《His Perfect Doll》Chapter 14


(I will be updating my story quite a lot, as I won't be around for about a week. So I'm just going to get a bunch of chapter out of the way over the next couple of days!)

"Why are you so stressed out about this?"

"Because, a poor girl has been missing for over two weeks and we still can't find her!"

"Maybe you should focus more on-"

"Oh, fuck off, Maria!"

I had been stressing so much over this girl. She could be dead for all I knew, and my job was to find her and help her. But Maria just couldn't leave me alone.

Maria basically harassed me all day. She would try to kiss me and get in my pants. I hated her so much, though. She couldn't have cared less about all of her clients.

"Liam, I love you. And you never pay attention to me."

"Because you're a fucking bitch! Now get the fuck out of my office!"

Maria started sobbing. She darted away, her shiny black heels clicking against the floor.

I turned my attention back to my computer. I had managed to find out the guy's name. His name was Peter Powell. He didn't have a house, but his deceased father did. It was an old cabin. The only bad thing was that it was in the middle of a forest. And it was farther upstate. It would take at least a day to get to Daisy if she was alive.

But what if she wasn't in there? What if he had already killed her and buried her body somewhere?

"Fuck!" I shouted, banging my hands on my desk. I was so angry. I needed to find this bastard and throw him in a cell, wether it be a prison or asylum.


I threw on a coat and stormed to Maria's office. I opened the door to find her making out with one of the other detectives working on Daisy's case. Of course, his name was Chad.

Maria's eyes quickly darted up to me. "Wanna get some of this?" She asked.

"No thanks, I like my sex STD free," I replied, snatching Chad by the back of his shirt.

"Come on, we're going to go find that girl," I said. Chad sighed and buttoned his shirt up all the way.

"You always ruin all the fun."

"Thanks, I strive to kill everyone's mood. Now hurry up."

We got into a car and I started it, turning to look at Chad.

"Where are we going, anyways?"

"All I have to say is, be prepared to get no sleep for a good day or two." I said with a chuckle.

Chad groaned and looked out the window, crossing his arms. And with that, I started driving to that stupid old cabin.

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