

Two roads, diverged in a wood—and sorry I could not travel both. And be one traveler, long I stood, and looked down one as far as I could, until it bent in the undergrowth—

Lana blinked. It was a poem by Robert Frost.

The road not taken. She had to memorize it, for seventh grade. Hadn't realized she never forgot it.

Time and time and time again, she had been warned that she was taking a path. That in front of here were options and that her fate was dependent upon what she chose.

She knew, very well that she had not chosen wisely.

She'd defied Angels and god, and science, and nature for something that...seemed impossible. For him. for them.

Over and over again chowing the road less traveled. And wasn't there a reason?

Her hand hesitated.

"You found your magic pen," she chuckled nervously looking to at him.

He looked down at her, somber. "There was never a magic pen."

She swallowed roughly.

Two roads...diverged in a yellow wood—and sorry, she could not travel both. Her hand shook. Angels sang in her ears that should be the eternal calamity of humanity.

Meir was silent. He knew. But he did not deny it. He did not say anything for a while, as she stood, her face lit by the glowing of the floating paper.

A contract written in an ancient language.

She looked up at him once more.

"Tell me one more time."

Meir sighed. "Your heart is mine, and your soul has gone dark. Though it can still be used in a contract it does not have the weight it used to."

Meir looked away. "So...instead, you are bartering two things; your humanity and your motherhood."

She blinked at the squiggle of the letters. "Motherhood...someone could take Lily away?"


"It's more that you will be able to mother to all sorts of supernatural. This will put a target on your back for eternity. Including from me." He pulled the contract back.

"It's bad, Lana. And...I'll be honest...it's not worth it. What this really means is...you'll spend the rest of eternity as an incubator for the strongest supernatural force that can hold you hostage. The grief of having children and never keeping them, will become a cycle you would never be able to break free from."

Lana chuckled, wringing her hands. "That's uh...hell."

Meir nodded. "And it is, very unfortunately the best I can offer you. Except...I can wipe your memory. You'll go about your life like none of this every happened and Lana—I think it's best."

Meir turned around, clenching his jaw. "I only showed this to you because I thought you would have the sense to decline it immediately. But let's be clear, Lana: I would never let you sign something like this. Ever."

Lana's hands shook. Two roads. Two options. To leave or stay. Only one really made sense. She looked up. He'd made up his mind. This was nothing but an act to him. He never intended to make this contract.

"I know I said I couldn't hurt you, Lana..." he croaked..."But I swear...this is the last time I'm ever going to,"

He turned around, his hands beginning glowing. "Things will be better this way. For both of us. This...isn't meant to be, Lana. It's not right. I understand now."

Her eyes widened. His face...was blurring. "I can't see you," she whispered.

He smiled. "You don't need to."

"I'm going to turn you back into a stranger, Lana. We can't do this anymore, Hm? You know that, silly human. Don't you?"


She shook her head. "Wait...just wait, Meir we can figure it out. We'll be happy together, you and me and Lily?"

Meir took her hand. "No...we won't, Lana. I can't fight fate forever. No one can. Just close your eyes."

She swallowed, reaching up, grabbing his face. She pulled him down into a kiss. He let her, his hands resting on her waist.

She pulled him back, and he let her, let her lead him to the bed. She laid back, opening her arms.

"Just once then...if I can't change your mind?" She smiled softly, waiting for him.

He obliged, as he always did, holding her face between his rough hands gently, looking between her eyes tenderly. His features flickered in and out of focus.

"If you want, Lana. But I won't change my mind."

She nodded. "I know."

He shifted softly, shedding himself of his cloak, stroking her face, wiping her tears away.

"You'll be happier," he assured her lowly, kissing her body slowly. "I'll take care of Lily. Wipe her memory too. Everything will go back to how it should be."

Lana closed her eyes. "Hurry, I want to be able to see you. "

Meir kissed her, swallowing her screams as he slid inside her, stretching her.

She put her arms around his neck, holding on to him, wincing.

"You said you wouldn't hurt me," she whispered in his ears.

He smiled softly, holding the back of her head, kissing her. "It's the last time, remember?"

• • •

Lana looked over, her head hurting, her body aching. She got out of bed, brushing her teeth. She looked in the mirror with a sigh.

Her eyes begin to sting, hot tears spilling over.

"Must of had a sad dream," she murmured to herself, turning off the light.

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