《"I Love You" (Franky x Reader)》Part 6: Goodbye


>When you were ready you too climbed in, only to be scooped closer to Franky. He kissed your head and tightened his arms around you. "Good night (Y/n)." He smiled and you smiled too, relaxing. "Good night, love."

You woke up, wrapped into warm embrace of Franky's arms. You smiled little as you opened your eyes and found Franky's peaceful expression in front of you. Smiling softly you tried to get up, quietly so that you wouldn't wake up your sleepy boyfriend. You were moving his arms and about to raise from bed, when he wrapped his big arms around your waist again and grunted little, making you fall back to the bed and giggle.

"Where do you think you're going?" He chuckled slightly kissing your shoulder. You giggled and turned around, lying on his chest and looking into his drowsy eyes. "Morning, love." He smiled to you and kissed your lips sweetly. "Morning beautiful, now don't avoid my question an answer it." He looked at you, faking pout. Giggling you leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"Well, i was going to get you something to eat, but since you were so hasty, i really had no other choice but to stay here." Franky chuckled as he looked at you and smirked then. "Well, why don't i eat you?" He rolled you two around so that he had you pinned between him and the bed. You giggled but you were quickly silenced by Franky's lips on yours. You sneaked your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you, as he leaned to his elbows, trying to keep himself from falling on top of you.

Franky slid his hand under your shirt and caressed your side, sending shivers down your spine. You sighed little, not wanting to stop, but also knowing that the rest of the crew was in the same room, made continuing bit problematic. You took hold of Franky's arm and whined little. "We can't.." He looked at you little surprised. "Why not?" You nodded your head towards the sleeping crew. "Umm... let me think, the whole crew is here." He chuckled lowly next to your ear and kissed your neck. "We can be quiet." You punched his arm playfully but smiled right after and and kissed his lips passionately.


"NOPE!" Sanji jumped up from his bed and walked out of the room, along side with everyone else, except Luffy, who was still sleeping soundly. "Please don't do anything while we're still in this room!" Usopp walked past your and Franky's bed, while covering his eyes and blushing madly. You blushed and hid your face to the crook of Franky's neck, while he just chuckled and looked as the crew walked to the main hall. "Sorry guys!" He then glanced at their captain, before turning to look at your blushing form. "Well, i guess we should go eat something else too." You giggled little and nodded. "Yeah maybe better that way."

You two got out of bed and changed clothes, before going to see if there was anything to eat. As you two arrived to the table, George and the rest of the crew were sitting around it already, eating. You smiled to them and then turned to look at George. "Good Morning." He smiled to you and nodded. "Good morning, did you guys sleep well?" Franky nodded and took hold of your hand, before leading you to the table. "Yeah, we slept okay." You looked at Franky and nudged his side, before whispering to him. "Stop being rude, you already have me and i turned him down, so leave him be." Franky glared at George, but turned then to look at you and nodded. "Alright."

The morning went on normally and when Luffy had also woken up and eaten enough to get the day started, he got up from the table and looked at the crew. "Okay guys, it seems that we're able to leave today. So pack your stuff and let's get going." You smiled to Franky and kissed his cheek, before looking at Gorge, who's expression seemed more than disappointed.

You got up from your seat and walked over to George. "Hey there buddy, everything alright?" He turned to look at you and smiled slightly, before turning back to the table. "It's just weird to think that i might not see you ever again." You felt your heart sink as you listened to his words. "Well, you know, this doesn't have to be the last time we see each other."


He turned to look at you, eyes full of hope. "But... Franky isn't too found of me, i bet he wouldn't like it that much." You rolled your eyes and sat down next to George. "He just seems mean now, because he's acting like it, but i bet that the next time we see each other, it's going to be all good." He smiled softly and hugged you. "I'm going to miss you." He smiled as you hugged him tighter. "I'm going to miss you too (Y/n). Just... be safe." You two parted and you got up from your seat. "I'm going to pack my things and then we'll probably start leaving soon. George nodded and got up also, starting to clean the table. "I'll come see you off."

When everyone was ready, they started to head towards the ship. George was walking next to you, and Franky on your other side, holding your hand. "So where are you guys heading next?" You shrugged and looked at Franky. "Do you know?" He turned to look at you and thought for little while. "Actually, we're heading towards New World, but we won't get there without going through Fisman Islands." George listened, nodding his head as he did so. "But that means you need to go to Sabaody Archipelago, to get the coating." He looked at the two of you concerned, but you just smiled to him. "It's alright, these guys know what they're doing and i'm capable to take care of myself." You smiled to George, trying to assure him.

Before you noticed it you were all next to Thousand Sunny. The rest of the crew had already went into the ship but you were still standing at the docks. "So this is it then, you're really leaving? New World is really dangerous place, you know?" George took hold of your hand and looked into your eyes. You could already feel Franky glaring at George, but you didn't really care, he was your friend after all, and like he had said, there was chance you wouldn't see him ever again.

"Yes, i'm really going, and i do know it's dangerous, but..." You turned to look at the ship, smiling. "...i'm not alone." You then turned to look at George and smiled to him, before leaning closer and kissing his cheek. "I'll see you someday." He hugged you tightly, smiling little while trying to keep the tears from falling. "I hope so." You guys then parted and you started to walk towards the ship.

While you walked you saw something you were more than happy to see, your new family. The whole crew was waiting for you at the end of the stairs as you climbed up. When you got there you were attacked by Franky's warm embrace. "Are you alright, Angel?" You kissed him softly and nodded. "Yeah, okay enough." He then took your hand into his large one and you two walked over to the railing and saw Gorge still standing there. Franky wrapped his arms around your waist as the rest of the crew waved to him their last goodbyes, before going and getting the ship ready to leave. You and Franky on the other hand, stayed there looking at George till the ship left the docks.

Oh if you guys just had known what was going to happen to you all.

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