《His Perfect Doll》Chapter 9


I awoke to the loud grumbling in my stomach. I looked up and saw that I wasn't with Harper anymore.

I was in the cold and dark basement.

My breathing started to speed up. My chest felt tight. And then it felt like I couldn't breathe. I started crying.

"Peter!" I screamed. I scooted against a wall and started to rock myself.

"Peter, please!"

Images of Harper's limp body started running through my mind. The dark blood that oozed out of her mouth like syrup was burned into my memory.

"Peter, I can't breathe!" I gasped. I got on all fours and stared at the ground. All I could see was Harper's carved in smile. It was like her face was on the ground, looking at me.

I curled up and stared at the darkness. Harper's fake smile was still flashing everywhere.

"It should have been me, it should have been me, it should have been me."

"Daisy, it's me!" A voice said. It sounded so distant.

Someone grabbed my face and looked at me. They sat me up. I was greeted by a pair of icy blue eyes. My vision started to become blurry.

And I only had one thought it mind: Was I finally going to die?

I felt a relief wash over me as I thumped to the ground. I saw Harper's normal face looking at me now. I smiled as my vision went black.


My eyes popped open. I examined the room and cried out when I realized I wasn't dead. I was in Peter's room.

I sobbed and screamed. I was so mad. So fucking mad. I just wanted to die.

"Daisy, dear, is that you?!" Peter called.

"No, I'm a fucking whale, you bitch!" I screamed.

Peter ran into the room. "Peter, can you kill me?" I asked. Peter's eyes widened in surprise. He quickly shook his head.


"I love you too much, and that's why I got you another present!" He exclaimed. I felt dread as I imagined Harper.

Peter picked me up and carried me into the living room. On the couch was a scared person. And not just any person. It was my other friend, Dove.

I ran to her and hugged her. She was shaking and crying.

I always found it funny how her name was Dove. She had almost white hair that was long and sleek. Her eyes were a light brown and she had a small frame. She looked just like a dove.

"Does he have Harper too?" She whispered.

"Kind of."


"She's dead."

I gave Dove a broken smile. A sad and depressing smile. A smile that said I want to die and I'm sorry that you are here.

She sobbed. "Oh, God!" She screamed. I shushed her and held her close to me.

"You are in charge of her unless I say otherwise," Peter said and walked away.

"I'll get you out of here," I said. "I will try with everything inside of me to get you free."

She continued to sob. "I thought you were dead!" She cried. "I thought you were both 6 feet under! But now, only Harper is dead!"

I held her as she cried. I heard her sobs slowly becoming quieter. "Go to sleep," I said. Dove's breathing got quiet and slow.

I heard the shower running and a thought raced through my mind. I waited until I knew Dove was asleep.

I stood up and laid Dove's head on a pillow. I slowly creeped towards the kitchen and got a knife, walking to the bathroom.

I opened the door quietly and placed the knife down on the sink. I stripped myself of clothing and got into the shower. Peter's naked body was in front of me.


"Wow, I thought you hated me because of Harper," he said. I smiled and tried not to let the hatred show through. He slowly back me up against the show wall, his hands on my hips.

I kissed him and snaked an arm around his neck. I opened my eyes and made sure Peter's eyes were still closed.

I reached my hand out of the shower and felt for the knife. I found it and wrapped my fingers around the handle.

I swung the knife at Peter. His loud screams of anger and pain hurt my ears. The knife was lodged in his shoulder. He gripped it and shouted.

I scrambled out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I slammed the door behind me and ran towards the living room. I quickly woke up Dove and dragged her to the last bedroom in the hall. I shut the door and then checked to make sure that all of the other doors to everything else was shut. If all of the doors were shut, it would take longer for him to find us.

I ran to Dove's room and entered the room. I locked it and started to push everything against it. I held one hand over Dove's mouth and one over mine.

"Daisy, come out!" Peter called in a sing song voice. I started to cry silently.

Peter started opening all the doors, kicking them open violently. The sound slowly started to get closer and closer to our hiding spot. Peter kicked open the door beside us and Dove let out a sharp cry.

I froze and held my hand tighter on her mouth. I stared at the door with fear. I felt paralyzed.

"I found you," he chuckled. It was silent until Peter started kick the door. Dove screamed.

The fear was overwhelming. I was more scared than I had ever been.

The door started to open as Peter banged against it. And then finally, it popped open all the way.

Peter stood in the doorway with a crazed look in his eyes. He stormed over to me and grabbed me by the hair, dragging me.

"Daisy!" Dove screamed. I tried to reach for her but it was too late, Peter had already dragged me out of the room.

I started to get the same feeling from the dark room. My vision got spotty and I felt my eyes closing. And then the ringing in my ears wouldn't stop.

I couldn't remember anything after that.

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