《Words and Emotions of Me》Fuck you, goodbye


I gathered the courage

To pick up my hammer

And tear down the wall

You built between us,

Even though it was

Your fault for our downfall.

When I reached out

Across the ocean that

I had to cross to talk to you,

You saw the pain and

All the damage that it took

For me to finally talk to you,

But like it has always been,

You didn't care at all.

That was the moment

I finally realised

That we were really

Lost forever and that

There was nothing in

The whole wide world

That could fix what

Once was broken.

That was the moment

I finally realised

That even if I could do

Anything to glue us back together,

I would not do it.

Because I feel like

It's better for me to live

Like this, alone and forgotten,

But still a most beautiful lily,

Than to be your rose,

Poisoned and damaged.

So now, at the very end,

I want to tell you this,

That I kept in me since it all went down.

I hope you'll realize

How hard I took

The killing blow you gave,

And I hope you know now

That I didn't deserve that

After all you put me though

And after I stood up for you

In front of all my friends.

I hope you'll never do this again,

To any other flower

Who'll try to be the rose

You seek so desperately.

And what I want to say is,

Fuck you, for making me

Feel like shit

And for making me think

It was normal and ok.

Fuck you, for breaking

Every promise you ever made

And for making me think

That you would keep them all.

Fuck you, for being everything

I have ever wanted and for

Lying to me that I was that for you too.

Fuck you for making me believe

You wouldn't let us fall apart.

In the end, I think all I have to say

Is goodbye.

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