《The BatBoys : get a sister (complete)》Chapter 1


I was sitting in my room when the intercom call girls between 6-10 to come down to the interview room. I got up and walked down stairs. There was a tall man sitting there.

Wait I should back up.

Hey my name is Clair. I've been at the here for 5 years. I'm 6 years old. But I'm told I act 8. This is a terrible place. Now that all that is out of the way back to the story. I walk down stairs and see a man. We start the interveiw and soon I'm called in. Before i could go in there Mrs.Raysel pullled me to the side and said don't mess this up. I walked in and sit down.

"what is your name" the man asked.

"Clair. Yours?"

"Bruce Wayne" he replied. We talk a little longer. I went back up to my room. Soon I'm called down stairs.

"Go pack you are being adopted" Mrs.Raysel said.

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