《The Secrets She Kept》Chapter 3


The next morning, I quickly got Leah dressed and headed to the boat with Robbie. I figured he was right, I should stay close to him. "What is she wearing?" I looked down at Leah who wore jeans, and a small T-shirt. "What?" I looked at Robbie confused as to what the problem was. "No swimsuit, or even shorts?" His brows furrowed. "She doesn't have much to wear." I admitted. The reason I returned home was that I was evicted from our apartment. I had lost my job and struggled to find a new one. We barely had anything of our own. "When we get to the store, pick her out some things, don't worry about paying." I felt bad having Robbie take care of us. "Hey kid, want to drive?" Leah's eyes lit up as she quickly ran over to Robbie, helping him drive the boat. Once we made it to the docks, I quickly hopped down and headed towards the store, leaving Robbie and Leah to talk on the boat. Suddenly a piercing scream sent me into a full panic. I quickly turned around to see Robbie tossing Leah into the air over the water. "ROBBIE NO!" I ran as Leah hit the water. Running towards her I quickly shouted to him. "SHE CAN'T SWIM!" Robbie's face was completely drained of color. Quickly, Delilah jumped into the ocean, from where she was standing on the docks and grabbed Leah as I approached. I quickly met Delilah by the water, pulling my daughter out of the water. She was shaking, coughing, and crying hysterically. "I'm so sorry baby, are you okay?" She nodded while still sobbing. "Lana! Leah! I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Robbie ran a hand through his hair. I looked around to see a lot of people standing on their boats and the docks watching. Suddenly I spotted him. Luca stood on a boat nearby with his eyes locked on us. He wore a stone hard expression like his father, that I couldn't read. "Rob, come on." I turned carrying Leah inside. "Lana I'm really sorry, I just assumed she was raised like us." Robbie and I had known how to swim since we were two. Living on the coast all of our foster parents wanted us in the water all the time. "We didn't live by the water Rob." I examined my daughter looking for any sign that something was hurt or broken. "I'm sorry." "It's okay, I'm okay." Leah surprised me, by reaching out to take her uncle's hand. It was the most innocent thing I've ever seen. My four year old knows what forgiveness is and when to give it. Delilah walked in wearing an unbuttoned shirt, a bikini top on, and blue jean shorts, all wet. "Delilah, thank you!" I hurried to hug her. "She had a life vest on, she wouldn't have drowned." Delilah brushed it off, heading to her post behind the counter. I didn't understand what her problem was with me. I rolled my eyes and quickly grabbed some new clothes for Leah. I helped her change, then let Robbie show her around his office. I walked around picking out Leah some more clothes when I turned a corner and ran into Luca. "Sorry." I mumbled. "I think we need to talk." His voice was stern. "About?" I asked while continuing to walk the isles up and down, searching for random items. "My mom stopped by to visit you yesterday." "Yeah?" I didn't stop to look at him. "Where's my daughter Milana?" I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him.


"She's not yours."

"Not mine? I saw her with my own fucking eyes."

"Shh." I looked around the store to make sure no one heard him.

"No, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"I did what was best for my child and I don't have to explain it to anyone!" I turned and stormed outside.

"What was best for her, was taking her from her father?"

"You would've done the same. If the roles were reversed."

"I could never do something like that, to anyone." Luca argued.

"I was trying to protect her, Luca."

"Leave her with Robbie, we need to talk." Luca turned and stood by his boat waiting. "Robbie!" I stuck my head inside the store and yelled. "Yeah?" He walked out of his office. "Watch Leah, I'll be back. Leah, listen to your uncle Rob!" "Yes ma'am" Leah shouted from inside Robbie's office. I turned and headed to Luca's boat. Without help, I climbed on and took a seat as he pulled away from the docks. I wasn't surprised to see where he'd taken me. But I was surprised to see it was still the same. It was a small cove a few miles away from the local beaches. It was our spot when we were teenagers. The boat sat silently on the water, swaying back and forth. The only sound was the sound of water lightly tapping against the boat. Luca slowly made his way over to me to take a seat across from me. We sat in silence for a moment longer as he stared at me. "When did you find out?" He asked.

"A week before I left." I answered honestly.

"Why'd you leave?"

"You kept things from me." I lied.

"Really Lana, you left because I hid things from you? You took my daughter from me because you didn't trust me?"

"No...you were always disappearing with your dad. Everyone in town knew who your father was, we all knew what business he ran. I remember you disappeared for two weeks! No calls, no texts, and out of the blue you popped back in my life, beat to hell and back."


"You don't understand Lana-"

"No, I understand. You were training, your father was teaching you, but I didn't want that kind of life for my child. I didn't want that type of father for my child." I hurried to explain.

"Lana, my father died after you left! He was sick. I was busy because he didn't have enough time left. He had to teach me how to run the business. I lost a lot that month. Finding out I lost a daughter too, you will tell her about me. You robbed me of the first four years of her life and I won't miss another year of her life." Luca demanded. As much as I didn't want to agree to it. I could see the pain in his eyes, and I felt guilty because of it. "Fine. But I have rules first." I was ready to negotiate. "Fine." Luca scoffed. "Number one, she will not know about or be a part of the family business. Number two she lives under my brother's roof, with me. Number three she does not go anywhere without me, and number four you have to trust that I am her mother, and I know what's best for her." I glared at him daring him to challenge me. "I can't take my daughter out for a day without you?" He questioned me. "Number four. It's important." I reminded him. Luca let out a heavy sigh. "Fine." He reached out to shake on it. Once his hand was in mine, he stood up, pulling me into a hug. Once his arms were wrapped around me an old familiar feeling returned. It was like sparks in my stomach. He still smelled the same. I inhaled letting the scent bring memories back to me. "I better get you back." Luca pulled away. I nodded in agreement and sat back down. Luca was headed back to the wheel when he suddenly stopped. "When will you tell her?" He turned slightly and studied my face. "Tomorrow morning, but it's up to her when and where you meet." I responded. "What if she doesn't want to?" Luca showed a hint of worry. "I promise you will be in her life from now on." He nodded slowly then headed back to his seat, starting up the engine.

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