《Lean On Me • {Jared Padalecki}》02. I'M IN LOVE


When Willow walked into the studios the next day, she couldn't believe how nervous she was. She hadn't totally thought through the fact that the Supernatural cast consisted of some of her favorite people on the planet and she was going to have to figure out how to play it cool so that they didn't think she was an absolute maniac.

She'd been a makeup artist of plenty of shows in the past; her resume consisted of everything from Shadowhunters to shows like The Vampire Diaries and Riverdale. She'd even done a brief stint creating wolves on Teen Wolf. Normally, she was quite confident in her skills. Normally, she walked onto sets with no sense of nervousness or anxiety at all. She'd met countless actors and actresses in her time, but none of them meant quite as much to her as Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles did.

She'd been watching their show for as long as she could remember, and it had helped her through so many personal issues it wasn't even funny.

She knocked on the door of the makeup trailer hesitantly and it was immediately propped open to reveal a woman with a huge smile on her face.

"Willow?" the woman asked, and she nodded. "Good! I'm Marcy. I'm the chief makeup artist around here! I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to your interview yesterday, but I've heard amazing things about your skills!" Marcy said kindly, the smile never leaving her face. Instantly, Willow felt a little more at ease.

"Hi, Marcy!" she said excitedly, hanging her bag on a rack by the door of the trailer.

"Now, I've got to warn you. Jared and Jensen are on their way over here right now, and they love to mess with newbies. They're gonna try and scare you while you're making them up. They're going to make stupid jokes to make you slip and mess things up. They're basically just the biggest goofballs you'll ever meet, but they have hearts of gold, okay? Just don't take them too seriously," Marcy explained, making Willow's anxiety increase once more.


"I've got to admit, I'm pretty nervous to meet them," Willow confided, and Marcy sighed heavily.

"That's understandable. They're dreamboats for sure. Just, like I said, don't take them too seriously," Marcy told her, squeezing her arm encouragingly.

Before Willow could even organize her thoughts, the door of the trailer opened and Jared and Jensen themselves stepped inside, both looking tired and holding paper cups of coffee.

"It's too early for this shit, Marcy," Jensen said, a small air of grumpiness to his tone.

Willow glanced up at the two through her long eyelashes and was surprised to see Jared staring right at her, a smile on his face.

"Jen, shut up. The newbie is going to get a bad impression of your filthy mouth," Jared said in an amused tone, winking slyly at Willow in a way that she knew automatically made her blush.

"Both of you shut up. She's not a newbie, she's fantastic. Her name is Willow," Marcy spoke up, and both Jared and Jensen crossed the small trailer to shake her hand.

The two sat in their chairs and Marcy immediately went to work on Jensen.

"They discussed with you our techniques, right?" Marcy asked Willow and she nodded, looking over at Jared as he kicked his legs dramatically while he waited for her.

She walked over to him and he looked her up and down in a way that she didn't quite know what to make of.

"Why are you nervous?" he asked a moment later as she was getting a lay of the land as far as where everything was went.

"I'm not," she replied quietly, and he laughed heartily in a way that she couldn't help but laugh alone with.

"You're so nervous!" he accused, smiling encouragingly. "You don't need to be nervous. I promise I won't bite you," he assured her, smiling again.


A little while later, Willow had gotten much more comfortable and it was much easier for her to just fall into the conversation of the group. They talked about what she'd done before, and why the girl that had been in the position before her had had to leave.

By the time everything was done, she was slightly in awe at the way they'd just accepted her right in and made her feel so comfortable. In fact, she couldn't really remember the last time she'd felt so completely comfortable around anyone other than her brother.

Jared and Jensen both hugged her before they left the trailer, both of them telling her they were glad she was there and they were excited to work with her more.

"So... how'd it go?" Marcy asked her when they were the only two in the trailer, and Willow looked at her dreamily.

"I'm in love," she joked, and Marcy laughed heartily, nodding.

"They tend to have that effect on people," she said, and Willow laughed with her.

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