《The BatBoys : get a sister (complete)》Chapter 4


I wake up. I look at the time and see it is 7:00 in the mor morning. Well no going back to sleep now. I get up and go to my bathroom. I take a shower. I go to my closet. I chose to wear:

Being Batman's daughter I thought it went well together. I bet your wondering how does she know that she is Batman's daughter. Well you see

Flashback to the night

I laid in bed but could not go to sleep. I hear movement. A lot of movement. So I got up to see what it up. I see shadows running to the library. I catch up just in time to see Dick and Babs run behind the grand clock. My Curiosities got the best of me so I follow. I keep walking till a get to a huge cave. I see Bruce with the Batman costume.

"Wooooohhh" I mumble.

I saw Clair looking around the cave so I decide to scare her.

Someone grabs me from behind and covers my mouth. I stomp on their foot. I grab the hand over my mouth with my free hand and push ten pinky down. They immediately let go. I turn to see Tim.

"I'm so sorry" I say "I did not know it was you"

"No it is fine..." the others gathered around "just remind me never to get on your bad side" he finished.

"How did you find this place" Bruce asks.

"I followed them two" I pointed toward Dick and Babs. He looked at them and their faces were price less.

Back to real time

Once I am dressed I went down stairs. Only Dick and the girls were down there. I sat next to Cass on the couch. They looked up at me and started laughing at my shirt. I joined them. Tim and Jason walked down and gave a question look. Babs pointed to my shirt they started laughing too. Damian came down and rolled his eyes but soon joined us.

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