ignore it since my first day at Harlem Studios.
Allaya it's time to put on your big girl panties and act how you feel. Remember WWBD - what would Bri do?
She'd probably fuck him right on this sofa.
I turned towards him to respond but Michelle appeared and interrupted me.
"There you are Dave, I wanted to dance with you before the nights over babe"
I chuckled lightly to myself. Right, why would he want someone like me when he could have someone like her. Get over yourself Allaya.
"Maybe this was a sign." I thought to myself. I ignored them both and stood up from the couch to go outside and call an Uber home.
I got as far as the elevator, before Dave pulled me back by my arm.
"You leaving me already?"
"No I'm going to the restroom, unless you want me to pee right here, you'd let me go use it." I snapped at him.
The look on his face was a mixture of frustration and something else that I couldn't describe.
"Come with me. There's a private one in my office you can use."
He led me with his hand on the small of my back down a well lit hallway with black walls and gold trim. He stopped at the door at the end of it and fished a key from his pocket before unlocking it.
He held the door for me, and I cautiously walked in front of it. Careful not to hit anything.
"Are you gonna turn on the light or am I supposed to stumble around in the dark?", I asked sarcastically.
He sucked his teeth and responded by flicking the light switch on.
We were standing in a dark luxury office with a giant oak desk in the middle of it. One of the walls were covered in windows that overlooked the entire three floors of the club. A red sofa sat against the other wall and above it showed black and white photographs of Biggie, Method Man, Nas, and several shots of NYC.
I ventured further into the room, amazed at its contents. There were a few awards on a gold credenza and other figures that highlighted the room.
Music pulsated through the walls, and the faint sounds of laughing could be heard from below.
In its own way, the room brought a powerful energy that perfectly described who David Brewster is.
He is a man of many talents and of very few words. But when he spoke, you definitely listened. He's short tempered and easily angered, which was apparent from the blood red velour couch. The tall black walls and high ceilings showed that his guard was always up and he was a proud man. He never faked his upbringing or what influenced him to become who he was today.
I strolled around the room and continued to think about him, while he sat on the red couch watching me with hooded eyes.
My hand brushed the top of his desk. The smoothness of the wood nestling against my finger tips.
Like this dark cherry oak, he was strong and handsome. I'd be lying if I said I didn't dream about him at night. He'd been the main character in my fantasies one too many times.
I dragged my eyes across the walls, studying each photographs intently. It was clear who his musical influences were, the New York greats, pioneers of hip hop music. I stopped at one picture and zoomed in at the faces. I smiled looking at what seemed to be a teenage Dave, Shoota, Jay, Freaky and another man. They all wore mugs on their faces and were wrapped in heavy puffer jackets. They were in front of some building in Harlem, it looked to be a project home, surrounded in snow.
I pointed to him and asked, "Who is he?"
He didn't even need to get up to know who I was pointing at.
"That's my cousin, Mugga", he spoke solemnly.
He had that name tattooed on his face. I knew not to ask anymore questions. From his voice, I could tell it was a painful subject.
I continued to study the photographs, giggling at a photo of baby Kairi wearing his chains, when Dave's voice interrupted me.
"I thought you needed to use the bathroom", he said while coming up behind me.
I let out a light laugh and looked over my shoulder, "I lied. I was just trying to give you and Michelle some privacy."
"I didn't want privacy with her."
I felt heat against my back as he walked closer behind me. I briefly closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. My legs were weak and my stomach fluttered.
The sexual tension that floated around us the last few weeks seemed to be concentrated in this one moment and I was scared.
Scared that I would do something stupid, that I would mess up, I was scared of the thought of someone liking me more than a friend. I was scared of being used or being played.
My mind went a mile a minute and I thought of every negative thing that this could be.
I felt his body tower over me and I turned around slowly to face him.
He looked down staring with his bottom lip tugged between his teeth.
"You the only one I want privacy with", he spoke deeply.
Lord I don't know why but, I believed him.
His voice sent shivers up my spine. I was so tempted to say something sarcastic to break the moment but went with my better judgement not to.
My silence was obviously not enough for him because he tipped my chin up for me to look at him and lowered his lips onto mine.
That intoxicating feeling, the heart pounding that I remembered from that night came over me again, and this time I knew what to do with it.
I moved my lips rhythmically against his and enjoyed the feeling of his tongue slipping into my mouth.
I pushed my body closer to him, and he welcomed it gladly as his left hand smoothed down my dresss and rested comfortably on my ass. He gave it a firm squeeze before guiding me back to the couch.
My legs now straddled his body and our lips never left, as his hands roamed me. The center of my thighs vibrated with lust and I was pretty sure that my underwear was soaked. But I didn't care as long as he didn't stop touching me.
My dress was hiked around my waist and my knees dug into the plush cushions of the sofa. He dragged my dress off of my shoulders and palmed my breasts in his hand.
His lips left mine and I stared down at where his hands were.
"This the shit I meant. You see how fine yo ass is. You see why you got a nigga only wanting to fuck with you?" he grunted out.
I threw my head back and moaned as he sucked my left nipple into his mouth. His words only seemed to make me wetter. I didn't even know that spot was so sensitive. If he wasn't firmly supporting my back I would've already fell onto the floor into a pool of mush.
The pulsating between my thighs only increased with each of his movements. It was like he knew my body better than me.
I pushed myself down onto his erection poking out of his jeans. I just needed contact to soothe the sensation. I removed my hand from his chest and briefly brushed it against his fly trying to free his dick from his pants. It was no use I was too horny to figure out his belt.
His hand drifted from my breast, and went under my dress to rest on the side of my lace panties.
"These shits needa go", he gruffed out and tore the black lace from underneath me.
I was about to protest before his fingers found my clit and retaliated against the pulsation inside of it.
"Shit don't stop", I breathed at him.
His hands moved in circles and I couldn't control how he was making me feel.
My eyes were closed the entire time. I couldn't
look at him, embarrassment would've came over me.
Suddenly, two of his fingers entered me, stretching me slightly and his thumb continued its assault on my clit.
"Mmmm Dave please..."
"Please what? You gotta tell me what you want Laya."
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