《Sally Face Oneshots (Discontinued)》Cheater!Sal x reader


(A/n: this is a request from

I hope you like this!

It might not be the best since I've never really done anything like this but I'll try

This might also be short........... and bad)

-start- Y/n p.o.v

Sal and I have been dating for just over a few weeks now. I always try to be fun and energetic but I don't really think Sal wants to do this relation ship

So I'm going to get him a some chocolates and flowers! I want to surprise him with something nice, not for a special occasion just to be a nice girlfriend

-lil time skip-

I was on my way back from the shops, I had got sal a little thing if chocolates and some flowers, I really hope that he likes the surprise

I walked into the appartments and went over to the elevator, I went up to the forth floor and walked over to 402.

The door was unlocked so I walked in, it was a normal thing for me to just walk in because I would come over a lot.

I greeted Henry and walked over to Sals room, I could faintly hear something from outside his room, I just shrugged it off.

I slowly opened the door, trying to be as quiet as possible, holding the little treats in my other hand.

As I slowly opened the door I saw something that I wish I would never see.

Sal... was kissing another girl.. more precisely, he was kissing ash.

I teared up immediately, dropping everything that I was holding, their attention immediately dropped over to me.

I was just standing there, crying.

-Sal P.O.V-

I heard that something dropped, I moved away from ash and saw Y/n, she was in tears.

This isn't going to be good.


"W.. why sal? I.. I feel so betrayed... I... I though we had something.."

Between every word she sobbed

She walked out of the apartment. I went to go after but stopped to see what she dropped

I saw a thing of flowers and some chocolates..

Now I really feel bad for doing that.. but i kinda just think of her as a friend now, i was definitely going to tell her eventually that I wanted to see someone else and that I still would want to be friends, but I might of just ruined that chance...

-Y/n p.o.v-

I just wanted some peace, so I went up to the fifth floor. I didn't bother looking behind to see if he was following me, I just.. wanted to be alone.

I got up to the fifth floor and went to the corner of the hallway, near floor 501.

I noticed that the floor was kind of wobbly in a way, like it could brake any minute but it didn't phase me.

I sat in the corner, hugging my knees and crying into them.

"Y/n? You up here? I'm really sorry about before. I should have told you" sal called out

"What do.. you want" I called back

"I just wanted to apologise. I wanted to tell you for a while that I just wanted to be friends, I didn't think this was going to work out any more.."

"Well... can.. we still be-" I was cut off. I screamed, I realised that I was falling, it was a extremely quick fall but when I landed it hurt..

luckily I only fell onto some boxes, the were filled with some pretty hard things though

"Y/n are you alright?!" I heard sal yell

"N.. no, not really.... ouch"


I kinda just laid there for a bit since it hurt to get up. Sal came down and helped me get up, he apologised for what he did, he said that he was originally going to tell me that he wanted to see someone else and that he kinda just thought of me as a friend, I was alright with it but I still felt a little sad about it.

We agreed to still be friends, and still see eachother a lot.

But, I still hurt for quite awhile, that fall hurt...


(A/n: I'm sorry this is so bad!! I had a idea for the beggining of it but I just kinda wrote whatever came to my head for the rest. I wanted to try do something a little different buuut it turned out bad.... like really bad...

Well bye, I'm gonna go question my life decisions...)

Word count (including A/n's): 757

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