《Forced [Mattheo Riddle X Y/N Malfoy] | ✓》⚜️ 21 ⚜️




Y/N screamed at the top of her lungs as the unsuspecting Mattheo who was trying to gather his thoughts, previously seated on the common room couch was now running upstairs at full speed. He threw open the door of the dorm to find Y/N in the middle of the room full of so much emotion that she was levitating off the ground a few inches.

He slowly approached her from behind and pulled her back to the ground as she realized his presence in the room. She whipped around so fast that he wondered how she didn't have whiplash. He was quickly pulled out of his thoughts though when Y/N grabbed his arm and pulled him into the washroom.

He was utterly confused when he looked inside to see a red coloured fog hovering in front of the toilet.

"What am I looking at?" He asked innocently.

"Really? The fucking fog. It's red." Y/N replied

"And that means?" He asked, trying his very best to understand.


"Wait, what?"

Y/N looked at him with a murderous look. His face was contorted into confusion as he processed the news. A few seconds of staring later she saw something else. He smiled. A big smile at that, ear to ear. It was as if he had been struck by a ray of sunshine as he turned to Y/N and swiftly picked her up.

Y/N yelped in surprise as Mattheo twirled her around while shouting, "I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" She was utterly astonished. She had thought that Mattheo would be far from happy. She thought that he would be mad and angry but this was the polar opposite of that. Her little heart filled with joy at the thought as she smiled.


He put her down and implanted a big kiss on her lips before holding her close to his chest. He felt happier than he had ever felt before in his entire life. He was beaming.

Y/N was pleasantly surprised at his reaction. Mattheo let go of her before going down on his knees so his face was level with her stomach. Y/N started tearing up as she saw his reaction. All the doubt, fear, and anger she felt a few moments ago was gone now.

Mattheo had always felt like the death of his mother was his fault somehow. He was going to give everything he had to protect this baby. He felt full like he was brimming with love and care for not one but now 2 lives. He was going to make sure that the childhood of this child would be one with happiness and not what he had in his.

"Hi baby, It's me, your dad. Your mom just told me about you." Mattheo said in between tears and sniffles. "I will always keep you safe, no matter what. Always."


Y/N had taken another test, just to be sure and luckily enough it had turned out red again. They quietly made their way to the hospital wing (given that it was quite late) to get checked and tell madam Pomfrey.

They pushed open the doors to the wing and sat down on a bed as she came towards the couple. The wing was empty. Not a single student was there. The moonlight came in through the windows and fell on the stone floor. Madam Pomfrey waved her wand and a roaring fire started in the fireplace at the end of the room.

"What seems to be the problem?" She asked, sitting down beside the both of them on a stool. She was in her nightwear with her hair up in a messy bun.


"I -um, I'm pregnant? At least I think I am" Y/N mumbled, a bit shy to speak about this to her.

"Oh well, it was only a matter of time." Madam Pomfrey replied, making Y/N and Mattheo look up at her with a very surprised look. "You're married. I will say this is sooner than I had expected but that's alright, Let's get you checked up, ok?"

"So when was the first time you had sex?" She asked them, way too casually.

"Oh um.."

"No need to be shy with me, I won't tell anyone."

"4-5 Weeks ago."

"Have you had a period since then?"


"Ok, let's get an ultrasound then."

Y/N POV (because I switched pov's unknowingly and I'm too lazy to change it back now)

She waved her wand as Mattheo quickly scrambled off the bed. A very cold substance appeared on my stomach and a holographic image was produced in the room. We couldn't see anything in that but madam Pomfrey probably could. A few seconds later a sound filled the room. A heartbeat. The soft thumping sounds traveled to our ears and as we realized what it was tears were already forming.

Mattheo looked at me with glossy eyes and held my hand as we cried happy tears. I was pregnant! I was going to be a mom! The heartbeat was fast and light. The sound bounced off the walls and filled the room. We were overcome with emotion. There was a little life right inside my belly. I couldn't believe it.

Madam Pomfrey prescribed us some prenatal vitamins before asking us which teacher she should call here.

"Professor McGonagall" I replied almost instantly. She nodded before leaving the room to fetch her.

We both sat in silence for a while with Matteo's hand resting on my belly. I looked up at him to see the sheer amount of care he had.

"Y/N. I just wanted to say that I am so so sorry for what happened. I know you don't trust me and I understand you have no reason to, but believe me once when I say this, I will never let any harm come to the both of you. Ever. I love you so much and will always protect you. I know I need to earn your trust now and I respect that and I'm willing to work on myself to ensure that we have a better future. I know I'm not usually emotional and trust me, you won't get to see this side of me ever again probably, but I love you. Both of you."

=======End of part 21=============

Hi loves!

I hope you enjoyed this part! She is indeed pregnant but this story is far from finished. I have so many twists up my sleeve and I can't wait to write them!

Thank you so much to each and every one of you guys. I love you.

*Leave your opinions on her pregnancy here*



Word count: 1191

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