《Just Five Times》CHAPTER - 3


January 21, 2017.

Entry 2.

Justin Alexander. Bully and Sadist. As much as I have come to gather so far, Justin enjoys seeing others' misery, hence sadist. Maybe he is mentally ill and needs treatment. Well if that is the case, then I don't care. Sorry, I am just way past the point of feeling sorry for him.

Maybe before I'd have said he was a normal boy. A regular jock in a high school. He goes to school. He plays football. Flunks his classes. Skips school. Then why did he act out? Why did he do what he did? There has to be some reason, there is always a reason for everything in life. His reason I would never find out. No one else will either, not if I have something to do with it. The only way someone else would find out is if Justin confessed in his secret diary. Much like mine.

For all the things he has done and put others through, he ought to be trembling in his shoes at the slightest of sounds made by the smallest of kittens. I have been around for a long time. Born and brought up in this town. When I say I am sure of something, I know I am. This time I am sure that Justin Alexander is a murderer.

It was the fourth of July. A party hosted by Oliver Gardner, was being attended by most of the student population of Westwood High. Justin Alexander just so happened to be gracing the party goers with his presence.

Today, he wasn't there to have fun and drink the night away, not today. Today he was a man with a mission. He stood at the corner of the living room surveying the scene before him with keen eyes. He was looking for someone.


His eyes stopped wandering, seeming to have spotted who he was looking for amongst the crowd of sweaty people. He followed his target, Jamie Samuel up the stairs to the first floor.

Jamie went into a room alone. He probably thought so. He turned around after he heard the lock clicking in place.

The next day Jamie Samuel was found dead in Oliver Gardner's house due to drug overdose.

I was there. I was there all through watching from the cracks in the closet as the scene played out right in front of my eyes. I know that I will never forgive myself for not doing anything that fateful night.

Justin is a murderer. Jamie will be avenged. I promise that. It is the least I could do after everything that had happened. I will make him regret the day he was born.


. . . . .

January 28,2018.

As soon as I had entered school, I could tell something was different. Something had happened. The last time the school had been this hyped up was the day after Finch's murder. There were sad faces all through the school. The murmurs and whispers never stopped.

I sat in my last class that day. I had not paid any attention at all the whole day. I was caught up in my very own roller coaster of emotions.

"Did you hear what happened?", Remi asked her friend.

I leaned back in my seat trying to catch more of their conversation.

"No, the whole school has been talking about it. They refuse to tell me. I asked like so many people till now. They just make up lame excuses", I heard her friend replying to Remi.

"Obvi no one would tell you. Yesterday Justin was murdered in his own house."



"Shh keep it down, will you?"

"You mean Justin Alexander, the football captain?"

"Yes him. They said he was found dead with a slit across his throat. They even found a note next to him. It said 'I am sorry'."


"Wait let me finish. They tried to identify the handwriting to catch the killer. The twist was that it was his own handwriting. The killer made him write it before he slit his throat. And guess what? It was written in blood red."

"You can never be sure of such gossip. Where did you hear all this from? It could be false you know."

"It can't be. It came yesterday night at around midnight in the news."

"They put such crucial info in the news?"

"Usually they don't, but there is this new reporter who somehow gets her hands on all kinds of information from celebrities to murders."

Their gossip was interrupted as the teacher entered the classroom. I sat still not knowing what was going on. How I had missed such news in this school was beyond me. This was probably why all the teachers and students seemed to be shaken up.

I had missed this piece of information. But the news of a young boy going missing had reached me. Probably because it has been a few days since that has happened.

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