《Begging for forgiveness》Chapter 14


Keith's POV

I am currently arguing with my in laws about letting me into the house so I can talk to Cameron. I can see her sleeping on the couch and there is nothing more than I want to be doing than to be sitting there stroking her belly that holds my babies. My lawyer is working on a way to get the paper work dismissed where I signed away my rights. I did that in anger when I thought she had cheated on me. My brother had never once believed that my wife had cheated on me and I found out he had been supporting her the entire time. I was angry with him on the one hand but then I was thankful someone else was looking out for her while I was off doing other things which I now regret.

I look up to see Cameron making her way upstairs again she is ignoring me as I try to reason with her. I want nothing more than to barge into that house and embrace my wife begging her for forgiveness but these are her parents in front of me and I can't. She comes out of the bathroom and heads back downstairs telling me and my parents to leave but my brother asks if she is ok because she is holding her stomach. When she bites back at me because of me asking about her why she isn't buying a support band speaking about having other expenses I realised how much I fucked up. Cameron was never after my money and I should of seen that sooner. She never once took anything from our joint account even when we were together.

I don't know how to get her to speak to me at all. She won't even look at me let alone talk to me. The woman I love literally wants nothing to do with me and it's my own fault. I send my parents to the car hoping that Cameron will want to just speak with me. "Cameron it's just me now. Please just come out and speak to me then I will go if you want me to" I call through the door. I watch as she struggles to get off the couch hitting away her brother and my brothers hands when they offer to help. That should be me helping her up right now. I have missed out on her entire pregnancy but I don't plan on missing out on anything else. I just need to get her to forgive me.


Cameron makes her way outside and sits on the church pew which was next to the front door on the verandah. "You have 5 minutes. This isn't good for the babies" Cameron said. I sat down next to her and went to take her hand which she refused pulling her hand away.

I sigh " I'm so sorry love. I wasn't thinking and Sarah got under my skin. She had someone use a computer program to make photos of you with another man and to send text messages and emails from your phone. I should of known it wasn't true. I'll do anything to make this right Cameron. Please just tell me what to do" I said to her. I needed her in my life and would do anything she asked.

"Keith, you hit me for Christ sake. You moved on with other women. Please just let me do the same. You have already signed away your rights to these babies. Find someone else start fresh. I don't want to be in the spotlight with everyone wondering if I am just back with you for money. I don't want to be reminded daily of everything you and your family did to me. If the woman you slept with when you threw away our marriage were in our house, our bed or coming back any time soon. I want my kids to grow up away from all of that. They deserve to live without the scandal that you and your parents caused. I'm doing well here. I have my business and the support of my parents. Your life is in Sydney" Cameron states. She has already given up on me.

"Please baby, you sound like it is already over. Tell me how to fix this and I will" I reply. "That's the thing Keith. You can't fix it. You can't even acknowledge that you hit me let alone what you and your parents did. The only one who supported me and helped me is Keiran. Not once did he use the media to vilify me. Not once did he speak about me to the media even though he has known where I was from the beginning. In fact he helped get me out of Sydney when you threaten me. Don't you see Keith? I'm not what you want or need anymore. I'm just a pregnant woman with a business to run from a small town. You even said yourself, you belong with someone like Sarah" Cameron said.


I dropped down to my knees in front of Cameron looking into her eyes. Those eyes that I fell in love with "I'm begging you baby please give me another chance. I'll get help I swear. I will never ever raise my hand to you again. I am so sorry and I will spend the rest of my life telling you that every day. If you never want to see my parents again I will do that. I'm begging you Cameron please give me a chance" I say. I am almost in tears, I treated this woman like trash and she hasn't once come out and said anything against me.

I knew I had been wrong and I needed her to see I was going to be better for her and our babies. "Your 5 minutes are up Keith. Please for the sake of my babies, go home. I need to remain calm. The stress isn't good and you and your parents are bringing me stress. I don't want the media to find me so please go back to Sydney" Cameron says before trying to stand up. I try to help but she won't let me.

"Keiran can you please help?" she calls out and my brother comes out helping her up. "Go home Keith" she says before she walks inside. "Keith you owe her this much. You hurt her a lot and she just wants to focus on her pregnancy and getting her business in a great position so she can take a few weeks off once the babies are born. Take our parents and go, you all caused more than enough damage" Keiran says before he goes inside.

"Fuck. I promise you Cameron I'm not going to give up on you or our twins" I call out before heading out to the car. I would take my parents home and then come back to win my wife back and get my family that I so desperately wanted to be part of.

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