《~Trust Me ~》Chapter 18


Its been two years since my sunshine left me alone in this black hole. I have lost control over myself. I could never move on. But also I dread her moving on and loving someone else the way she loved me. I want her all to myself. Her being in someone else arms makes me loose my cool.

Her parents talks to me often now. At first they refused to stay in contact with me but with my persistence I won them.

Negative thoughts did cross my mind many times but I know one thing for sure. My Sophie is a fighter. She is somewhere safe and sound. Deep down I know that Sophie's parents know of her whereabouts because she will never worry them too much.

But I donot have enough guts to ask them and I would never want to break her trust in them.

Its not just one PI now but an entire agency. Unfortulately, they still have no clue of where she is. Its like she wiped off her existence from earth.

My company did go in losses at first but then I realised that I now need to do better than before. For my Sophie. Because I know wherever she is, she will be proud of me. With no family to come to at night I became a workaholic. Nobody's there to take care of my meals now. And I miss her a lot. I miss her everyday.

I changed my house and have now shifted to a penthouse near my office. I can't afford to live in our home without her.

Just as I was about to head to my office my phone rang.

"Sir, we have found Mrs Smith."

And just then I recieved an article.

My Sophie was in a small village near Santa Fe which was now no longer a village.


"Dr Sophie Williams, a non resident of Woodslock, a village near Santa Fe has done extraordinary. In just six months of her tenure of a village head she has transformed the village to such an extent that the council have decided to turn it to a town.

Here are some pictures of Dr Williams with the locals. She surely is an inspiration to all the women out there."

My Sophie was helping people like she always did. There were several pictures of Sophie treating people and others in the village office engrossed in her work.

She looked as beautiful as before.

My first instinct was to call my parents and Sophie's parents but then I decided against it. I need to get her first.

"Schedule my flight to Santa Fe in an hour."

I quickly took a bath and rushed to the airport but not before collecting the most important thing. Our wedding band. I never removed it. But I just hope she hasn't moved on.

She loved me too much. She won't.

I couldn't wait any longer to see my angel.

This five hours flight from New York to Santa Fe was like five years. The excitement to see her face was beyond words. I wanted to touch her, to feel her in my arms and drown in her eyes. There were several questions in my mind and doubts too. One thing was for sure that it was going to take a hell lot of work to convince her to come back. Because she is as adamant as anyone could be.

It was an hour drive from Santa Fe to Woodslock. When I reached Woodslock, I felt as nervous as a high school boy asking his crush out for a date.

Locals told me that she is in the hospital. She has become more of a workaholic then I am. As I walked inside I could feel my heart just about to burst out of my ribcage.

And then amidst the hospital smell her smell hit me. She was here. Just near me.

I saw her inside her cabin talking to a little boy with a smile which could lighten up my whole day.

I finally saw her near me.

And all the emotions came rushing back to me again.

And the emotion that empowered all was.


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