《Remember Me ✔》Chapter 19


The whole night YN kept thinking about her decision. Should she give Jungkook a chance to explain or keep things, the way it already was! She didn't have any right to keep Hyun away from his father. But again, why was the report negative? What could've gone wrong!

The next day, YN finally made her decision and made her way to the CEO's office. She knocked the door softly and hearing his voice, she went inside.

She didn't know how to start the conversation. She was nervous. But she somehow managed to speak. "Im here to listen your part of the story."

Jungkook was already surprised seeing her and her words made him shook. He immediately stood up from his chair and led her to the couch.

Clearing his throat, he spoke, "That night in Spain, we both were drunk. And I know I made a mistake...!"

He wasn't finished yet, but YN cut him off. "I don't blame you for the night. I was equally at fault. But I blame you for what you did the next morning."

"About that! I woke up to hear the news of my father's accident. I couldn't think straight, YN. I just ran. I went back to find you, but you weren't there," he explained with sincerity in his eyes.

"Do you want me to believe that?" YN asked.

Yes, she believed him. His eyes couldn't lie. But she felt the sudden desire to tease him a bit. Confusion looked better on his face, he looked cute!! And his anger? It scared the hell out of everyone.

Jungkook got a little bit alarmed at her question, but tried to explain further. "I can't force you to believe me, YN. But I can apologize. And about the night of the function, I don't have any excuses to give." Saying this he looked at the floor and closed his eyes. Then he continued, "It was completely my fault. What I did, was wrong. As an excuse, all I can say is, I couldn't resist the temptation."


"I forgive you. You can meet Hyun if you want. He's on the second floor," YN replied all of a sudden.

Jungkook bolted up his head and widened his eyes. He didn't imagine, she would forgive him this easily. And on top of that, let him meet Hyun. His eyes were glistening with happiness.

"I forgive your first mistake, not the second one. So, don't be so happy!" YN said crossing her arms.

"If you don't want to forgive the second one, then what are you planning to do? Will you go to the police and file a case!" Jungkook asked raising his eyebrows.

"You very well know that I can't do that. I don't have any proof and people will think I'm the one trying to seduce you," YN spoke in a mocking tone.

Jungkook chuckled a little bit and said, "Now that you say it, I realized, I can do anything to you, but you can't file a complaint!" There was a visible smirk on his face.

YN didn't expect this cocky remark. She was quite surprised seeing his mood change, in the blink of an eye.

"A few moments ago you were scared like a little child and now you're smirking like a devil. Are you sure that you don't have a personality disorder, Mr Jeon?" YN asked.

YN stood up and was about to leave, when she turned back and said, "How did you do the paternity test? I mean how did you get Hyun's sample?"

Jungkook also stood up and stopped in front of her. "I had your sister, Yiren, collect Hyun's sample. Um, I'm sorry about that," Jungkook said looking at the floor.

"Do the test again, and this time do this yourself. Don't send another person, specifically Yiren," YN spoke in a calm voice.


Now, Jungkook was confused. He didn't understand what she was referring to. "What do you mean?" Jungkook asked looking straight at her eyes.

"Hyun is your son, Jungkook. Yiren must've given you the wrong sample. Do the test again and you'll know," YN explained.

"Fuck the test. I don't care about it anymore.Your words are enough," Jungkook said and then grabbing her waist smashed his lips onto hers.

We were standing in front of each other and then suddenly he pulled me towards him and kissed me passionately. The touch of his lips, sent shivers down my spine. It felt like I'd lose my mind any moment.

But before he could deepen the kiss, I pulled away.

I came to him because Hyun needed to know his father. I trusted him with Hyun. But I couldn't trust him with myself.

"I am letting you meet Hyun because he's your son. But, that doesn't mean I agreed to this," I said backing off.

At my sudden outburst, he looked quite embarrassed. "I'm-I'm sorry. I keep crossing my limits. I'm sorry again," he kept repeating.

Without wasting a second, I ran out of his office and got on the elevator. In front of him, I acted all strong. But now, my cheeks were red as tomato. He sure was intimidating sometimes, well, most of the times, but his presence was enough to make a female weak on her knees.

No matter how attractive he was, I shouldn't get swayed by him! Rich people like him, only wanted women to warm up their bed, then they threw them away.

Now the real question was, I had already warmed up his bed, then why wasn't he throwing me away! Was he showing courtesy because I was his child's mother or he had feelings for me!!!

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