《Begging for forgiveness》Chapter 3


Cameron's POV

July 2005

I can't believe today is my first scan, to say I'm excited is an understatement. My dad took the day off work and was going to come with me and my mum to the scan.

Time had flown by and my business was doing well. I had hired a lawyer to deal with Keith and the legal stuff so I wouldn't have to and within the week of hiring my lawyer I had my first lot of papers from Keith stating that he would not be financially responsible for any child I was to give birth to. I instructed my lawyer that I wanted amendments made that he would not seek custody of any children I was to birth at all and I would agree to taking no financial support for myself or my child. Within the hour of asking it came back with him agreeing. I was hurt by that but I didn't dwell on it at all. I had to just get on with my life.

My business was doing well and I ended up employing two teenagers to help out after school a few afternoons and Saturdays. I opened up my orders and my business had taken off. I was getting in more stock weekly to keep up with demand and on Sundays mum and I had stalls at the different farmers markets in different towns. I was selling my prints and tie dyed babies clothes which were a hit. Monday and Tuesday were now my weekends. I had so many orders to pack and ship that the girls I employed would literally pack the orders 2 afternoons a week for me and on Saturdays Tammy would help with the printing while Sage would pack the clothes into crates and into my brothers ute so we could transport them to the market on Sunday morning sometimes leaving at 4am to get there and set up by 7 when the markets started. It's was hard work but I knew I would need to slow down once the baby arrived so I had to make money and get established now.


I kept in contact with Keiran through text and he was happy that my business was taking off. I had offered to pay him back for the moving cost of my equipment but he wouldn't have it at all. Him and I never talked about Keith and I was thankful for that. It was hard enough seeing him on different magazines with his new girl each week.

The police had settled out of court for the assault against me with Keith agreeing to seek help for anger issues and to stay away from me. His mother and father sprouted to the media that I had made it all up and therefore the police had dropped the case. They also publicly disowned the baby I was carrying saying it was a bastard child and I had tricked there son into marry me stating I was pregnant when I wasn't which was a lie. They also went on to say they didn't believe I was actually pregnant at all and that I had made it all up just to try to keep Keith to use him for his money. I ultimately didn't care anymore. I didn't want toxic people in my life nor the life of my baby.

No one knew where I was expect for Keiran and he had sworn to keep my location secret from his family and the media. I had returned to using my maiden name and being a little town off the beaten track most people wouldn't think to look for me here. It helped that no one knew I grew up here at all. We had kept that private to protect my family for the media's attention.

We were on our way to John Hunter hospital which is where I would give birth to my baby. I was going to have my 12 week scan today and meet the midwife team who would be in charge of my pregnancy. They were a group of 5 midwives who would oversee the pregnancy and one of them would deliver my baby. I had wanted a natural water birth if I could. I had been reading about calm birthing and I wanted to try it at least. I was the one in charge now and I could do what I wanted without having to get approval from anyone. I also didn't have to worry about the media following me while I was in labour anymore. It was an hour and a half drive from my parents place in Elizabeth beach but I'm sure there would be plenty of time to get to the hospital when the time came.


We parked the car and headed into the maternity area me looking around taking everything in. First I would meet the midwives then I would get my scan. I checked in with the midwives giving them medical history of myself and they took my weight and height, blood pressure the date of my last period and spoke to me about what sort of birth I wanted. They asked who would be my support person and I informed them that it would be my mum and dad and my brother was a backup person. They asked about the father and I informed them he wasn't on the scene. I didn't go into to much detail but I asked that my records remain private as there was a risk of the father finding me. They assured me that they followed strict privacy policies and my records would be sealed. I met Lucy and Beth two of the midwives in the group and learnt that Jane, Cassidy and Tara were the other three in the group. We scheduled my next on-site appointment for after the 20 week scan. The 16 week check up could be done at my local maternal clinic in Forster which was run by the midwives so I wouldn't have to travel before I was sent down for my first ultrasound.

When my name was called mum, dad and I headed into the room and I hoped on the table. The girl Claire was lovely and bubbly which made me more excited to see my baby for the first time. She lifted my shirt and put the cold gel on my stomach before she got to work. "So do twins run in the family?" She asked. There on the screen was two babies not one.

Mum squeezed my hand as a tear run down my face. My babies were on the screen and I couldn't be happier seeing them. "Umm sorry what?" I asked. I could see two babies on the screen but it was still a shock. Claire laughed and explained she would need to let my midwife team know. She took the measurements and confirmed I was due early February next year before she printed out some shots of my babies for me. "I'm having twins" I whispered to myself. "My little girls is having two babies" my dad said before we all laughed together.

We had to head back to the midwife team and discuss the risks and possibly send me to the doctor for some of my future appointments. Twins meant it could be a high risk pregnancy. I learnt I was having fraternal twins meaning I could have two girls, two boys or a boy and a girl. I didn't really care as long as they came out healthy. I would love them no matter what. Once finished we headed back home to tell my brother the good news.

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