《~Trust Me ~》Chapter 8


Finally composing myself I looked at Thomas and asked him.

"Thomas, where do I sign?"

Thomas looked at him again. It seemed that more than us he was trying to save our relationship.

"Xander, are you sure?"

Was he sure? Was he really going to give up on me? Will he really forget all our memories? Will I be able to forget them?

I knew my answer. I could never forget the memories. I am going to cherish them forever. Even if I have a chance to forget him I will never do that. Though it will pain but I will still keep him in my heart.

Will I regret it?

I won't. Because at one point of time it made me happy.

After he signed he pushed the papers in front of me.

This was it. I would no longer be Mrs Smith now. I will no longer be his wife now. Should I just tell him that those photos are fake. Do I really have to do this?

He doesn't trust you.

Looking at Thomas I gave him a big smile again and wiggled my eyebrows trying to lighten his mood. I didn't want him to be sad because of me.

Giving me a sad smile Thomas showed me my name.

I finally signed and the ache increased.

"Am I finally single now? There is no going back right?"

I asked Thomas trying to be as enthusiastic as possible though I was breaking from inside.

Smile does hide pain.

"Like you respected a commitment."

Did I not respect a commitment? I vowed to trust you and love you all my life and I will still do.

"I will scan the documents and send it to the court."

I need to get out of here now. I can't stay here any longer. For the first time I felt suffocated being near him. His presence like other times wasn't calming me down. Instead it was intensifying my anxiety.


"Thomas, can you please do that asap."

I had to get out of here. I was close to breaking down.

"Thomas, I need these papers to be finalised in fifteen minutes."

I kept looking at my hand tracing the patterns trying to calm myself down. They say that the patterns in your hand determine your fate. Was there no line of love in my hand?

"Its done now. You both are officially divorced."

I kept trying to sink the information in. I just wanted to get up and leave. But I couldn't control myself.

"Thomas, what was the reason given for divorce."

Thomas looked at me and gave me a sad smile again.


And then I couldn't control myself. I didn't want Thomas, my parents, my in-laws, my friends to think that I was a cheater. Well my husband, he is no longer my husband now.

"Do you belive it Thommy?"

I couldn't help it now. I finally broke down. Thomas got up from his seat and hugged me tight.

"I don't Sophie. I trust you."

If Thomas, whom I had known for only six years could trust me then why can't my husband, my lover, my life did not? Why was it so hard for him? Why did he have to question my love?

"I have a request Thomas. Will you do it for me?"

I knew my brother trusted me. So I will do it for my family. I stood up and opened the folder which had photos of me with different men or that is what he thought.

"I want you to investigate all these photographs Thommy. I can bet my life on it that these are either morphed or its not me in these photographs."

I knew Thomas believed me. And I wanted to prove my innocence to him, to Clara. I wanted Stephen to know that his aunt was not a cheater.


That she never lied. That she was always faithful to her husband.

"I want my friends and family to know Thommy that I can never cheat. That I am not the kind of person they are potraying me to be."

And after that I could not control myself and I finally broke down. I did not care about the world in front of me. I did not care about anyone watching me. I just sat there crying.

And finally I looked at him and took in all his features for one last time. And for the first time I felt hatred for him. He broke me.

Kissing Thomas on the cheek, I took my bag and left.

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